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What kind of mods would you like to see in this game?

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12 years ago
Aug 4, 2012, 6:29:51 AM
Kretson wrote:
I would like to see a mod which allows me to customize my home sistem (planets types, moons, amount of planets etc.)

(Maybe there is a mod like that?)

I had a similar idea:

A custom "planet builder" mod, where you get to make a custom solar system. How many planets, size, what kind, what resources? Anomalies? Moons? And what star type?

But here's the catch: You can make as many systems as you want but, you get to chose only one of those custom systems to be implemented into a galaxy generation, and it will be placed in a random location in it.

And it will also have an ability point system like the custom factions, so you don't make 6 huge garden of eden all tier 1's solar system.
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12 years ago
Aug 6, 2012, 12:06:09 AM
I would love to see a mod that added the ability to generate more than one galaxy per world. You should be able to specify which galaxy is what type and maybe which factions stat in which galaxy. Travel between galaxies would be facilitated by travel through special wormholes at the center of each galaxy requiring high level technology to go through.

Also, some dwarf galaxies would have no wormhole and would instead require many turns of flying through empty space to get to. They would of course have regular wormholes inside of them, meaning that with the proper technology, you could still warp to any visited galaxy from them and vice versa.
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 12:31:20 AM
Wow! I havn't watched over this thread for a long time and it makes me happy to see that it's so many people using it!
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 4:03:39 PM
Most likely said before, but I would love to see more micromanagement and governments.

Like Gal Civ with different political parties with elections, also would love to see a galactic counsel which could maybe form under a strong mutliple alliance between 3 or more civs.

Personally I cannot wait until somone unpacks the models and textures so I can start playing around with them in Max and PS

Edit: Oh and as far as SDK goes, I would love to have a galaxy builder released similar to that of Sins..
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12 years ago
Aug 8, 2012, 5:42:43 AM
How about a Traveller mod:










THe warp system of ES would also suit the travel set up of Traveller
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12 years ago
Aug 8, 2012, 6:52:13 AM
Codename_Veers wrote:
How about a Firefly (Serenity) Mod? smiley: wink

Danne wrote:
Firefly mod. The Firefly universe is so unexplored. There could be such awesome stuff.

Farscape mod. Same with Firefly. Such A cool universe.

Arkantas wrote:
A Firefly mod would be great, I'd love to play as the Reapers!

Throwing my hat in with my fellow Browncoats for a Firefly/Serenity mod. I think it'd be very difficult to do but having a chance to fight in the Unification war? Shiny.
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12 years ago
Aug 8, 2012, 8:14:42 AM
FatherDAMIEN wrote:
A mod based off of Frank Herbert's DUNE would be awesome.

It makes me sad that i had to come 12 pages to find a call for dune.

I think it would be awesome. Have large initial systems, all travel between systems costs money (spacing guild monopoly on interstellar transport). Central planet in system that is fought over extensively that is worth a shitload of cash. Perhaps owning arrakis would also give fighting bonuses (spice melange prescience). Could also have a diplomacy system where one faction is elected the emperor etc.
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12 years ago
Aug 8, 2012, 12:59:11 PM
thallazar wrote:
It makes me sad that i had to come 12 pages to find a call for dune.

I think it would be awesome. Have large initial systems, all travel between systems costs money (spacing guild monopoly on interstellar transport). Central planet in system that is fought over extensively that is worth a shitload of cash. Perhaps owning arrakis would also give fighting bonuses (spice melange prescience). Could also have a diplomacy system where one faction is elected the emperor etc.

It makes me sad that I never mentioned it also..

aside from Dune or as well as..

I would like to see some "special" planets, one of a kind type worlds with high strategic importance.

Also I would very much love to see the ability to create special one of a kind buildings on planets, i.e. the races financial capital or industrial capital, prison planets ect ect..

more distinction between what different races can build as other than different looking ships and traits they remain quite similar.
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 7:01:42 PM
Id like to see a mod that makes pirates stronger, even on impossible if you colonise all of your systems you just dont feel the pirates. Maybe systems that are already ocupied by the pirates that contain pirate bases that give you special bonuses when captured, such as +defense on the system.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:40:13 AM
Harel55 wrote:
I would love to see a mod that added the ability to generate more than one galaxy per world. You should be able to specify which galaxy is what type and maybe which factions stat in which galaxy. Travel between galaxies would be facilitated by travel through special wormholes at the center of each galaxy requiring high level technology to go through.

Also, some dwarf galaxies would have no wormhole and would instead require many turns of flying through empty space to get to. They would of course have regular wormholes inside of them, meaning that with the proper technology, you could still warp to any visited galaxy from them and vice versa.

I Really REALLY like this idea. This should be a option in the next g2g vote smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 12:29:27 PM
I would really like to see finished Endless Dream and play it...

then again right now it seems that that goal is quite far away.

I mean if it would be possible to do like it's developer/designer team wants (honestly I think that they have set their goal way too high) it would turn single player to just like I has always dreamed 4x game to be.

Well ok, it wouldn't have ground combat or good spacefight mechanism... which is quite sad.
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12 years ago
Oct 28, 2012, 7:34:59 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
A Mass Effect mod.

I would take krogan to play with. Or galarians maybe smiley: smile

Nice idea, actually - i think it's Time to gather some artwork smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 31, 2012, 10:35:48 PM
I would like to see the pirates become a fully-built race, along with the "Pirate Base" planet type. Taking over a Pirate Base would allow the players to build Pirate ships. Would also add a seperate Pirate race selectable as a player-controlled race.
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