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[RELEASE] Combo Pluss

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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 11:05:36 PM
Pirate Appearance is a fix for the pirate ship models.

Playable Pirates is a mod that creates a pirate faction to play.

You are truly confused.
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11 years ago
Jul 2, 2013, 7:10:04 PM
u-raptor wrote:
Im getting the same problem while trying to load mod, i know this is probably a stupid question,but how do i turn off auto-launch?

This is on the first post.

Also, unless you added a line to your launch options, no mod will automatically launch.

Sarnum wrote:
I managed to butcher the mod a bit and extended traits + galaxy generator work perfectly with disharmony without crashes so far.

I'm pretty sure that the changes to tech trees and extra anomalies from other mods might cause conflicts.

Cool- thanks a ton.

What do you mean by extended traits?

Scions or Traitful?

I'll release that today as a Disharmony compatible comp.

clericus wrote:
I had a mod I made that incorporated some of these, but not all. Thanks!

I just wanted to mention that at Turn 22 I tried to invade and it told me 67 turns! I've run into this before with the Alternative Galaxy Generator. There's an easy fix and you might want to just include it in the mod, it's a single line in the /Simulation/Registry.xml

You need to insert this line:


See this thread for details:


I closed the game, added the line, re-opened the game, and invaded again... 8! Perfect!


Champion. Will fix today.

I was also experiencing this.

You saved me a lot of trouble.
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11 years ago
Jul 2, 2013, 9:58:37 PM
Combo Pluss v1.2.1 - Full Install

  • Added Tiax Planet Expansion and Anomaly Overhaul v1.0
  • Fixed InvasionControlLossCoef (Thanks to clericus's post for pointing me to Seik2000's post)
  • Fixed Imperium Aeterna consistencies (Some features may have been lost during prior merges)
  • Modified Traitful Factions to subtract more trait points
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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 2:48:59 AM
So this very well may be my own ineptitude, but I am unable to get v.1.2.1 to work with Disharmony, or at all, for that matter. When I set Combo Pluss to launch with the game, I never make it past the loading screen with the Harmony, so I disabled that feature. However, launching v.1.2.1 from the game prompts it to revert to classic, and disables the DLC, and as far as I can tell, the mod doesn't exist in classic (most likely because I don't have the mod in the classic modding folder).

I deleted and re-installed the game and all folders to no avail, and adding the mod to both modding folders (for classic and Disharmony) yields the same result. Like I said, this may very well be a mistake I'm making on my own end, but I can't find anything. Ideas?
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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 3:58:12 AM
I can't get this to show up in the mod list at all, in either version. The directories seem to be different from what you've listed (I'm using Steam). Disharmony is in "steamapps/common/Endless Space/Public_xp1" and vanilla is in "steamapps/common/Endless Space/Public"

I've tried placing the mod in every directory arrangement I can think of that might match what you said in the OP and none of it ever shows up. Sounds like there's a lot of problems with modding Disharmony in general thus far, so I've settled for editing a few values myself for now. But I'm looking forward to checking out this collection of mods!
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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 4:02:36 AM
For steam you should be placing the mod in documents/EndlessSpace/Disharmony/Modding or, if you're trying to get the mod in classic, remove the Disharmony bit.
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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 5:06:11 AM
I tried that before. There is no Disharmony folder. All of the files associated with Disharmony are in Public_xp1. So I made one. Nothing.
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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 5:38:42 AM
"Everybody" wrote:

Guys. For rizzle.

Combo Pluss v1.2.1 is NOT a Disharmony hotfix.

It is a CLASSIC version.

I WAS releasing Disharmony hotfixes for it, but apparently, most of the content conflicts with the DLC.

What I do know is that Traitful Factions and the trait mods do work, and I will be releasing those as a Disharmony mod.

Again; Combo Pluss v1.2.1 is for CLASSIC.

EDIT: Thanks for the replies, though. I do appreciate the chatter.

Expect a trait mod release tomorrow for Disharmony.

I want to eat my ramen and watch the tour tonight. :3

EDIT EDIT: For those who wish to play Disharmony with all traits, Traitful Factions v2.0 hotfixed to v2.0.1 works with the DLC.

Follow the instructions on the first post. It's all there.

A question for the readers;

Is the organization of the first post confusing?

