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A lot of questions about weapon modules modding! please help me!

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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 1:02:32 PM
Thanks Igncom1,

I think I get what you mean, but in missile's case, is the InterceptionEvasion value compared with the InterceptionAccuracy? which sounds weird, or is it compared to any other values? I can't find any other value related to interception?
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 5:14:43 PM
Igncom1 wrote:

I am not sure this can be done, but I cannot be sure, however it is possible at % boosting stats for min and max weapons would undo your -100% damage leaving it at somthing like -90% when the math is done.

I guess you are right, it does reduced the damage a lot, but -100% percent does not reduce the damage to zero, I don't know why, but it's good enough for me.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:53:09 PM
You are welcome, good luck modding!
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:36:32 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
That's ok smiley: wink

The shilds then would have a 1-10 dice roll when compared to the lasers 1 dice roll.

As for the unlikely draw, I belive the defender wins.

Thanks you've reaaaaaaaally helpful!
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:32:39 PM
That's ok smiley: wink

The shilds then would have a 1-10 dice roll when compared to the lasers 1 dice roll.

As for the unlikely draw, I belive the defender wins.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:26:17 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
They can't be intersepted by shields, but they still need to cut through the rest of the defence.

So if I change the Shields' InterceptionAccuracy to 10, will the lasers be intercepted? I'm sorry to make you a lot of trouble, I just really really want to get this...
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:21:50 PM
They can't be intersepted by shields, but they still need to cut through the rest of the defence.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:15:19 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Not from what i can tell as shields have no interseption value.

I checked original files, it also written there all laser modules except the first one have InterceptionEvasion="1.0", and all the shields have InterceptionAccuracy ="0", if I understand it right, it will allow lasers to avoid shields 100%? Obviously it's not the case?
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:07:49 PM
yorkgrass wrote:
I just noticed, lasers have interception eavsion = 1? does this mean anything?

Not from what i can tell as shields have no interseption value.

Thanks again, now I'm 100% clear!

If you still have time, there is another question:

when I added this:

in the BattleDescriptor.xml, in all 3 phases, the damage has not been changed, I thought there will be no damage at all or just a little from AI's battle card, did I do something wrong? or this can not be done?

I am not sure this can be done, but I cannot be sure, however it is possible at % boosting stats for min and max weapons would undo your -100% damage leaving it at somthing like -90% when the math is done.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 2:52:43 PM
I just noticed, lasers have interception eavsion = 1? does this mean anything?

Igncom1 wrote:
Yes, just InterceptionEvasion to InterceptionAccuracy and I belive that is before accuracy kills some of them as well.

so if:

InterceptionEvasion = 20

InterceptionAccuracy =20

with X number rounds to target the dice roll between the missile mod and flak mod could be:

Round 1: 3 E, 5 A (Indicating that that a missile was shot down)

Round 2: 18 E 1 A (Indicating that a missile was not shot down)

and so on.

Thanks again, now I'm 100% clear!

If you still have time, there is another question:

when I added this:

in the BattleDescriptor.xml, in all 3 phases, the damage has not been changed, I thought there will be no damage at all or just a little from AI's battle card, did I do something wrong? or this can not be done?
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 2:23:09 PM
Yes, just InterceptionEvasion to InterceptionAccuracy and I belive that is before accuracy kills some of them as well.

so if:

InterceptionEvasion = 20

InterceptionAccuracy =20

with X number rounds to target the dice roll between the missile mod and flak mod could be:

Round 1: 3 E, 5 A (Indicating that that a missile was shot down)

Round 2: 18 E 1 A (Indicating that a missile was not shot down)

and so on.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 1:32:57 AM
Many little questions, please help me if you know answer to any of them! Thanks to all the replies! I got most the answers!

1.If Set Kinetics [InterceptionEvasion="0"] to 20, will they also have 20% eavsion chance? or it just for missiles only?

(The kinetics are too fast, I can always see some of them are hit, but I can't tell if they were evasion or just deflector run out?)

A: It can be use to for kinetics, if InterceptionEvasion increased, kinetics will evade interceptions, but, it will not evade deflections, so the damage will not change. unless you give the deflector a higher interceptionAccuracy in the defensemodule.

2.In Kinetics , does [NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="4"] only affects the graphics or it actually determines how many times of damage?

(I increased it to 40, I can see there are a lot of bullets flying around, but I didn't see any clear damage increase, caz most of them are deflected? looks like raining on the umbrella!)

A: Yes it will only affect the graphic, (according to my own tests, others don't agree, try with caution!) this number determines how many bullets you will see in the battle, but, the damage of total bullets will not change. either the amount of deflected damage. see example below.

3.How does [NumberPerSalve="42"] affects the damage? is it multiplies the damage?

(This I also couldn't tell, does it related to question 2?)

A: This is actually determines how many times of the DamageMax/Min is calculated in each turn.


If you have one Kinetic weapon, damageMax/Min=10, NumberPerSalve=5, NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo=10:

You will see 10 bullets fly towards target, assume accuracy is 100%, 10 bullets will all hit target unless they are deflected. so if you have one deflector module, deflects 2 hits, then you will see 4 out of 10 bullets deflected, but only count as 2 hits, so rest of the 6 bullets will hit the target cause 3 hit damages, which is 30. so if you change the NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo to 20 under the same condition, you will see 8 bullets deflected, and 12 bullets hit the target, but the damage remains the same! So to sum up, NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo will determin how many bullets will show on screen disregards NumberPerSalve value.

