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Warhammer 40000 Mod

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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 7:41:29 AM
Leitoh, to add in to your suggestions, the Manta would make an awesome Corvette-class ship, allowing the Warden to move up to a second tier ship. Dark Eldar I would simply drop entirely, there isn't enough to pick from even if the Corsairs and Harlequins are used. And for a Chaos Transport, I feel like "Descecrator" would be a good name for that. Also on the topic of Chaos, we should have four Energy Modules for each pantheon: Khorne, boosts Kinetic damage. Tzeentch, boosts Beam damage. Slaanesh, boost Missile damage. And Nurgle, boosts defensive bonuses.

While I haven't even touched on modding ES, I will honestly sit down and learn if others are serious about this project. Would be a good community-building excersize.
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12 years ago
Dec 2, 2012, 5:32:05 PM
kitryan6 wrote:
Is this mod still alive?

I think this mod is more in the brain storming stage than anything else. There is not a large modding community yet in ES, the game is also new & patches will inherently brake mods that are released too early. I do hope that this mod takes off, the 40k mod for SINs was great. Sadly the mod died due to the modders disappearing.

In-game vid

The mechanics of the game ( SINs ) is not the same as ES, so don't know if or what ideas of design choices could maybe be applied to a mod for ES.
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 3:53:33 AM
Orks are not particularly adept space-farers, and as such, their fleets tend to be ramshackle affairs. Built using anything from destroyed hulks to asteroids, what Ork fleets do have going for them is firepower, typically backed up by thick prow armour. This means that the typical Ork "tactic" of charging forward with guns blazing actually works reasonably well. Hope this helps.
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 5:32:48 PM
The idea of Warhammer 40k in general made me smile. As for implementing it in a mod? I would have no clue where to start.
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 7:39:00 PM
Mr.Spartan126 wrote:
The idea of Warhammer 40k in general made me smile. As for implementing it in a mod? I would have no clue where to start.

Same here, i loved the table top game ( 40k battlefleet gothic ) & in ES the battle system reminded me alot of it with it's Card system. Sadly, my modding skins are limited & i too have no idea where to start.

Its more a need for balancing 40k to ES. Weapons are covered as 40k has torpedos ( missles ) Lances ( Beams ) weapons batterys ( Kinetics )

Ships, well every race in 40k at least has 6 ship classes that could fit in with ES system. Dont know if more ship classes could be added, but then you could easily upgrade as needed in-game but i digress now...

Races, there is enough to cover the 8 slots in ES.

Main problems to over come.... balancing 40k races to ES mechanics. Granted it can be over come just some races would not play like they should in 40k lore.

Speaking of 40k lore that's another problem but a minor one, as some races dont research or already know everything. thats realy a player point of veiw gripe tho. As being able to play with 40k ships in ES would be great regardless if it bypasses some of the fluff.
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 8:31:28 PM
For what it's worth, there's already a mod for Dawn of War: Soulstorm that features ship-to-ship combat, called Battlefleet Gothic. At the moment, they only have Imperium and Chaos, though they were essentially done with Tau too, last I checked. Perhaps someone who frequents the Relicnews forums could go there and politely ask to use their ship models? Might get the ball rolling on this mod.
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 8:47:18 PM
Romeo wrote:
For what it's worth, there's already a mod for Dawn of War: Soulstorm that features ship-to-ship combat, called Battlefleet Gothic. At the moment, they only have Imperium and Chaos, though they were essentially done with Tau too, last I checked. Perhaps someone who frequents the Relicnews forums could go there and politely ask to use their ship models? Might get the ball rolling on this mod.

As great as that would be, i doubt those models would be able to be imported to ES. Models & skins for ES would need to be done anew. I cant remember what format ES is but its not the same as DoW series i'm sure....
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 10:38:12 PM
I'm not a modeller, so don't laugh too hard if I say something stupid, but I had thought both Dawn of War and Endless Space use 3DS Max to make their models and import them? I know that Dawn of War and Dawn of War 2 use a completely different engine, for example, yet assets can be "stolen" and moved to either game through 3DS (Though that's technically illegal, so keep that hush-hush).
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 11:36:55 PM
Not really sure what file type DoW uses but Endless Space uses one of the most common file format for models (.obj) so you can use just about any modeling program that's out there without going through the hassle of finding proper plugins (thanks god). It's definitely illegal to port DoW models to Endless Space. However from what I've seen from the Soulstorm BFG mod, the models they're using are original, so using those should be fine.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 12:28:15 AM
I've actually been considering starting a BFG reskin for the past several days. The plan is to replace every ship, faction/hero portraits, and some combat fx (if possible). Here's a breakdown of how I'm planning to implement the current BFG line with the current ship list:

Ship Type:

Dreadnaught > Battleship

Battleship > Grand Cruiser

Cruiser > Cruiser

Destroyer > Frigate

Corvette > Destroyer

Transport > Transport

List of BFG ship models to be used, listed in the order of ship type. Some slots will be labeled N/A because there isn't a BFG ship model that fits the ship type. That means I'll have to get creative when I get to them...