Can I do something to better deliver the information therein?
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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 6:19:40 AM
I've done some modding for other games, and I always find screenshots to be helpful. This is my stock directory. Public contains the Simulation, Plugins, Gui, etc folders for the vanilla game. Public_xp1 has all the same files for Disharmony. Some of them are VERY different inside, which probably explains why so few mods are cross-compatible at this point. I have tried every variation on the directories you guys are describing that I can think of and none of them have made the mod show up in-game, for Vanilla or Disharmony.

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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 8:26:08 PM
that's... really weird. all the games i've worked on had the mods actually in the install folders somewhere, so i thought that was just where you guys had installed it for some reason. well at least i can see it.

I've got the mod in general working now... but pirate appearance doesn't seem to work at all. I checked the thread for that and it is incredibly vague on how you're supposed to make it work.

edit: Well I think I fixed that.. for Disharmony, anyway. I went into factiontrait.xml and change hidden=true to hidden=false under pirate's affinitymapping. i didn't actually play the game so i dont know about the unlocked hulls, but the ones you start with already present a problem: they all look the same. even the colony ship, even though it has a different silhouette/icon. I tried finding a similar option for the files included in your mod and the innards are way different, even from the vanilla files i have. i can't even find where affinities are established.
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11 years ago
Jul 2, 2013, 5:15:34 AM
I had a mod I made that incorporated some of these, but not all. Thanks!

I just wanted to mention that at Turn 22 I tried to invade and it told me 67 turns! I've run into this before with the Alternative Galaxy Generator. There's an easy fix and you might want to just include it in the mod, it's a single line in the /Simulation/Registry.xml

You need to insert this line:


See this thread for details:


I closed the game, added the line, re-opened the game, and invaded again... 8! Perfect!

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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 11:56:32 PM
Indeed. Probably because the files in all the mods I'm looking at are structured completely differently from the stock files. Also because I wouldn't really consider using an appearance to be playing "as" that race, but that's just semantics.

And I don't think the current modding guide works anymore. Maybe I missed something, though.
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11 years ago
Jul 5, 2013, 4:52:02 PM
Hey, I just started to play Endless Space again after a long time.

Some questions:

Is it true, that I can just use one mod at once? So the purpose of this collection of mods, is that I can use more then one mod at a time?

Then am I allowed to mod your mod? I think private this shouldn't be a problem, but how about releasing it? I am working on the research time. I do not like it, if the research goes so fast, so I slowed it down. Now it is between x10 and x100 the time. The factor rises with advancing technologies.

Then about the sandbox mod you added. Is this always enabled, so you have always 100% approval, or do you have to set an option ingame for that? Because I changed the Values in 1.02, and I do not want to update to 1.2.1 if the sandbox is always enabled.

With best regards

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11 years ago
Jul 5, 2013, 10:59:00 PM
Started a new game with 1.2.1. Now with every planet with anomaly Ice 10 I get a NullReferenceException: Object not set to a reference of an Object. I get this message when ever I enter planet view in order to select an exploitation. If you need me to I will type out the whole code underneath all of it.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 6:31:46 AM
One of the combined mods is causing this. Traitful factions and galaxy generator seem to work really well and don't cause bugs.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 4:15:52 PM
Cfuz wrote:
Started a new game with 1.2.1. Now with every planet with anomaly Ice 10 I get a NullReferenceException: Object not set to a reference of an Object. I get this message when ever I enter planet view in order to select an exploitation. If you need me to I will type out the whole code underneath all of it.

This same thing happens to my game too, but also with planets that have Meteor Showers and Shattered Crust (Ice 10 also).
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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 3:43:51 PM
Loving this mod compilation, can't wait for Endless Diversity and you to add it to the mix here.

Keep up the great work!

You've got a new fan in me.


heh forgot the reason I was posting in the first place.

Couple of issues I've found you might want to address or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

When I create a custom race to play and I select the -5000 trait points, then I try to put any of these anomalies on my system, I shows up that its been added to my race, but none of them show up on my homeworld when I start a new game. Yes, I select the -5000 Traits first, then Mutated Flora and finally a specific anomoly.

Second issue is I can't ever research the tech's that have no requirements on lower tier's of the tech tree, only higher ones. In other words, any tech that connects only to tech's higher up the tree. For some reason it simply wont let me ever research them. Clicking on them produces nothing, unlike regular tech's that will auto select the prerequisites. The easiest way to fix it, IMO, would be to simply connect them to lower tier Tech, or move them higher up the tech tree. Its weird I know but its very annoying since with Sheridyn there are 3 off them, all in the terraforming tree that I cannot use. 2 of them are vital tech's IMO.

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