If you think otherwise, please do tell me your reason!

4. If I added [NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="4"] into laser module, does it do anything?

(From what I can see, it does nothing, but is it true?)

A: Same as kinetics, more bullets same damage.

5.So, what does [Speed="1800"] really means?

(I changed it, can't see any difference, I'm sure it must have some effects? the one really determins the speed is [TurnBeforeReach="0"])

A: My mistake, it does change the speed of the bullets, but only when TurnBeforeReach=0.

Thanks again everyone!
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 5:11:16 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
Many little questions, please help me if you know answer to any of them! Thanks!

1.If Set Kinetics [InterceptionEvasion="0"] to 20, will they also have 20% eavsion chance? or it just for missiles only?

(The kinetics are too fast, I can always see some of them are hit, but I can't tell if they were evasion or just deflector run out?)

Interspetion evasion like interseption is better though of as a dice roll.

Setting the evasion to 20 means that this module can roll up to 20 in a round, but if kinetic defences have a interseption value like 20 then who ever has the higher roll wins, left as normal you will only get 1 round to evade/intersept as missiles take 3 rounds to get to target they get 3, thus leading to anti-missile modules to usually shooting 3 per load.

This is how missiles work, and yes you can make kinetcs work this way.

2.In Kinetics , does [NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="4"] only affects the graphics or it actually determines how many times of damage?

(I increased it to 40, I can see there are a lot of bullets flying around, but I didn't see any clear damage increase, caz most of them are deflected? looks like raining on the umbrella!)

the [NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="4"] affects the actual amount of damage you do, the is what you see in the battle.

3.How does [NumberPerSalve="42"] affects the damage? is it multiplies the damage?

(This I also couldn't tell, does it related to question 2?)

Its the number of shots the module fires, each one doing the damage the module has assigned.

4. If I added [NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="4"] into laser module, does it do anything?

(From what I can see, it does nothing, but is it true?)

If you intend to fire more salvos per module then this is the reflection of it, increasing it beyond the amount you are actually firing should work, but is kinda silly to do.

Muke like before, thats what you see, but doesn't actually do anything.

5.So, what does [Speed="1800"] really means?

(I changed it, can't see any difference, I'm sure it must have some effects? the one really determins the speed is [TurnBeforeReach="0"])

SO if anyone already have the answer, please HELP ME! Thanks again!

the speed that the visable projectile travels in the battles, changing beams to [Speed="30000"] makes them increadly hard to spot as the enemy ships explose almost instantly!

but this doestn affect how quickly the projectile actually get there in terms of the games mechanics, [TurnBeforeReach="0"] determines how many rounds will the projectile will take to get to target.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 4:56:57 AM
stasik28 wrote:
By the way, can you tell me what you did to make the turbolasers? Love me some Star Wars

Bah, it was simple: I increased the number per shot to a high amount (10 instead of 1) then added RateOfFire="20" NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="5" in the reflection block. Their 2 ship fleet on 650 military power blasted to bits my 2500 fleet . That was funny to watch smiley: smile. At least i could confirm we can make the other weapons spam projectiles too.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 4:31:43 AM
Turbolasers haha, they don't spam too much, it's just the sheer amount they put on Star Destroyers (usually it revolves around them :P) but firing in a continuous line wouldn't work in this game without some serious information into modding, and I guess creating your own codes, because if you make them in a line with what we have now, you'd have to make their attack speed insanely fast so that they appear to be in a line, as well as increasing their accuracy so that they don't flail around too much

By the way, can you tell me what you did to make the turbolasers? Love me some Star Wars
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 4:08:17 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
thanks, so if you find a way to make the laser shoot one continuing line, please tell me how~ since that was the first reason i wanted to mod weapons smiley: smile

Well, my little test made the lasers spam like turbo lasers in starwars, but i don't know if we can make them shoot in line. I still don't know what priority, BoardSideMaxDuration and BoardSideFireDelay actually do so maybe something can be done.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 4:00:48 AM
thanks, so if you find a way to make the laser shoot one continuing line, please tell me how~ since that was the first reason i wanted to mod weapons smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:50:51 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
thank you much clear now,

so example,

if damage is 10, numberpersalve is 20, numberprojectilepersalvo is 5

it means in one turn, one kinetic weapon will fire 20 times, each time have 5 bullets, total damage is 5x20x10=500

when one deflector has 5 deflectionperturn, there will be 20x5-5=95 bullets hit the ship?

Yeah, that's it (assuming all shots hit of course). I just tried that with lasers to see if i could make turbo lasers out of a level 1 laser... Had a big surprise when the out teched Craver 2 destroyers blasted to bits my fleet :P. Yeah, we need the rate of fire and num of projectile per salve set (to more than 2 i learned), otherwise it won't show the extra shots.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:35:25 AM
thank you much clear now,

so example,

if damage is 10, numberpersalve is 20, numberprojectilepersalvo is 5

it means in one turn, one kinetic weapon will fire 20 times, each time have 5 bullets, total damage is 5x20x10=500

when one deflector has 5 deflectionperturn, there will be 20x5-5=95 bullets hit the ship?
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