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Rebalancing combat

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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 2:39:20 PM
MacDante wrote:
Foraven if you can, please EDIT you first post and add to him Version info and files to download. Its should be clear and simple. Now file is in one post, change info in another... smiley: smile

I know, that's what i should have done right away (did other mods for other game, just long ago). My new version is almost ready, i'll do that then.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 5:17:56 PM
Please don't put the bar for invasion back up.

I just took it down to deal with the mass expander stratigys.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 8:41:26 PM
MacDante wrote:

1. ACTION: Nano-Repair Systems : should work only for ship/fleet if ship have possibility repair (installed Repair modules) actually i can heal all fleet attacking enemy scout and use this Battle action.

Well, i could do that but that would defeat the purpose of the card; ships with repair systems already heal without it. Besides, the DEVs already coded in a bonus repair if you actually have repair module on. I think my repair changes are sufficient, ships don't repair more in combat than out of it...

2. Invasion on planet can be only done when on any ship is Invasion modules. (now with aggressive AI mod (loser system defense without faction border), any enemy system claim in 4-6 turns wihout invasion module on board.

I'm not ready to change that mechanic just yet; that would require me to change a lot of the modules. Not even sure i could do it, have to check how it work

3. Block system: any scout with 15 strength can block any system (no science in system). I think blockade can be done for enemy when strenght of his fleet is more than 1/4 defence of system. Actualy i spam more small ship and try send to any enemy system and blockade hi science. sic!

I agree, though i think it's something the devs would have to work on. I can only change what is in the xml files...

4. Do something with stupid attack AI fleet on player fleet and use for AI RETREAT card!! It wast a time...

I think it's perfectly legitimate for the AI to do that. The AI can escape blocades that way, and can kite your fleet with missiles if they can't beat you in an extended fight. If you don't want the AI to escape, make sure you blast them on first phase (Lasers are good at this). But that's another thing i could change even if i wanted.

5. Possibility merge fleet when hi end move in system with enemy fleet. Now AI always attack received ships, and hi must retreat and is no war but stupid flight between systems.

Nothing i can do about this. But i feel it's legitimate to try to kill the weakest fleet first, that's what a human players would do... Besides, we often kill their reinforcements that way smiley: smile. Just be quicker to merge your fleets, you still have a few seconds before they initiate their attack each turns.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 8:43:18 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Please don't put the bar for invasion back up.

I just took it down to deal with the mass expander stratigys.

I'm not sure what you mean there.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 11:56:18 PM
Well the main problem with the pople who mass expand was that taking their undefended colonys took up to 20-30 turns with any fleet before the mid game, I made a mod to change the way the defences work for colonys not in your influence so that a player attempting to expand a lot would have to activly defend his new colonys.

Changing it so that you can only invade with invasion modules means that a player will have to tech to a T3 technology before they can interfier with a expanding enemy, and losing an invasion after rushing to that tech and building the appropriate fleet would essentually lose the game.

So yeah, scouts might be ligitimate threats now but no longer will mass expanding players be totally un beatable.
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 12:59:39 AM
Oh, you made a realistic invasion mod? And sadly I wouldn't know much about the problems with mass expansion, I haven't gotten to late game for a while and I've never needed to waste tonnage on invasion modules :P But I like how you're making people have to compromise improvements for fleet production (big fan of realistic empire management :P)
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 1:16:12 AM
I would't call it realistic (Unless you mean by having scout ships throwing asteroids onto the colonists), but more balanced.
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 9:37:21 AM
Foraven wrote:
Sorry, forgot to post it here (it's in the mod Index though).

v 1.00

-All weapons of same type take same space regardless of tier (easier to balance that way, especially missiles).

-Kinetics improve their shots per turn with Ship Experience, Battlecards and Power Modules (Hero bonus not included yet).

-Missiles take more space than the other 2 types of weapons (hey, those missiles must be stored somewhere!).

-Shields are more effective against Lasers

-Changed the stats and perks of most hulls.

-Halved the repair of Nano-repair card.

-Adaptative Strategy card now add some accuracy but less damage (note, damage on the card isn't what was in the code).

-Rebalanced Ship Experience (Toned it down but added Accuracy and Shots Per turn modifiers).

-Rebalanced Self and Fleet repairs: Now the bulk of repairs is done between battles, not in battle.

