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[WIP] "Fair Fight" combat re-balance mod.

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11 years ago
Apr 13, 2013, 4:27:21 PM
I believe i rooted the source of the Pirate problem, just need to test it out. I will post a new version soon afterward once i'm sure the fix works. I will bundle localized anomalies as well since the copy i was using wasn't translated (just need to finish the French translation, just a bit of cut and past needed).
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11 years ago
Apr 13, 2013, 7:24:06 PM
Still testing, but i think it's working. Will post a new version in a few hours, i'm too busy to wrap things up right now.
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 3:50:41 AM
Ok, took me longer than planed, but here the v1.24. Updated translations, fixed a few bugs, tweaked a few AI things, did a few balance tweaks. My tests shown the AI perform way better in this version, at least score wise it was beating me silly. Unfortunately, while i believe i fixed the no-gun pirates, i could not confirm it in game, somehow the pirates did not show up besides the randomly spawned during exploration (those were not bugged). Anyway, i think this is the best version in a while, hope you guys enjoy it smiley: smile.
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 11:19:26 AM
For the next version, i will rebalance the Pilgrim evacuation fleet. Only recently realized how powerful that was, and how cheap it actually is. Also, the game still use the small sized colony ship while the icon show a dread like ship; will change the in-combat ship to be dread sized and have higher hitpoints.
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 12:49:34 PM
It's confirmed, the Pirates are fixed; just ran into a fleet of them in my test game and they have weapons now smiley: smile.
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 1:00:17 PM
Foraven wrote:
Ok, took me longer than planed, but here the v1.24. Updated translations, fixed a few bugs, tweaked a few AI things, did a few balance tweaks. My tests shown the AI perform way better in this version, at least score wise it was beating me silly. Unfortunately, while i believe i fixed the no-gun pirates, i could not confirm it in game, somehow the pirates did not show up besides the randomly spawned during exploration (those were not bugged). Anyway, i think this is the best version in a while, hope you guys enjoy it smiley: smile.

so far no bugs with pirates in 1.24. smiley: approval

did you somehow changed simple anomaly reduction? because i dont have option to reduce negative effects in planet window

option for anomaly reduction was always there, but only with proper technology you were able to make the reduction... now in 1.24 you dont see that option in planet window
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 1:19:49 PM
Memnon wrote:
so far no bugs with pirates in 1.24. smiley: approval

did you somehow changed simple anomaly reduction? because i dont have option to reduce negative effects in planet window

option for anomaly reduction was always there, but only with proper technology you were able to make the reduction... now in 1.24 you dont see that option in planet window

Strange, i did not change anything in that regard, will check it out.

Oh and btw, i'm already in the work of 1.25, in fact it's almost done. But i will make sure i did not add any bugs like that anomaly reduction thing...
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 1:43:34 PM
Foraven wrote:
Strange, i did not change anything in that regard, will check it out.

Oh and btw, i'm already in the work of 1.25, in fact it's almost done. But i will make sure i did not add any bugs like that anomaly reduction thing...

Yeah strange... two games in row had this problem but new one is OK ... so maybe problem is in my PC
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 2:05:33 PM
Memnon wrote:
Yeah strange... two games in row had this problem but new one is OK ... so maybe problem is in my PC

I've seen it too in my test game. It may have something to do with my changes to the planets, maybe generating a new map clear the problem. I will have to investigate this further, but that will have to wait for later today.
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 2:34:52 PM
Pietrak wrote:
Can this be used together with Save the Sowers?

You would have to merge it for that, and i believe my changes in this mod do improve the Sowers a lot. As for their other changes, i have yet to test them out and see what i want to merge in. Their expansion support feature don't seem to work well, don't think i will use it...
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 2:40:58 PM
Is it worth starting a 1.24 game or should one rather wait for the coming new version? smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 3:03:14 PM
Greyborea wrote:
Is it worth starting a 1.24 game or should one rather wait for the coming new version? smiley: smile

Your call, this version is worth playing, the next one mostly tweak balance a bit more. In fact i think the 1.25 shouldn't break 1.24 saves.
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 4:12:51 PM
The more I read of your mod, the more I want to play it. When you mention tweaking the A.I., are seeing ways to make each one play uniquely based on it's affinity?
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 4:30:51 PM
I simple had to make a user for this. I'm encountering a lot of bugs with these current versions of fair fight. They came with patch 1.23 and have persisted into 1.24.

1. Pirates aren't fixed. The Scimitar and Broadsword ships have no MP at all.

2. Planet bugs:

..- Can't colonize planets after research. This bug has a few varieties:

....- Can colonize planet from within solar system, but not with a colonization ship

....- AI Ambassadors can colonize planets, but I, as the player, cannot add it to the building queue

..- Terraforming shows several icons of the same type of terraforming. For example 5 icons of terraform Arctic, and no other terraforming even though there should be.

