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12 years ago
Dec 25, 2012, 7:12:26 PM
What is the file to change score having an effect on relations and does this mod disable the steam achievements.Cheers.
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 3:20:37 PM
The file you are looking for is "Public/AI/DiplomaticAttitudeModifier.xml" and within it the line containing: "DiplomaticAttitudeModifierScoreTense"

Set Value and Value Range to "0" and "0:0" and score shall not make any difference anymore.

About the second question: I don't know... I'd guess that either all mods disable achievements or none. I would guess they disable them. Since there's also mod's like the "Sandbox Mod" where you can just do whatever you want.
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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 2:29:20 PM

Is there is way to change when a treaty is offered by the A.I.Say I want to stop the A.I offering open borders so easily?
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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 9:26:12 PM
Yes. Just increase the amount of "Attitude" needed.

That can be done in:


You might want to delete the OpenBordersTerm1 and OpenBordersTerm2 so that they won't do it before they have an Attitude of 50 or higher.
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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 9:35:45 PM
Update 2012-12-30:

Version 2.4.0:

Made some significant changes.

In order to avoid abuse, you can no longer trade the following things:

Dust, Technologies, Ressources

The alliance-treaty has also been removed, since alliances always tended to cause glitchy behaviour.

I have also made new designs for the standard-starting military-ships, so the AI (as well as the careless player) no longer build those things that only use 65/100 tonnage.

Default will be 10 Kinetic-Weapons and 5 Kinetic-Defenses.

This slightly differs for Craver, Hissho and Pilgrim as those either start with a weapon or have less tonnage than the others.

Outcome of my last game with Diplomacy Mod 2.4.0 on serious-difficulty:

Download-Link in Starting-Post was updated.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 12:47:42 AM
You have eliminated dust, technology and resource trades, leaving only systems to be traded. Is this because you have proven that the AI players will not trade dust, technology and resources among themselves? That is pretty severe. But, does it also mean you have proven the AI will trade systems among themselves? That seems pretty unlikely.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 1:17:30 AM
Actually the only thing that I found is that the AI does not trade Techs by itself.

It trades Ressources like cracy. Almost up to a point that I considered it annoying.

So I removed Tech-Trading because the AI did not use it, Resource-Trading because I considered it annoying and Dust-Trading because without Tech- and Ressource-Trading there is no point to it. ("I give you 100 Dust for 100 Dust, ok?")

System Trading is necessary to negotiate a Cease-Fire. That's also the only point where the AI does this.

The purpose of this mod pretty much is to have the AI play like a human who wants to win. But if there's some kind of human behaviour I cannot simulate (yet), I feel taking away that possibility from the human serves the same purpose.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 2:03:28 AM
I am surprised that the AI's will never trade tech to each other. How did you determine this?

Are there any parameters you can tune to make resource trading less annoying? I am not sure what amount of resource trading would be "useful" rather than annoying. But I agree most of the trades proposed by the AI today are useless, and occur often enough that they are annoying.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 10:36:02 AM
davea wrote:
I am surprised that the AI's will never trade tech to each other. How did you determine this?

Are there any parameters you can tune to make resource trading less annoying? I am not sure what amount of resource trading would be "useful" rather than annoying. But I agree most of the trades proposed by the AI today are useless, and occur often enough that they are annoying.

I mentioned that I found it strange that they never would offer tech-trades by themselves. As a reply Meedoc (or was it someone else?) told me that they changed something about AI-tech-trading because there was an exploit about.

I'm not even sure it is hard-coded but the parameters in Term.xml are neither described nor intuitive.



AttitudeMalusCoef="5" HyperbolaCoef="80" AttitudeMalusOffset="-50" AttitudeTrendCoef="10"

PriceOffset="0" PriceMin="0" PriceMax="10" TechnologyCostRatioCoef="0.5">

As you can see there's a comment that it's not functional. But I really can't tell if the non-functionality is from the code or caused by the parameters there.

