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PlanetSize Terraforming

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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 11:14:49 AM
This is very interesting. Have you tried editing the existing one which works (the Planet Creation) in such a manner that it should work instantly in a new game?

E.g. assuming your race starts with a medium terran, make it so that the the dependencies are medium/terran and see if it shows up at all. The biggest question is if the planet size is an available scope for terraformations. If it isn't, it would be something worth adding as I quite like what you're trying to do here.

Definitely try throwing it in an xml with a new/random name. Your Terraformations already have 'new' names, so that shouldn't be a problem. I had real issues testing this initially as well, as it wouldn't show up. I found that a new game was almost always required for terraformations as well - loading a savegame didn't make them show up as available terraforming options on the planets themselves.
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