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[BETA] Sheredyn Ship Mod

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12 years ago
Nov 28, 2012, 2:48:36 PM
Hrm, so what 'we' (modders) need - is a modding system that allows us to specifically indicate where engine effects should be located.

Same applies for other effects: Where missiles should exit, where lasers should fire from, etc.

That way we could see some 'proper' ship mods that don't just enhance/add but improve the base game. No offense to the talents of the dev team but the vanilla ships are definitely the weak point. The universe and planets look great but the ships aren't all that inspiring for the most part. Some races are outright unpleasant / awkward looking.
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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 9:30:29 AM
Okay I edited the texture a bit so that it is more grey at all, and made a few screenshots.

As I said in the OP, the textures aren't perfect, so that I'm in need of a texturer to make better ones smiley: wink

Concerning the question of the Colony Ship model, I could do one surely, but before I do this I wanna optimize the current battle ships a bit. I will redo the Icons to make them better visible, and I will try to change the real size of the ships in battle, cause actually they've all the same size there. I have no idea how to change it, so I'll open a thread on that issue.

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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 10:28:43 AM
i've answered in the appropriate thread about the size changes. On the issue you mentionned to amplimath, i'm checking, but if you could provide an output_log and the exact files that make the game crash, that would be a big plus (to not say that would be the minimum to investigate). With the mod's latest version, i cant see any problem.
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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 11:04:09 AM
Nice to see a proper ship mod - we need more of these smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 11:24:38 AM
UPDATE: (Download http://www.gamefront.com/files/22675771/AutomatonsAndSheredynShipMod.zip)

-- Grey-Golden Texture added. Better visibility in battles!

-- ShipIcons edited

-- Ship Size optimized; ships should now have different sizes, thanks to Ravine!

Next part of the project will be to add a model for the colony ship. Some more feedback on the ship models and textures would be nice!

EDIT: Ah, and before I forget to ask, @Ravine, how can I edit the ships representing fleets on the galaxy map? Actually they seem to be hardcoded...

and one more question, what have I to insert as Ship Reference in the Index file for the Colony Ship?
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12 years ago
Nov 27, 2012, 7:50:25 AM
davea wrote:
Please note that Sheredyn is *not part of the base game*. You have to buy the "Emperor edition" at extra cost, to get that faction. From the lore, it makes sense that Sheredyn should reuse UE ships. You may want to consider changing this to automaton, which reuses craver ships for no (lore) reason.

Does it though? The UE are essentially a merchant guild, whereas the Sheredyn are a dedicated military outfit of that group. One would think they would have slightly more focused ships. Like how an oil sheik might have a Hummer H1 or a T-98 Kombat, whereas the military of that sheik's country would have straight up tanks.
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12 years ago
Nov 27, 2012, 11:22:12 PM
I'm really interested in trying out these models but the links in this thread all seem to be deadsmiley: stickouttongue, Are there any other links? And thanks for the effort the images look pretty sweet
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12 years ago
Nov 28, 2012, 1:50:27 AM
shrike81 wrote:
Are there any other links?
Both the links work fine for me. Is your internet provider blocking you?
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12 years ago
Nov 28, 2012, 11:54:08 AM
Just out of interest, does this still have issues with the Engine effects coming from the wrong places or has that been fixed?

I haven't had the opportunity to load this myself.
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12 years ago
Nov 28, 2012, 2:32:11 PM
I'm sorry, but this issue can't be fixed as far as I know. That's the problem of the prefab system, which is great for modding beginners cause it provides all information a ship needs like weapons and engines etc. in one line in the Index.xml, but for advanced modding it's not ideal (Although I'm not sure if I could mod this actually if it was possible. smiley: wink ).
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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 3:56:39 AM
Well, the OP has a screenshot of all of them, but these are not action photos from the tactical view. Unfortunately with the original black texture, IMHO they are not that good in-game.
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12 years ago
Nov 28, 2012, 2:56:56 PM
Yeah that's a good point. I only play with Craver Ships, cause they're looking relatively good (not perfect!) in contrast to the Hissho Ships e.g. (only their Battleship looks good smiley: wink ) or the Sower with their ugly ones smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 8:19:34 PM
Ships look great! But when I tried, they all look... wooden... ish....yeah very much made of wood lol. The pics of them had paint but when I play they look like wooden models of ships… did I do something wrong lol?
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 9:55:39 PM
Can you take a screenshot and post it on some other image hosting service, and then link the screenshot here? Please do not simply attach the screenshot here, the forum shrinks images so much we cannot see any image quality problem.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 6:11:52 AM
I'm no expert, but the culprits for the wooden look of the ships seem to be TitanTexture.png and TitanTextureVersuch.png. My ships also looked wooden until I edited those 2 in photoshop. I made them khaki green, not much better than before due to my lack of skill, but less jarring than wood I suppose smiley: wink.
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 6:30:13 AM
A good start but a few crucial things needed for polish.

