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Battlefleet Gothic Gameplay

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12 years ago
Jan 11, 2013, 6:21:52 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Considering the recycling nature of the Orks, could they get extra smiley: industry per ship destroyed? something like +1 smiley: industry to empire for each ship CP killed?

Exactly as Waylander said, it's almost impossible to add on its own. I had tried to figure out some method to get recycling kind of results, but I think the only options really are the Knowledge Gathering and Dust Recycling traits.
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12 years ago
Jan 11, 2013, 6:50:51 AM
A shame to be sure, But I do understand.

As another suggestion, could the tax meter for the Orks be a kind of waaaagh meter? Allowing an ork player to chose when, and by how much they should militarize their empire but at the cost of everything else.

It could come as a ship construction speed, extra fleet CP, fleet repair speed and fleet defense boost per level, but at the huge loss of growth, science and money, stalling ones empire when you go the higher levels of the waaagh.

But what is the price for a good old fight?
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12 years ago
Jan 11, 2013, 8:11:38 PM
i just thought about the what the orks would have this is what i came up with

big fleets 2/2

cloning 1/3

crowded planets 2/2

deadly weapons 1/3

death before dishonor 1/2

eternal war

fearless warriors 2/2

masters of destruction 1/2

offense first 1/3

power masters 1/2

slow travelers 2/2

spray n pray 2/3

strong alloys 1/2

haven't tested yet but i will very soon sounds about right
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12 years ago
Jan 11, 2013, 11:50:56 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
A shame to be sure, But I do understand.

As another suggestion, could the tax meter for the Orks be a kind of waaaagh meter? Allowing an ork player to chose when, and by how much they should militarize their empire but at the cost of everything else.

It could come as a ship construction speed, extra fleet CP, fleet repair speed and fleet defense boost per level, but at the huge loss of growth, science and money, stalling ones empire when you go the higher levels of the waaagh.

But what is the price for a good old fight?

Ooh, wish I had read this earlier. What I have in the interim is the best "Waaagh!" stand in I could think of: +5% Industry (Up to max 100%) per victorious battle (Thanks to the Orks "repurposing" of their fallen foes' ships) and +10% Food per victorious invasion (Thanks to the larger Waaagh! attracting more Orks to the conflict).

If I get some time this weekend, I will look in to trying to implement your idea instead. Or, if you beat me to the punch, send me a PM.

ghazz wrote:
i just thought about the what the orks would have this is what i came up with

big fleets 2/2

cloning 1/3

crowded planets 2/2

deadly weapons 1/3

death before dishonor 1/2

eternal war

fearless warriors 2/2

masters of destruction 1/2

offense first 1/3

power masters 1/2

slow travelers 2/2

spray n pray 2/3

strong alloys 1/2

haven't tested yet but i will very soon sounds about right

What I have for the Orks (And this is not final, as I realized too late that all my races are totalled between 63-65 trait points each... D'oh!):

Tolerant 1/2 (Orks are pretty adaptable)

Big Fleets 2/2 (Clearly you know why too)

Crowded Planets 1/2 (I could change to 2/2 now that I realized my Ork total is too low)

Deadly Weapons 3/3 (They pack one hell of a punch... When they hit)

Deep Roots 1/2 (They're not the best at getting an efficient colony up and running)

Fearless Warriors 2/2 (Strong combatants)

Optimal Defense 3/3 (They don't pack on all that extra armour plating for nothing... Well, I mean, they technically do, but shh...)

Slow Travellers 2/2 (Aye.. Orky tech ain't the best)

Space Cadets 3/3 (Because they're dumber than sticks)

Spray 'n' Pray 3/3 (Goes without saying)

Strong Alloys 2/2 (See armour point)

Wasted Space 2/2 (Orks aren't known for their organization)

Also, to our more experienced modders, I'll have a question for you later tonight!
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 12:17:05 AM
i disagree with the deep roots because all they are is fungus they can grow anywhere
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 12:19:14 AM
yeah only an exterminatus weapon can eliminate a ork infestation.
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 12:25:49 AM
i think instead of deep roots add

rebellion 1/2

revenge 1/2

spendthrifts 1/3
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 12:14:17 AM
ghazz wrote:
i disagree with the deep roots because all they are is fungus they can grow anywhere

They're also a bugger to uproot, though I understand your case.

Igncom1 wrote:
yeah only an exterminatus weapon can eliminate a ork infestation.