Desolator Battleship

Repulsive Grand Cruiser

Chaos Cruiser

Infidel Class Raider

Iconoclast Destroyer

Imperial Transport (chaosified)

Dark Eldar: possibly a replacer for pirates



Torture Cruiser

Corsiar Escort


Eldar Transport (dark eldarifed)

Honestly, I don't like any of the Dark Eldar ships that GW currently sells, though I did find some sweet conversions through google using some of the new Dark Eldar bits.


Void Stalker

Shadow Cruiser

Eclipse Cruiser

Aconite Frigate

Nightshade Destroyers

Eldar Transport


Retribution Class Battleship

Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser

Imperial Cruiser

Sword Class Frigate

Cobra Class Destroyer

Imperial Transport


Carin Class Tombship

Scythe Class Harvest Ship

Shroud Class Light Cruiser

Jackal Escort

Dirge Escort



Super Battleship


Kill Kroozer

Onslaught Ship

Ravager Attack Ship


Space Marine:



Strike Cruiser

Gladius Class Frigate

Hunter Class Destroyer






Castellan Heavy Escort

Warden Gunship

Emissary Class Starship

I'll be using Forgeworld models for Tau as they look way better.


Leviathan Hiveship


Razorfiend Hive Cruiser

Stalker Drone Ship

Prowler Drone Ship


The mod will likely be released in parts. 2 factions per release (ships and faction portrait). I highly doubt the mod will be fully completed as this is quite a bit of art to make. I think each ship will probably take around 2-3 weeks to make depending on detail. However I'll like to at least get 2 factions out.

For the first two factions, Imperial is definitely going to be one of them as I've already started on them. For the second, I'm think Chaos, but I'm open to suggestions.

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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 1:15:23 AM
Romeo wrote:
I'm not a modeller, so don't laugh too hard if I say something stupid, but I had thought both Dawn of War and Endless Space use 3DS Max to make their models and import them? I know that Dawn of War and Dawn of War 2 use a completely different engine, for example, yet assets can be "stolen" and moved to either game through 3DS (Though that's technically illegal, so keep that hush-hush).

Leitoh wrote:
Not really sure what file type DoW uses but Endless Space uses one of the most common file format for models (.obj) so you can use just about any modeling program that's out there without going through the hassle of finding proper plugins (thanks god). It's definitely illegal to port DoW models to Endless Space. However from what I've seen from the Soulstorm BFG mod, the models they're using are original, so using those should be fine.

mhmmm, looks like it mite be possible that way then yey. Problem that way is.. well if we in ES have any problems we dont have someone to go to help. Then again we dont have anyone leading this thing sadly :P Well apart from Leitoh now as your the only one with modding capability smiley: redface

As for your main post Leitoh, i dont know what i could do to thank you for such a thing. i dont know maybe a get a gift on steam or something smiley: confused Speaking of that, dont like the Dark Elder... make them in to the Dark Eldar Pirates as they only have two ship classes anyway in ES :P
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12 years ago
Oct 8, 2012, 3:25:20 PM
Dark Mechanicus... You know you want to. smiley: wink

PS, this is an awesome idea! Keep it up!
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 8:39:18 AM
Romeo wrote:

While I haven't even touched on modding ES, I will honestly sit down and learn if others are serious about this project. Would be a good community-building excersize.

I concur fully with this smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 9:47:13 AM
LocoMike: Heh, I appreciate the thought of the gift, but I doubt it'll help expedite work on the mod smiley: smile . I kind of like the idea of having dark eldar as pirates as they don't seem to be the type to have large battlefleets.

Romeo: Yeah, I can use the Manta, but I feel like it can only be a replacer for the warden. The castellan is an escort and won't fit the t3 cruiser slot and the protector is the tau's standard cruiser (forgeworld-wise).
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 6:08:40 PM
Leitoh wrote:
LocoMike: Heh, I appreciate the thought of the gift, but I doubt it'll help expedite work on the mod smiley: smile . I kind of like the idea of having dark eldar as pirates as they don't seem to be the type to have large battlefleets.

The gift was more just a way of thank you if/when such a mod comes out, even if its just models for the vanilla factions with out any other changes to the game. What can i say... i just want to see my Armageddon Class Battle Cruiser or Lunar Class Cruiser brought to life. Then again you aint choosen either smiley: alder i would be happy with anything 40k to be frank hahahaha Either case if you choose to do such a mod, just wee idea that at least you'll get something from a fan other than e-love smiley: roll
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 8:40:39 PM
Heh, cool. Once I get a few ships done, I'll start up a new thread for the mod.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 9:17:25 PM
Alright, well, not to look like a dictator/jerk, but perhaps we should all set some plans down, Leitoh. You know, who to start first, who does which race, skeletons first, then custom, then balanced custom. That sort of thing.

Dibs on Necron. And Tau, if nobody else likes or wants them.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 3:20:07 PM
i need help on putting the warhammer 4000 mod on i put it on my computer but it every time i try to open it. it tells me i have to download it. so please help me
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