The textures need a serious overhaul.

The ships need glow maps.

The emissive areas and hardpoints need remapped to match the hull for engines and guns.

The models also need scaled to match their classes.

Nice to see someone moving in the right direction for new models, what we need in addition to this is the ability to add additional factions.

This is not meant as a criticism just noting the areas that need work.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 7:51:44 AM
Other factions are relatively easy to make. There is an xml file with affinities, that can be modified to make more. And the recent version of the game (I have not had it installed for 6 months or so) also allows, when creating a custom empire, to select an affinity and a ship appearance, so it should be possible to define new ship appearances somewhere too

We definitely need the devs to release a template that can be used to indicate where certain things go, like weapon launch points and engine effects. Even a blank .max file with each point using a placeholder icon, on different layers for different effects. I would download and use this, but the engine points not lining up would erk me quiet a bit. Great job though!
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 8:51:10 AM
There is currently no way to attach ships to a new faction, the data files defining this info are still concealed in the games archives, new factions simply default to using the cravers ships.

And no, creating a new faction is actually not at all easy to make, its quite alot of work, trust me on this I've done it.

But if they even release the linkage between factions and ship you can bet I'll be making new factions with custom ships quick as a wink.
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 4:02:16 PM
Quaresma7 wrote:
Did the Sheredyn Faction disappear with the mod?

Please note that Sheredyn is *not part of the base game*. You have to buy the "Emperor edition" at extra cost, to get that faction. From the lore, it makes sense that Sheredyn should reuse UE ships. You may want to consider changing this to automaton, which reuses craver ships for no (lore) reason.
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 12:57:58 AM
Sounds interesting, but after pressing the download button i get a File not found error.
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 1:27:56 AM
Could you please just upload the file here on the forums?
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 9:32:27 AM
I'm Sorry for that issue, thanks to davea for uploading it on another page.

Gamefront is sometimes a bit strange smiley: wink

Hope the Mod works without any issues, if not pls tell me so that I can make corrections.
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 10:24:13 AM
I didn`t have sheredyn faction ((((

Maybe you can tell how to make the ships were for the other faction? (UE or Pilgrims)
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 10:46:39 AM
OK that's an issue I don't have... Did the Sheredyn Faction disappear with the mod?

To change the faction to another you have to make two changes: First of all open the Index file and change every line like this one:


Just change "Emperor" to "Terran" for UE or "Resistance" for Pilgrims.

This transfers the Ship Models themselves to the faction you want. Transfering the Icons is a bit more complicated. I think the easiest way might be to change the name of the Hull.xml of the Sheredyn Ship Mod in the folder "Simulation" e.g. to "SheredynHull.xml" or sth like that. Then to copy the Hull.xml from C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Endless Space\Public\Simulation to the Simulation folder in the Sheredyn Ship Mod. Open the new Hull.xml and the SheredynHull.xml and search in the SheredynHull.xml for every line looking like this:

Then copy the line 10 lines underneath looking like this

[CODE] [/CODE] (PinnanceIconSmall/Large are the names of the Icon files, so they change from Ship size to ship size.

Then open the new Hull.xml and search for the lines looking like this:


Overwrite the line


with the one you copied.

Very Important: The Command Components like "Small1" or "Medium2" express the size of the ship, so if you want to change the right Icon, the Size specified in the Emperor line has to be equel to the size specified in the Terran Line.

Make all these step for the following sizes: Small1, Small2, Medium1, Medium2, Large1.