Bingo, that was my logic.

ghazz wrote:
i think instead of deep roots add

rebellion 1/2

revenge 1/2

spendthrifts 1/3

Fair enough, will change.

Also, to the members who are far better modders than I, I was wondering if the following is possible, and if so, how:

Is it possible to make a planet have negative approval for most, but positive for a specific trait, research or affinity? Say (For example), an Asteroid gives -20smiley: approval for pretty much everyone, but one group could have +40smiley: approval for a net of +20? If that isn't possible, this brings me to my next question...

Has anyone looked in to the possibility of adding anomalies as a player option on "blank" (No anomaly) planets? I assume this is impossible for a very simple reason I haven't seen yet, but still, dare to dream, right?

If you have any advice on those questions, or if you're just itching to help, send me a PM. I'm hoping to get the Tyranids and Orks done completely, then release them as an alpha while I work on each race, one by one. That way, I can use you all as slave testers! MWA HA HA! But in all seriousness, it'll help speed up the development while figuring out exploits, balance issues and glitches. In the interim, I will try to keep everyone informed on progress.
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12 years ago
Jan 10, 2013, 12:50:29 AM
While Leitoh takes care of the incredibly difficult task of bringing the Warhammer universe to us in visual form, I figured I might as well go ahead and bring it to us in gameplay form. As such, I will be creating the races, along with custom affinities, traits, tech trees, anomalies and in a couple cases, even a custom Terraforming option (More on that in a later update).

This post will be updated with each and every update I can provide (Expect one every week or two), divided out by each race. I would also like to point out that if you have any suggestions or concerns, lay them out here. I can't promise to cater to everyone's needs, but I will make an effort to address any issues, whether by answer or gameplay alteration.


Affinity: Will of the Hivemind - Planets in Area of Influence gain +100 Approval and +25% FIDS. Planets outside of Area of Influence have -100 Approval and -100% FIDS.


Big Fleets 2/2

Cloning 3/3

Crowded Planets 2/2

Dust Starved 1/1

Eternal War 1/1

Heroic Medicine 2/2

Knowledge Gathering 2/2

Rebellion 2/2

Space Cadets 3/3

Stellar Guardians 2/2

Unskilled Builders 3/3

The Tyranids have plagued the galaxy for a millennium, and records date back five thousand years to their initial sightings. They have a single objective: Consume. This is not done on an individual level, every Tyranid is part of a strict psychic hierarchy that culminates in an entity known as the Hivemind. A fool would dismiss the swarms of Tyranids as mindless beasts, and they would be tragically mistaken. While present in Synapse - the psychic command structure of their species - co-ordination, construction and even creativity are possible.

This collective consciousness makes for a terrifyingly efficient enemy, but also forms their linchpin - when cut off from Synapse, Tyranids will revert to a feral state, killing eachother and ceasing all developments. Tyranids must be careful to develop only within range of the Synapse, or they will be left with a next-to-useless system until a Hive Tyrant can be bred to bring order to the planet.

In combat, Tyranids achieve victory through sheer numbers, and a self-repairing fleet. As a result, wars of attrition almost universally favour the Tyranids. Their individual ships are relatively weak, however, so maximizing CP becomes vital for any modicum of success.
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 7:22:04 PM
how do u get the other races to play as a race u created im guessing u can't but im happy to test anything u give me and help with the other races.
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 7:25:30 PM
My Tau Empire idea:

Tau affinitY:

-20% tonnage of weapon modules, +20% tonnage of defense modules (glass cannon emphasis)

-20% cost of military and applied sciences technologies (fast technology advancement, with focus on military and system improvements rather than expansion)


Snipers 3/3 (strong offense)

Deadly Weapons 3/3 (same as snipers)

Scientists 3/3 (fast technology advancement)

Masters of Destruction 2/2 (offense focus)

Blockade Breakers 1/1 (Tau trade with Imperium)

Diplomats 2/2 (diplomatic skills, maybe Symbiosis instead?)

Feeble Warriors 2/2 (dislike for melee)

Dust Impaired 2/2 (absence of psychic abilities)

Offense first 3/3 (glass cannons)

Fragile hulls 2/2 (glass cannons)

Unique technologies:

Propaganda center: System improvement, +50% ownership gain on system. Cost TBD. Military tree.

