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What kind of mods would you like to see in this game?

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12 years ago
Dec 4, 2012, 6:40:27 PM
Some people might have said this, but from the moment I started playing I really wanted an EVE Online based mod.

The only problem is that the classes of the ships wouldn't match up, so EVE titans would have to be dreads in ES.

EDIT: and if a modder does take this up, extra points for making goons a race.
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12 years ago
Dec 4, 2012, 8:28:26 PM
officerthegeek wrote:
Some people might have said this, but from the moment I started playing I really wanted an EVE Online based mod.

The only problem is that the classes of the ships wouldn't match up, so EVE titans would have to be dreads in ES.

EDIT: and if a modder does take this up, extra points for making goons a race.

Either eve online or stargate! :P
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12 years ago
Dec 4, 2012, 10:03:54 PM
I would like to see a multiple galaxy mod or a more opponents mod. The more opponents mod would allow to have up to 16 empires in one galaxy (or more, having it configurable through an xml).

For the multiple galaxies mod I would want it to be done in two ways:

1. Give each empire their own galaxy (or a galaxy that groups up same races together) and you have to go to the center of the galaxy to travel to another empire's galaxy.

2. Game starts out as it normally does, but whoever reaches the center of the galaxy will get to travel to another galaxy and continue growing their empire.
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 3:04:36 AM
I'm hopping in for my second set of demands, because, I like to party:

Fully developed custom race creator: Would allow the player to pick Affinity (Including several new Affinities not associated with any race), Ship appearance (Including Pirate), personnel appearance, place as many traits as the player deems balanced and the option to modify the tech tree as desired. Race could then be saved to Endless Space.

Custom win conditions: Would add a bevy of new win conditions to the game.

-Colonize Tor would require having a proper colony (Not just an outpost) on the planet Tor, which would be in the middle of the galaxy on every map, regardless of whether or not the win condition was selected. Tor would be a special planet type that had +10 to approval and every FIDS, making it obscenely desirable. Would be the default win condition of Pilgrims.

-Protection would require the player to defend an allied race for a set amount of turns. The race would try to expand and defend itself, but would be substantially weaker than a normal AI race would be, meaning the player would need to defend them. Would be the default win condition of Sheredyn.

-Preparation would require the player to Terraform five planets to Endless planets. The tech unlock would be late in the bottom tech tree, and the act would require Orichilax (I know I spelling that wrong, work with me here) and a substantial amount of tech. The Endless planet would boost Industry, Dust and Science by five. Would be the default win condition of Sowers.

-Every race would have a default win condition, which could be a mode selected from the game options (To give everyone different objectives): Cravers would have expansion victory, Amoeba would have allied victory, Sophons would have research victory, UE would have Economic victory, Hissho would have annihilation victory, Automatons would have wonder victory, and Pilgrims, Sheredyn and Sowers would have the previous listings.

And for a fun listing:

-Survival would require the player to... Well, survive. The player is given fifty turns to expand and prepare a fleet. After that, Pirates will begin invading every system simultaneously, increasing in size and severity each turn. After every ten turns of attacking, the Pirates will dissipate for five turns (To allow the players to recoup). Last player standing wins.
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 4:10:17 AM
What would I like to see?

Races from Freespace (including Ancients), Wing Commander, 40K, Freelancer (Nomads!), B5, Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Control, Homeworld, Wings of Dawn, the works. And toss 'em all into one big crossover mod! smiley: twisted

But my main priority would be the FS races, since that's what I'm most familiar with. smiley: smile

I'll also echo the earlier comment about wanting pirate ship designs to be selectable.

*looks around for ways to import models into ES's format*
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 12:21:14 PM
one thing and only one thing.

Custom Faction AI players.

This game has a relatively solid custom faction creator, and I would just love for it to be actually used by the things I play against! More variety!

And I know that factions can be added and modified (I think), but it requires modding experience, which most buyers do not have.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 9:13:20 PM
lifehole wrote:
one thing and only one thing.

Custom Faction AI players.

This game has a relatively solid custom faction creator, and I would just love for it to be actually used by the things I play against! More variety!

And I know that factions can be added and modified (I think), but it requires modding experience, which most buyers do not have.

I'm not sure the AI could handle it, that's the only thing. They'd quickly end up bankrupting themselves, or playing the wrong gamestyle, or not being able to advance properly, etc...
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 8:20:44 PM
Romeo wrote:
I'm not sure the AI could handle it, that's the only thing. They'd quickly end up bankrupting themselves, or playing the wrong gamestyle, or not being able to advance properly, etc...

