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A lot of questions about weapon modules modding! please help me!

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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:20:25 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
1.If Set Kinetics [InterceptionEvasion="0"] to 20, will they also have 20% eavsion chance? or it just for missiles only?

(The kinetics are too fast, I can always see some of them are hit, but I can't tell if they were evasion or just deflector run out?)

Not sure if it would work for kinetics. But evasion chance, in the case of missile just tell if the missile is knocked out by flak or not, it doesn't affect it's accuracy (ie if the missile miss by a mille, evasion won't be checked).

2.In Kinetics , does [NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="4"] only affects the graphics or it actually determines how many times of damage?

(I increased it to 40, I can see there are a lot of bullets flying around, but I didn't see any clear damage increase, caz most of them are deflected? looks like raining on the umbrella!)

The projectile count define how many bullets will be fired per weapon, and yes it affect all weapons but only the Kinetics fires more than one per round. Each projectile will do it's own damage, and deflectors remove them before they do. So to beat the deflectors, you need more bullets...

3.How does [NumberPerSalve="42"] affects the damage? is it multiplies the damage?

(This I also couldn't tell, does it related to question 2?)

It means the weapon will fire 42 shells that will each roll it's own damage (if they are not deflected).

4. If I added [NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="4"] into laser module, does it do anything?

(From what I can see, it does nothing, but is it true?)

Haven't messed with that yet, but i guess you will need to add this : RateOfFire="20" NumberOfProjectilesPerSalvo="2". That way the game know how fast to shoot the extra shots and how much per salvo. I believe if you don't they will still be fired, but likely the extra shots will overlap with the original ones so you won't see them.

5.So, what does [Speed="1800"] really means?

(I changed it, can't see any difference, I'm sure it must have some effects? the one really determins the speed is [TurnBeforeReach="0"])

The speed the projectile travel. Turn before reach seem to apply only to weapons that don't hit the same turn they are fired (ie missiles).
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:02:49 AM
thans for your reply,

speed is under each weapon module's reflection, i just curious about its function!

the projectile per salvo is relate to deflection? why they put that under weapon module instead of defense module? weird

deflectors don't have any interception accuracy value, i guess interceptionevasion did nothing in my test.

it's quite unfortunate, i thought there is a way to make the deflection not 100%. what i was trying to do is balancing the 3 weapons, firstly i'd like make the phase 4 have 2 extra round, which increase the importance of kinetics, and i'd like make deflector less efficient, but i guess it won't happen; then i add a extra recharge turn for laser, it halves laser damage, then decreases laser min/max damage in long range (energy fading), now laser is the least powerful weapon, so i increased accuracy to 0.9 in short range, 0.8 to long range; since missiles are already slow as hell and powerful as hell, onlything i can think of is to double their weight, and i changed turnsbeforehit to 2, so retreat may become less easy. None of above has been tested yet, i just write them down, i will try it tomorrow.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 1:50:36 AM
Why are you messing around with the values! haha. Salvo shouldnt do anything because it applies to kinetic rounds only (I believe, might be missiles also) You should first check the data in laser module before adding that in, and just change that. Speed for what? for turns? More info :P

For the ( ) of kinetic interception, they probably dont have deflectors, check it out next time. If they have 100% hit chance, you did something to it :P

Kinetics reflection, number of projectiles per salvo means how many it deflects. Numberpersalvo is total damage per burst fired

Again, why are you messing with this haha
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