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[RELEASE] Combo Pluss

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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 11:05:45 PM
Hey Matt Hadder, great work! I just wanted to point out that your combo includes files from Endless Genetics by ZZGashi but it isn't mentioned on the content list. Was EG a part of one of the listed mod or something like that?
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11 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 1:41:10 PM
Hey all,

I just downloaded this combo pack but I don't seem to be able to start a game. Here is the screenshot:

Running ES on a Mac via Steam.

Thanks in advance for any help!
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11 years ago
Jul 26, 2013, 9:48:00 PM
I seem to be having the exact same problem as Sigilo here. Has anybody found a solution or the cause of the errors?
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11 years ago
Jul 27, 2013, 8:20:00 PM
I don't think the author has updated it since the new Vanilla/Disharmony expansion came out.
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12 years ago
Jun 23, 2013, 6:30:47 PM
Would love to try the mod and get it to work, however I'm running into the same bug as listed above. Not getting it to show up in my mod list at all!

Any suggestions would be awesome!
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11 years ago
Jun 24, 2013, 3:21:11 AM
lchmilen wrote:
Would love to try the mod and get it to work, however I'm running into the same bug as listed above. Not getting it to show up in my mod list at all!

Any suggestions would be awesome!

I fixed Index.xml.

The issue was that ReleaseDate in the description of the header needs to have two digits for the month and day.

Today is not 2013-6-23.

Today is 2013-06-23.

I am uploading a hotfix and a new version.

If you already have v1.0.1, you only need to download the hotfix.

If you do not have v1.0.1, you need to download v1.0.2.

Please check the original post for download links and instructions.
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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 3:12:36 AM
Downloaded the mod and enjoying it greatly. I am at turn 30 and everything is working great so far. Great job bringing some of my fav mods back to life and a shout out also to the creators. THANKS!!!
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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 7:37:27 AM
Nice will download...

Already Had most of this done but yours has a little more lol except I already have tiax added in :P. (Had Imperium Aterna, Scions, colored anomalies, galaxy gen, and Tiax Planet Expansion + Anomaly Overhaul)

will have to see how the other mods fit in. Couldn't get Pirate appeance to work when I was merging them personally, how did you get it working without the "NullReferenceException" errors?
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11 years ago
Jun 28, 2013, 12:44:28 AM
Are you going to attempt to consolidate with Disharmony or wait a little while until all the kinks are out?
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11 years ago
Jun 28, 2013, 4:28:03 AM
MindX wrote:
Downloaded the mod and enjoying it greatly. I am at turn 30 and everything is working great so far. Great job bringing some of my fav mods back to life and a shout out also to the creators. THANKS!!!

Sweet. I am really glad that somebody else is enjoying this as much as I am. I really enjoy hearing about your enjoyment.

drake159 wrote:
Nice will download...

Already Had most of this done but yours has a little more lol except I already have tiax added in :P. (Had Imperium Aterna, Scions, colored anomalies, galaxy gen, and Tiax Planet Expansion + Anomaly Overhaul)

will have to see how the other mods fit in. Couldn't get Pirate appeance to work when I was merging them personally, how did you get it working without the "NullReferenceException" errors?

Thanks for the DL and the comment - it means a lot and puts a fire under me to keep working.

Pirate appearance was not the issue for me. Playable Pirates seemed to be causing the NREs.

Now that at least three people seem interested and the effort won't be solely for me, tiax will be coming next, and soon.

MindX wrote:
Are you going to attempt to consolidate with Disharmony or wait a little while until all the kinks are out?

I am going to consolidate after the summer sal-KINKS. DEFINITELY waiting on KINKS..


Combo Pluss v1.0.2 is currently running flawlessly on Endless Space CLASSIC v1.0.87

I will be consolidating with Disharmony after the initial bugs have been worked through.
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11 years ago
Jun 28, 2013, 2:08:53 PM
Since disharmony is giving me many errors I'm gonna check this out on classic smiley: smile Dayum mate you're fast smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jun 28, 2013, 11:27:34 PM
Love what you have going here, I've been working on a similar compilation myself (to much less avail). If you're looking to add more mods, there's an old Sandbox mod somewhere in the Mod Mall thread. It was essentially a "god mode" option for games, and it was quite fun for screwing around. It added a good bit of trait points allowing you to get any attributes you wanted, but it also contained other modifiers that allowed you to have massive populations, fleets, infinite happiness, etc.
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11 years ago
Jun 29, 2013, 4:18:38 PM
Sarnum wrote:
Since disharmony is giving me many errors I'm gonna check this out on classic smiley: smile Dayum mate you're fast smiley: smile

Thank you, sir.

Life will be getting very busy for me in the next month with looking for another job and a new room to rent.

Soon school will be coming also.