Well, you could have playstyle set by affinity at the very least. I would like to fight my own custom factions even if the AI is not adapted fully. If I have to ramp up the difficulty, alright that's fine.

I mean I'd take anything even if it isn't exactly stable.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 8:22:24 PM
lifehole wrote:
Well, you could have playstyle set by affinity at the very least. I would like to fight my own custom factions even if the AI is not adapted fully. If I have to ramp up the difficulty, alright that's fine.

I mean I'd take anything even if it isn't exactly stable.

Fair enough. Maybe we'll see that in an update then?
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 9:03:51 PM
lifehole wrote:
Well, you could have playstyle set by affinity at the very least. I mean I'd take anything even if it isn't exactly stable.
Interesting point. I guess very often, people take one affinity which implies one playstyle, and then load it with advantages and disadvantages which make that playstyle work poorly. But it might be better than nothing.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 9:24:28 PM
If and when the option to make AI use custom factions, for giggles, I'm going to make a race that has "Endless War", as well as every negative "War" amd "Fleet" anomoly. Then I'm going to give them the Craver Affinity and laugh as the AI impotently tries to survive with them.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 9:30:26 PM
Romeo wrote:
If and when the option to make AI use custom factions, for giggles, I'm going to make a race that has "Endless War", as well as every negative "War" amd "Fleet" anomoly. Then I'm going to give them the Craver Affinity and laugh as the AI impotently tries to survive with them.

I'm going to bet you have an ant farm at home..... smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 10:00:10 PM
LocoMike wrote:
I'm going to bet you have an ant farm at home..... smiley: sarcastic

I did once. But my vict- I mean ants all died mysteriously of spontaneous combustion.
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 7:03:37 PM
I have no modding skills of any kind, but if i did this is what i would make:

WhiteWeasels' battles mod

Changes:-Induced a cp limit on factions (not the fleet size, but how many ships they can have in existance at one time as to reduce fleet spam.) there will be techs to expand this.

Base: 25, Tier 1 :50, Tier 2: 100, Tier 3: 175, Tier 4: 250, Tier 5: +10 for every owned system.

-Dreadnauts start with 25 more tonnage

-Made it so that armor and defence mods have a cheaper industry cost than the same tier and tonnage of weapon mods.

-Defenders' advantage: While the defending fleet in an owned system you gain +15% effeciency to defence mods. (+25 for automatons)

-Added hagar size: equivalent to two current cp fleets, can be increased with an improvement. I.E if you have a 11 cp cap your hangars can hold 22 cp of ships

-Damaged ships are repaired for 25% of their max hp when retrofitted

New improvements:

-Docking repair systems: damaged ships heal 50% faster when in the hangar (with a -1 dust on system per damaged ship)

-Advanced capacity: A hangar can hold up to four full cp fleets.
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 4:29:11 PM
For sure a Mass Effect mod. All the different races as factions would be cool, and it would be really cool to include the Citadel as it's own planet in a system with approval bonuses and tech bonuses. There is so much that you could do with a Mass Effect mod in this game. Star Wars would be pretty dang cool, too.
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 4:49:18 PM
I would like an anime mod. Playable characters from anime and anime space ships. There's plenty of anime about space and the ships are really awesome. I WOULD PAY TO SEE A MOD THAT ADD'S THE GECKO STATE SHIP FROM EUREKA 7 TO THIS GAME!! Or add Gecko state as a playable faction and add Renton, Eureka, Anemone, and Holland as hero. But the faction head could either be holland or both Renton & Eureka at the same time.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 7:07:42 AM
I like the idea of a Mass Effect Mod and Masters of Orion mod.

I also like the idea of a scifi-crossovers mod. A way to pay homage to all of those series we enjoy. Just a massive list of factions to play! Where you have several races from different fiction fighting it out.

Who wouldn't want to see the Peacekeepers from Farscape subjugate the Klingons from Startrek meanwhile on the other side of the Galaxy the Predators take on the Wookies? Rediculous! Absurd! But fun.
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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 2:44:02 PM
Not sure if this has been mentioned but the mod i really wish to see, is an implement of the TI3 universe, well this would be relatively massive but nonetheless it would be nothing if not awesome.
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