Marklights: Power module. +15% accuracy on ship weapons. Cost TBD. Military tree.

Distributed targeting systems. Power module. +3% accuracy on fleet weapons. Cost TBD. Military tree (late);

Coalition center. System improvement. +0.5% FIDS on empire. Left tree (late).
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 7:25:38 PM
Do you mean the AI?
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 7:34:57 PM
I guess, I know of nothing that would prevent it.
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 7:39:59 PM
because i made the orks and tried to change one of the races to them but it dint show up on the list of races to chose from
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 8:12:25 PM
ghazz wrote:
and manoob that sounds pretty good for tau


Btw, has anyone tested if it is possible to make ship modules that affect empire FIDS? Looking at the config files I suppose it is, but I did not have a chance to test it yet. I have a cool idea for Eldar in this case smiley: coolsmiley: biggrin. Can be difficult to balance though.

Basically it's partially switching FIDS production from planets to ships (aka craftworlds). Several levels of modules increasing empire (or system the ship is in if that's possible) FIDS output should be available. Ship spamming should be somehow balanced by fleet upkeep and industry cost. Probably no dust production on ships so they can not be self sustaining. This should be paired with slow population growth on planets.
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 11:14:32 PM
ghazz wrote:
how do u get the other races to play as a race u created im guessing u can't but im happy to test anything u give me and help with the other races.

If you make them as a mod, yes, you can play with the AI to get them to work. If you use the in-game race editor, no, you can't.

MANoob wrote:
My Tau Empire idea:

Tau affinitY:

-20% tonnage of weapon modules, +20% tonnage of defense modules (glass cannon emphasis)

-20% cost of military and applied sciences technologies (fast technology advancement, with focus on military and system improvements rather than expansion)


Snipers 3/3 (strong offense)

Deadly Weapons 3/3 (same as snipers)

Scientists 3/3 (fast technology advancement)

Masters of Destruction 2/2 (offense focus)

Blockade Breakers 1/1 (Tau trade with Imperium)

Diplomats 2/2 (diplomatic skills, maybe Symbiosis instead?)

Feeble Warriors 2/2 (dislike for melee)

Dust Impaired 2/2 (absence of psychic abilities)

Offense first 3/3 (glass cannons)

Fragile hulls 2/2 (glass cannons)

Unique technologies:

Propaganda center: System improvement, +50% ownership gain on system. Cost TBD. Military tree.

Marklights: Power module. +15% accuracy on ship weapons. Cost TBD. Military tree.

Distributed targeting systems. Power module. +3% accuracy on fleet weapons. Cost TBD. Military tree (late);

Coalition center. System improvement. +0.5% FIDS on empire. Left tree (late).

I have many of the traits in common with you, still trying to decide on an affinity. I'm trying to get every race to really play unique. As for the glass cannons, that'll be accomplished through traits well enough. I'm also going to try and get their special weapons in, though I'll see whether or not the game will accept a hyper-accurate-at-long-range kinetic weapon that only fires one round per salvo (Railgun).

MANoob wrote:

Btw, has anyone tested if it is possible to make ship modules that affect empire FIDS? Looking at the config files I suppose it is, but I did not have a chance to test it yet. I have a cool idea for Eldar in this case smiley: coolsmiley: biggrin. Can be difficult to balance though.

Basically it's partially switching FIDS production from planets to ships (aka craftworlds). Several levels of modules increasing empire (or system the ship is in if that's possible) FIDS output should be available. Ship spamming should be somehow balanced by fleet upkeep and industry cost. Probably no dust production on ships so they can not be self sustaining. This should be paired with slow population growth on planets.

Hmm, that sounds really cool actually! I'm still sort've learning as I go, but let me know if that works out, because it sounds awesome. And of course, if you want to bounce any other ideas, bring 'em here!

As for my other question earlier, igncom1 has inspired me to attempt doing that. Basically I want to (eventually) give Chaos the option to Terraform a planet to either a Daemon World or Crone World, which would make every other race hate the planet, but would make Chaos love it. It would essentially give them the option to "corrupt" the galaxy, and add an interesting form of asset denial.
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 1:50:05 AM
i wish i could mess with the moding side but i have no skill in moding at all
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 1:56:25 AM
ghazz wrote:
i wish i could mess with the moding side but i have no skill in moding at all

Nor do I! Just play with it, you'll find what you're looking for eventually, messing about is half the fun.
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