Foraven if you can, please EDIT you first post and add to him Version info and files to download. Its should be clear and simple. Now file is in one post, change info in another... smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 5:04:36 PM
hello smiley: smile

My some balance fleet ideas:

1. ACTION: Nano-Repair Systems : should work only for ship/fleet if ship have possibility repair (installed Repair modules) actually i can heal all fleet attacking enemy scout and use this Battle action.

2. Invasion on planet can be only done when on any ship is Invasion modules. (now with aggressive AI mod (loser system defense without faction border), any enemy system claim in 4-6 turns wihout invasion module on board.

3. Block system: any scout with 15 strength can block any system (no science in system). I think blockade can be done for enemy when strenght of his fleet is more than 1/4 defence of system. Actualy i spam more small ship and try send to any enemy system and blockade hi science. sic!

4. Do something with stupid attack AI fleet on player fleet and use for AI RETREAT card!! It wast a time...

5. Possibility merge fleet when hi end move in system with enemy fleet. Now AI always attack received ships, and hi must retreat and is no war but stupid flight between systems.

I thin this points is DEVS problem but.... maybe Foraven do it something with it smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 3:58:36 PM
I'll try it out after my exam period is done. Only thing I don't like from just looking is halving nano repair's effectiveness, since I feel it's main problem is the healing that stays on post-combat. Not sure about changing the ship stats/perks/XP since none of them are overly troublesome except the destroyer's weapon module bonus.
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 4:18:08 PM
Dementophobic wrote:
Only thing I don't like from just looking is halving nano repair's effectiveness, since I feel it's main problem is the healing that stays on post-combat.

Well, i'm just trying to make a fix now while Amplitude work on a better solution. I just don't have the means to make the damage healed temporary with the files we can mod.

Not sure about changing the ship stats/perks/XP since none of them are overly troublesome except the destroyer's weapon module bonus.

I'm not sure either, that's why i need people to try it out and see if it change gameplay in a good way. I personally wanted to change the Battleship into something more like a Battleship; i was greatly disapointed when i seen the BB was just a Cruiser with different bonuses (A cruiser just meant to take shot at, not dish out damage). As for the other changes i made, it's to create more than one optimal use for each ship hulls; if they have bonuses in different area, that give some incitative to use those bonuses in various designs.
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 8:26:31 PM
is the possible to limit the amount of missile installed each ship? or maybe different level of missiles have different limits?
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:02:59 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
is the possible to limit the amount of missile installed each ship? or maybe different level of missiles have different limits?

Besides tweaking their weight, i don't see any other means to reduce the amount of missiles you can fit on a ship. At least, no means to do it with the XML files.

But look at my mod (Fair Fight), i did increase the space missiles take so it's much harder to spam them. Also, weapon weight remain constant, so using the weaker variant has no purpose besides cost.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:15:07 AM
there is another way to reduce the power of missile, which is make them one round damage only by increase their recharge turns, but it won't help with missile spam ships since all they need to do is to shot one round, but you can increase the turns before hit, let the damage reach after they destroyed? but those missiles will look like snails slow~
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:29:12 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
there is another way to reduce the power of missile, which is make them one round damage only by increase their recharge turns, but it won't help with missile spam ships since all they need to do is to shot one round, but you can increase the turns before hit, let the damage reach after they destroyed? but those missiles will look like snails slow~

Won't help, missiles still reach their intended target even if the firing ship is long dead. That's why it's abused in MP, you might lose your cheap Destroyers but you inflict damage for sure as long as you shoot more missiles than the victim ship can stop with it's flaks.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:38:17 AM
Missiles are kinda overkill on destryers anyway.....hell on destryers defences are pointless due to the ships size.

Destroyers are your empires sword, good at attack, bad a defence.

So it's best to supliment your sword with a shield........mabey even a shield with nails in it.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:42:30 AM
what if the war ended? how about 9 turn flying time?smiley: cool if you want to live kill them before the end! haha just kiding don,t know that if even work.
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 10:01:38 PM
You can, but they only affect the type of projectile, so interseption against kinetics would would how flak works.

Soaking however might be a good for adding a buffer zone above the standard effects of deflection and interseption.
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 6:39:08 PM
Try adjusting the accuracy for the kinetics first, as you might see that they are more inaccurate then they are worth.

For missile defences, you could make the tonnage for the flak slightly smaller as to fit more of them on a ship.

And sheilds, if you improve the amount of anti-beam hp the produce per round to being more then the adverage beam module can create in a round then you might fins that you need less shields per tonnage to defend against beams.

(I am all for modding man, even if I don't agree in the vannilla game smiley: wink )
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