Though, this compilation will surely continue as I gain much enjoyment from it.

It seems that you already own Disharmony.

Have you tried to work this compilation into the DLC?

If not yet, would you mind?

RollinRollin13 wrote:
Love what you have going here, I've been working on a similar compilation myself (to much less avail). If you're looking to add more mods, there's an old Sandbox mod somewhere in the Mod Mall thread. It was essentially a "god mode" option for games, and it was quite fun for screwing around. It added a good bit of trait points allowing you to get any attributes you wanted, but it also contained other modifiers that allowed you to have massive populations, fleets, infinite happiness, etc.

Thank you a ton for the kind words.

It seems that some people have already figured their own ways of merging their favorite mods.

I just thought to release mine, as the only option that I found was the broken Midwerkz Inc. combo.

I was under the assumption that Sandbox was no longer compatible and working correctly.

Either way, that sounds fun to me.

I'm going to work on that after Tiax.

For a temporary solution to Sandbox GM, Traitful Factions along with selecting every trait makes you nearly invincible - even on Endless difficulty.

Expect another release by Monday.

I may just do Tiax and Sandbox in one fell swoop.

Thanks for the replies, everybody.

Your feedback is what keeps me working.
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11 years ago
Jun 29, 2013, 5:37:32 PM
When I try running this mod with Disharmony the game loads it but switches to Classic when reloading.

I got a error while trying to set an exploitation to a custom planet, I guess something is missing in the xml's

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11 years ago
Jun 29, 2013, 5:49:49 PM
Sarnum wrote:
When I try running this mod with Disharmony the game loads it but switches to Classic when reloading.

I got a error while trying to set an exploitation to a custom planet, I guess something is missing in the xml's

You are a champion. Thank you for the effort!

So did this error occur on CLASSIC or with Disharmony?

It seems like you are saying that you can start a game of Disharmony with the compilation, but if you reload it (from a save?), ES reverts back to CLASSIC.

Is that correct, or did I get that wrong?
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12 years ago
Jun 20, 2013, 4:36:01 AM
Currently Contemplating

I may edit Heroic Attributes to allow differentiation with the hero classes.

Currently, Heroes are limited to the combination of Corporate - Administrator and Pilot - Commander.

As there are now Headhunter traits, forcing the heroes to be more focused may not be neccessary.


"ComboPluss" wrote:
I was playing around with Endless Space again and decided to check out the modding capabilities.

I was not thrilled with the single mod restriction, but it is understandable and very easy to work around.

My searches for combo mods ended with Combo Addon for Imperium Aeterna by Mindwerkz Inc., but I found it unstable.

Mindwerkz Inc. had everything correctly compiled, but Playable Pirates posed a problem.

Once I added this to any selection of mods, the game spat out the NullReferenceException errors and never started a game.

After grabbing some individual mods from the Shopping Mall thread, I began work on compiling my favorites into one usable mod.

tl;dr: Old Combo Addon for Imperium Aeterna doesn't work for me, here's a new one.

Without further adieu...

Combo Pluss

CONTENTS - (Please request mods for insertion)

alternativ Galaxy Generator v0.4.2 (Author: Dagobert - My update)

Colored Anomalies v1.3 (Author: Luminality)

Heroic Attributes v1.2 (Author: Arrataz)

Imperium Aeterna v1.5.0 (Author: EvilTactician)

Pirate Appearance v1.1 (Author: Crymson)

Sandbox v2.2 (Author: WhAtEvErYoUmEaN - My update)

Scions of the Endless v1.01 (Author: Crymson)

Tiax Planet Expansion and Anomaly Overhaul v1.0 (Author: Tiaximus)

Traitful Factions v2.0.2 (Author: TheMattHadder)


Most of these brilliant mods were not written by me, and I claim no ownership of them.

My only part in this mod was modding the mods to mod while they mod (otherwise; compiling).

Any author of these mods may request removal their content from this pack.




  • Some tooltip descriptions may appear as "%WordsPhrasesLetters". This is a Localization issue.
  • An image with yellow beams may show up during startup behind the loading screen. LOL.


  • Invasions may take an outrageous number of turns

    [CODE]1 was missing in Registry.xml from alternativ Galaxy Generator v0.4.1

    Thanks to clericus's post for pointing me to Seik2000's post
  • [/CODE]
  • Endless Space may not recognize the mod on startup and will not appear in the mods screen

    [CODE]The issue was with ReleaseDate; it requires two digits for the month and day.

    Today is not 2013-6-23, today is 2013-06-23.
  • [/CODE]
  • The Pirate faction icon may show up in the faction selection screen
  • The Pirate faction may show up in the faction creation screen as "Spacefaring Faction"

    [CODE]This was not an issue with PlayablePirates.