Yes you can tune quite some things about it. Without the modifications I made it is not that annoying in the first place. (one of the modifications is that there is no attitude-penalty for breaking deals, so the AI in the previous version of my mod would always come to break the deal and then renegotiate something else or sometimes even the exact same deal)

Btw. If the AI offers you a one-sided ressource-trade in favor for them, they usually don't even need the ressources they ask for.

I remember the Devs saying that someone external is working on a complete rewrite of the whole diplomacy-code. So I wouldn't put to much thought into how it works and can be modded now. I mostly made that mod for myself to make the game more enjoyable by my standards. Even if it means cutting features like trading out. But I wouldn't mind if an update comes that makes it obsolete.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 4:00:31 PM
If anybody has played the game for a bit and not noticed the nonsensical A.I resource trading is suprising.I hope the A.I guy is going to work on it.
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 1:17:13 PM
The resource-trading actually isn't that nonsensical. When checking the deals by looking at their ressources, it often actually makes some sense why they suggest it.

Resource-trading, while still flawed, to me is the only kind of diplomatic trading where the AI works somewhat properly.

Didn't stop me from throwing it out of my mod, though. ^^
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 4:37:52 PM
I think most people observe the trades only from the human player side. For me, it is annoying that an ally often suggests that I give him one resource of something. I turn it down, and they keep asking every few turns. Or, I add resources to my side of a trade, and their interest in the trade seems to vary unpredictably based on how many I give. They may be uninterested, then suddenly extremely interested as I add more. Or they may remain uninterested no matter how many I add. I don't "think" this is due to reaching a monopoly, but I suppose it is possible.
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12 years ago
Jan 9, 2013, 3:10:09 AM
davea wrote:
I think most people observe the trades only from the human player side. For me, it is annoying that an ally often suggests that I give him one resource of something. I turn it down, and they keep asking every few turns. Or, I add resources to my side of a trade, and their interest in the trade seems to vary unpredictably based on how many I give. They may be uninterested, then suddenly extremely interested as I add more. Or they may remain uninterested no matter how many I add. I don't "think" this is due to reaching a monopoly, but I suppose it is possible.

As i have witnessed, it is based on reaching a monopoly.
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12 years ago
Nov 6, 2012, 4:54:35 PM
Ail wrote:
That's strange. Are you sure that the Automatons had not already been at war with them and you got just dragged into the war by allying?

Or maybe even the alliance proposal from the Automatons was a direct reaction on a war-declaration from the Sophon?

Because if none of this is the case, then it would mean that the variables available do not act as intended.

Nope, no war between the Automations and Sophons. Could've been coincidence maybe?

I offered the Alliance, the Sophons Cancelled all their deals with me and the next turn declared war.
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12 years ago
Nov 1, 2012, 12:29:27 AM
This sounds interesting. Which of these four states prevent travel/attack in the region of influence? If it is only #3, that "may" help remove one of the more painful discoveries for new players. They often ask why the game says "there is no enemy here to attack" when there is clearly one visible. This happens when you are at cold war, and inside an enemy region of influence.
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12 years ago
Nov 1, 2012, 12:49:04 AM
These states do not replace the diplomatic terms. They replace the complex and hard to fully understand Attitude-System that was going from -200 to +200 with it's trends.

A side effect of these changes should be that it is much easier to tell when you can do what. If the face smiles, you can ask them anything and they will most likely agree to anything (if they haven't asked you before, that is).

The Tension state is the only state from which the AI can declare war and it will not agree to alliances or cooperation-treaties in that state. But you are still able to get peace and open-borders.
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12 years ago
Nov 1, 2012, 3:00:13 PM
I "abuse" the Attitude-Modifier for Shared-Borders/Wormholes for that purpose. They are the only negative modifiers I let alive and the value is higher than that of the only positive modifier I let alive.

This way, I can be sure, that whenever the Attitude is negative, there must be a shared border.

Pretty much a workaround for not being able to check if there is a shared border in DipomaticBehaviour.xml.
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12 years ago
Nov 1, 2012, 3:06:04 PM
^~~ Smart move.

I'll try this out and report my findings.
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