3. Research bug: As mentioned earlier, bug with Soil Revivification, wont grant access to Extreme Anomaly Reduction.

4. Engine and repair tools cannot be added to a ship, if added as the last thing. It would seem the required weight to add them are not reduced, but when the module has been added, the weight of the module is correctly reduced. Only Engine and repair tools are giving me this problem.

5. The AI seems to be fond of making ships, so fond I've seen it make 16+ fleets of what I presumed was 8/8 fleet of scouts... I've not seen this many times, but it has happened more than once.

A few Balance issues I've come across:

1. Missiles in general. Swarm missiles, combined with 2 firings of missile batteries are just insanely imbalanced - Or at least the AI is too stupid to notice. But I'm taking down fleets twice my MP strength using that tactic.

2. Kinetic weapons are even more of a joke compared to the original game. In the Short Range Phase they do incredible damage, but after the early rounds, there's a greater chance you'd be granted a unicorn in-game than reaching the Short Range Phase.

..- I think they major problem with kinetics weapons lies with missiles being too effective.

And lastly, I'm not sure if this is a bug or a balance issue, but the AI seem to be rather fond of declaring war very early, before they even manage to populate their constellation - In fact they seem more interested in populating other constellations. It wouldn't be a problem if the AI didn't sacrifice too much in the war - But they seem to do. I've two times struggled with very early aggression. I manage to survive just fine, but the AI ends up overrun or outrun by another AI, because it goes all out war from round ~30.

I know this is a long rant, but I hope this is useful information. I know it is not very constructive criticism regarding the balance issues, but I don't consider myself a good enough Endless Space player to actually know 100% what I'm talking about. So instead I'll let those who are more skillful to determine whether or not those issues are a problem.

Keep up the good work!! It's a delightful mod you've mad smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 7:20:03 PM
skumlen wrote:
I simple had to make a user for this. I'm encountering a lot of bugs with these current versions of fair fight. They came with patch 1.23 and have persisted into 1.24.

2. Planet bugs:

i- Can't colonize planets after research. This bug has a few varieties:

ii- Can colonize planet from within solar system, but not with a colonization ship

iii- AI Ambassadors can colonize planets, but I, as the player, cannot add it to the building queue

iv- Terraforming shows several icons of the same type of terraforming. For example 5 icons of terraform Arctic, and no other terraforming even though there should be.

3. Research bug: As mentioned earlier, bug with Soil Revivification, wont grant access to Extreme Anomaly Reduction.

I will also jump in here and say I'm experiencing this as well, lots of number 2, especially subsection i and iii; also, it's causing unhandled exceptions that seem to be tied to the restructuring of the tech tree in regards to the anomaly reduction technologies. Entering a colony screen that has an anomaly before it is colonized doesn't cause any issues, but once you colonize it, at some point the part where it says you are missing the proper tech to deal with the anomaly changes to $Tech instead of the proper name and then it crashes. You can then never enter any colony screens without getting another unhandled exception. I make some additional modifications to FactionTrait and EmpireTraitDescriptor each time, but none of them have caused issues in the past six versions or so, so I think it's tied to the planet size, terraforming and tech tree adjustments you made between 1.22 and 1.23.

Other than that, I felt like I finally needed to post to commend you on an exceptional mod. You really have come up with some good answers to a lot of the vanilla issues, and I like the fact that you keep iterating on them and listening to your user feedback with each release to keep improving the mod. Some people take the "my way or the highway" approach and make a mod solely on their own vision; you seem set on trying to make a viable mini-expansion that solves the issues with vanilla to tide people over until they are fixed smiley: smile

I will also comment that your AI improvements do seem to be working quite well, because even if/when cheating like hell on difficulties over normal in several games, I've still lost Oo I have a lot of work to do on my own strategy smiley: twisted
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 10:14:25 PM
Nasarog wrote:
The more I read of your mod, the more I want to play it. When you mention tweaking the A.I., are seeing ways to make each one play uniquely based on it's affinity?

That is the goal. Of course there is limitations to what i can do, like diplomacy is mostly like or not like. There is hope though, the devs are working on improving this in a future patch.
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11 years ago
Apr 14, 2013, 10:24:34 PM
I'm not sure if it was this mod or a vanilla problem, but a combination of Permanent Perennials and Advanced Industrial Systems managed to kill off most of my empire in a single turn. Upgrade order was AIS > Permanent Perennials, which basically turned Perennials bonus into a negative.

Sitting at 0 Food with AIS, Perennials bonus was 850 and net food becomes -1700.
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