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[WIP] "Fair Fight" combat re-balance mod.

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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 4:28:06 AM
Alright guys, 1.32 is up. Fix the mess 1.31 was (my tech cost changes were not what i intended them to be) and make things more balanced. A few fixes here and there as well. Unfortunately, you need a new game to make use of that update. Should be a lot better this time around.

Note for those who like vanilla tech cost: I doubled cost from GameSpeedDescriptor.xml. To change tech cost to vanilla, look for TechnoCostBonus and set it to the same value the others are.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 1:01:30 AM
Hister wrote:
Dude, when will you run out of steam? smiley: wink

Every time i think i'm done i find something else to fix or try so... Not anytime soon lol.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 2:36:02 PM
Not sure this is modable, but is there any way to change the way planet yields are displayed? What would be ideal would be for each planet to show it's per population yield followed by a total for the planet, so for a 4 population planet;

Food: 3/12

Dust: 2/8

Production: 5/20

Science: 2/8

Something like that. It's really confusing to look at the numbers above the planets and then have to try to divide by populations to really find out what is going on with a particular planet. Is that planet actually producing more science than the other one or does it just have more population? can't tell! too many numbers!
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 7:05:13 PM
If you click on the planet and hover over the FIDs displays there, it gives you something like that. I agree having that available on the system view would be great, although I'm almost positive that's not moddable.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 8:33:21 PM
Bridger wrote:
Not sure this is modable, but is there any way to change the way planet yields are displayed?

I agree, things could be displayed better, but the UI isn't up for modding yet (i hope the devs let us change it eventually).
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11 years ago
May 1, 2013, 8:46:04 PM
Sadly, I did not have time to spend more than one hour and have yet to meet any other civilisation. That being said, I do hope to do some serious gaming this coming week-end.
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11 years ago
May 2, 2013, 5:46:57 PM
Well, i have been looking at what i could add next and there are two things that come to my mind; the mod that made ship weaker as they too damage and the anomaly overhaul... I will look at them and see how i can include them in my mod.
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11 years ago
May 2, 2013, 8:48:12 PM
Foraven wrote:
Well, i have been looking at what i could add next and there are two things that come to my mind; the mod that made ship weaker as they too damage and the anomaly overhaul... I will look at them and see how i can include them in my mod.

Your constant maintenance and upgrade of the mod is great!
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11 years ago
May 2, 2013, 10:39:24 PM
Foraven wrote:
Well, i have been looking at what i could add next and there are two things that come to my mind; the mod that made ship weaker as they too damage and the anomaly overhaul... I will look at them and see how i can include them in my mod.

I'd be really glad to see Anomaly Overhaul in this, was just wishing for that earlier today

As for AI...I'm finishing my 1.30 game so I can only comment on that. The AI seems to be expanding like mad, putting a lot of emphasis on claiming systems rather than building up what it already owns. I think it's going a little overboard, as I inevitably outpace them in FIDS with a couple built up systems. They still don't colonize in-system either.

Fleet composition and ship designs seem good however.
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11 years ago
May 2, 2013, 10:52:42 PM
Kolaris wrote:
I'd be really glad to see Anomaly Overhaul in this, was just wishing for that earlier today

As for AI...I'm finishing my 1.30 game so I can only comment on that. The AI seems to be expanding like mad, putting a lot of emphasis on claiming systems rather than building up what it already owns. I think it's going a little overboard, as I inevitably outpace them in FIDS with a couple built up systems. They still don't colonize in-system either.

Fleet composition and ship designs seem good however.

Well, should be better in current 1.32. But i will look into the colonizer spam; i did increase it, but i may have gone too far and it does hinder the AI more than it help it.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 12:31:30 PM
Claiming all the space possible is the right decision, tbh.

Just make sure the first building is always the Isotope Refinery, give it a weight of 99 or something.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 1:13:12 PM
Aureon wrote:
Claiming all the space possible is the right decision, tbh.

Just make sure the first building is always the Isotope Refinery, give it a weight of 99 or something.

As far as i can tell, Isotope Refinery has a pretty high weight so it's likely to be the first thing built after exploitation. I also increased the weight of all early game improvements so the AI should have the basic stuff built to kickstart it's new colonies.

I was quite busy in the last few days so i haven't touched the mod at all. But today i will spend at least a few hours on it and see if i can release something today...
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 3:49:38 PM
I have been working on an update but i'm quite slowed down by the merging of my mod with Anomalies Overhaul. The problem is now anomalies have been added since that mod came out and i have to make sure the mod anomalies don't paste over anything. This is going to take some time, as well as adding the extra tranlations for French and German. I'm also looking at what needs to be changed balance/gameplay wise so if anyone has anything to say, now is the right time for it.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 6:41:05 PM
Thiax' anomalies, to boot, are not weighted in the AI calculations; So...
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11 years ago
May 6, 2013, 2:11:01 AM
Aureon wrote:
Thiax' anomalies, to boot, are not weighted in the AI calculations; So...

Nah, the issue is conflict with existing anomalies. Several has been added since Thiax made his last version, some use anomaly numbers used by newer anomalies. I'm just trying to not break anything.
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11 years ago
May 6, 2013, 4:56:03 AM
New version going well. Been working on fixing the AI so it's not over-expanding or running into deep debts it can't get out of. Had to tone down it's expansion rate (to new systems) and reduced the expansion disapproval generated by new system as it was too crippling. My plan to include Thiax anomaly overhaul will be postponed for now; i think the AI fix is more pressing and i don't want to delay it too much by taking the time merging that mod in. That mod will be merged in, just not for the next version.
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11 years ago
May 6, 2013, 8:53:15 AM
Is it just me, or does Endless Space tend to all come down to 1 big battle near the middle of the game?

You explore and expand, and I really like those parts of the game

Then you develop wormhole travel and meet other empires, and there's a standoff

You exploit the systems you have, and expand your technology and build your fleet

Then there's a decisive battle - if you overcome your opponent(s) and take control of a few key systems on the frontier, than you're sorted, with more fleet and FIDS than the others. If you lose, then you find yourself with less fleet, less FIDS, and no real chance of recovery

A bit off topic I think, I think its more of an issue with the core game than with Fair Fight.

I'll still set up your new version when it arrives, and play through a few games - I do love the first 50 or so turns with your Fair Fight mod

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