    I created this bug in my FactionTrait.xml by removing the note annotations from the AffinityEmperor faction.

    The files in this compilation did not cause this error.
  • [/CODE]

DOWNLOAD and CHANGELOGS - (Need another host? HMU.)

Combo Pluss v1.2.1 - Full Install

  • Added Tiax Planet Expansion and Anomaly Overhaul v1.0
  • Fixed InvasionControlLossCoef (Thanks to clericus's post for pointing me to Seik2000's post)
  • Fixed Imperium Aeterna consistencies (Some features may have been lost during prior merges)
  • Modified Traitful Factions to subtract more trait points

Combo Pluss v1.1 - Full Install (Outdated)

  • Added Sandbox v2.1 (Requested by RollinRollin13, Thanks!)
  • Combined with Traitful Factions v2.0
  • Modified description and organization of Index.xml
  • Began merging Localizations

Combo Pluss v1.0.2 - Full Install (Outdated)

  • Refixed Index.xml

Combo Pluss v1.0.1 - Full Install (Outdated)

  • Fixed Index.xml

Combo Pluss v1.0 - Full Install (Outdated)

  • Original compilation

"TraitfulFactions" wrote:
Are you tired of not being able to add a specific trait because you are two points over the limit?

Do you want to decimate the universe and crumble any standing empire by turn twenty?

No longer shall you feel that fiery wrath burning inside of your soul like a thousand suns.

This mod adds an anomaly trait that subtracts 2500 trait points from your total.

This is included with Combo Pluss, but this is a standalone version.

tl;dr: I want to play an all-trait having superfaction

Without further adieu...

Traitful Factions

DOWNLOAD and CHANGELOGS - (Need another host? HMU.)

Traitful Factions v2.0 - Full Install

  • Completely rewritten
  • Opposed to modifying core ES files, Traitful Faction is now a mod.

Traitful Factions v1.0 - Full Install (Outdated)

  • Original File

"DisharmonyDLC" wrote:
Combo Pluss and Traitful Factions are currently running flawlessly on Endless Space CLASSIC v1.1.4

I will be attempting a merge with Disharmony after the initial bugs have been worked through in the DLC.

I uploaded a hotfix for the Index.xml to run with Disharmony, but I am unsure of its potential success.

I do not own the DLC, so I am asking you brave individuals to try it out and let me know how badly the game crashes.

I do not expect Combo Pluss to mesh well, I would just like to know for real-real.

TEST Disharmony DLC Hotfixes

DOWNLOAD and CHANGELOGS - (Need another host? HMU.)

Combo Pluss with Disharmony compatibility

Combo Pluss v1.1.1 - TEST DLC Hotfix from v1.1 to v1.1.1 (Outdated)

Combo Pluss v1.0.3 - TEST DLC Hotfix from v1.0.2 to v1.0.3 (Outdated)

Combo Pluss v1.0.2 - TEST DLC Hotfix from v1.0.1 to v1.0.2 (Outdated)

Traitful Factions with Disharmony compatibility

Traitful Factions v2.0.1 - TEST DLC Hotfix from v2.0 to v2.0.1

"AQueryingFuture-User" wrote:

Well, I'm glad that you asked!

Installation Instructions

FULL INSTALL - (For new users of a mod)

Unzip into [YourDrive]:\Users[YourAccount]\Documents\Endless Space\Modding

Remove brackets! If there is no directory, create it!

Start Endless Space.

In the main game menu, click the MODS button. Select the mod and load it.

To keep the mod loaded, right-click "Endless Space" in your Steam Library and select properties.

Navigate to the "General" tab and click "Set Launch Options".

Add "+mod ComboPluss" or "+mod TraitfulFactions" depending on which mod you choose to use, without quotes, and click "Okay".

UPDATE - (For users with a prior version of a mod)

Unzip into [YourDrive]:\Users[YourAccount]\Documents\Endless Space\Modding

Remove brackets and execute business as usual.

When asked to overwrite or replace files and folders, click yes.

UNINSTALL - (For the no-fun, carpet-bagging, addle-brained lummox.)

Navigate to [YourDrive]:\Users[YourAccount]\Documents\Endless Space\Modding

Right click on the mod's folder and left click "Delete".

Select "Yes" when asked if you would like to confirm deletion of the file.

After that, in the Steam library, right-click "Endless Space" and select properties.

Navigate to the "General" tab and click "Set Launch Options".

Delete the entire line and click "Okay".

FULL INSTALL and HOTFIX with Disharmony DLC - (For the adventurous supporters who provide the fuel for the production teams to keep on truckin')

Unzip into [YourDrive]:\Users[YourAccount]\Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding

Remove brackets! If there is no directory, create it!

Unzip the Hotfix to the same location

Start Endless Space.

In the main game menu, click the MODS button. Select the mod and lo
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