I know that sounds complicated, but it's much more complicated to explain that, believe me smiley: wink If anybody is able to explain that better, feel free to do that.
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 12:18:45 AM
Quaresma7 proudly presents:



Because there aren't too many ship mods until now (better to say: There are nearly no Ship Mods existing), I thought it would be time to create one. First of all, I haven't done all myself, so pls look in the credits to see who was (mostly passively) involved in the project. I didn't make the models myself, my modeling knowledge is in its early stages although I'm quite sure that I'll publish them one time. The models are all courtesy of the SMG - Modding group that created a really nice and huge mod for Star Wars: Empire at War (Awakening of the Rebellion), and I got the allowance of the last active member of the Modding Group to use them in my Mod. My work was to convert them to .obj, add some textures, create the Ship Icons and, what was most time-consuming, to implement them successfully to Endless Space.

But well, long speech's short sense, the Automatons & Sheredyn Ship Mod provides five Ships so that the Sheredyn or the Automatons get their own ship templates. They all have their own Icon, only the small ship that represents fleets on the galaxy map can't be edited so far, but I'll try to find the solution.

Please note that there is only ONE set of ships that can be used for Automatons OR Sheredyn.


Here you can download it:


How to install:

1.) Go to C:\Users[YourName]\Documents\EndlessSpace and create a folder called "Modding" there.

2.) Unzip the .zip file you downloaded and move the included Folder "SheredynShipMod" or "AutomatonsShipMod" to the created "Modding" folder.

3.) Go to Steam, right-click on Endless Space --> Properties --> General --> Edit Starting Options

4.) Enter "+mod SheredynShipMod" or "AutomatonsShipMod" (Without ") there

5.) Start the Game normally.

Ignore the Mod section ingame. It doesn't work fine, e.g. sometimes even a working mod crashes.


These Ship Screens are a bit old; now they have a grey and slightly golden texture which makes them better visible in battle.


The Mod should work fine, but there are two things: First of all, the textures aren't that good. They're acceptable as I think, but my knowledge concerning UV-Mapping is too small to make better ones. If somebody culd make better ones, feel free to do this and maybe contact me so that I can provide them to the other users, too! Secondly, the ship sizes are not soo different to each other. I have o idea why, but I'll check that!


As Consqeuence of the above named deficit of my modeling knowledge I'm searching for somebody who has experience in texturing models for this Set of Ships and maybe some more for another Ship Pack.

So if sbd is interested send me a pm smiley: smile Or look some posts beneath, davea provided a new, better visible texture set.


Credits go to:

--> Eville Jedi & SMG Modding Group: As I said, they gave me the allowance to use their models. Thank you very much guys!

--> Choucane: Concerning the fact that I'm a beginner in editing models, he was a great help for me. Thank you very much dude, too!


Hope you enjoy the Mod, feedback would be very nice smiley: smile Even negative feedback is better than nothing smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 4:57:05 PM
Oh. Okay, I didn't know that. I'll change this to Automatons, as soon as I can.
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 5:27:28 PM
I have made a mod-mod. The ship shapes are great, but the colors are ... very black. The icons are hard to see, and in the tactical screen, you cannot even see them unless they are very close, or silhouetted against a planet. I don't know much about textures except for "color variations" in photoshop. So, I replaced the two black texture files with something in the gold family. Also, to make it easier to build the ships in a test game, I added a mod which changes all the expansion (south tree) tech costs to 1 and modified your hull.xml file to make all the hulls cost 1. Obviously the costs are not intended to be used in any real game, but hopefully the textures will be useful.

To test:

1. Download and install quaresma7's mod

2. Install my mod on top of that (my mod only contains my changed files)

3. Start a tiny, 8 player map as Sheredyn; choose "constellations - unique" in advanced options

4. Put your initial scout on intercept; research all the hull techs

5. Build a DN or other ship class by turn 3

6. Attack the various scouts which will have been caught by your scout.

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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 7:16:50 PM
What would I have to change to make these ships Automaton ships and not the Sheredyn Ships, I don't have the Emperor's edition. I am very good at coding though generally, so I suspect that this change would be within my reach.
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12 years ago
Nov 25, 2012, 11:14:22 PM
Any plans on adding a model for the constructor/colony type ship? Because it currently is using the default graphics.
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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 2:19:22 AM
Any chance we could get some screen shots to see what the ships look like?

Thanks! smiley: smile
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