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12 years ago
Nov 25, 2012, 1:05:14 PM
Possible bug with this mod.

Agreed a ceasefire with AI but couldn't declare war after time was up. Duration said $value, lasted entire game. Played with custom race that had endless war.

Enjoying the greater challenge this mod provides.
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12 years ago
Nov 25, 2012, 8:45:05 PM
It's sometimes hard to figure out if a bug comes from a mod or from the game. Maybe it's even the combination of a circumstance that usually would not happen.

I can check if I've done something with the Cease-Fires, that could cause that.

Hmm, nope, can't really seem to figure out a possible cause.
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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 1:30:50 AM
Great idea! Pacifistic AI makes game too easy and boring.

But new diplomatic rules are too simple, imho. Is it possible to make check of MyMilitaryPower/EnemyMilitarPower > AgressiveCoeff instead BetterMilitaryPower? Also Approval-Mod Donations will be useful.

And last question: if I want only diplomatic mod, what files need I take from All-Mods? Only AI/Diplomatic…xml or Simulation/Term.xml and Registry.xml too?
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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 12:46:02 PM
I know the rules are too simple.

But as you can see in DiplomaticBehaviour.xml there is a list what things you can check. And there really isn't much besided Approval and "BetterMilitaryPower". Getting the "Have-Boarders" was a very dirty workaround for which I had to sacrifice the whole Approval-Model.

Your idea about the coefficient is actually very good and I'd like that possibility to be added.

Yes, those are exactly the files that I've modified for that.

Registry.xml has a some minor other changes in it aswell. You could also leave it out as it only affects how fast the AI grows weary of a war.

I can make a standalone without any of the other changes.
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