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[Work In Progress] Endless Humanity Mod

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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 10:58:58 AM
Nothing new for the moment.

I loose the contact with Choucane for a moment now and did not make any effort to recontact him. We both have stuff to do (work, family, friends...) and the modding capacities of ES are not good enough yet to do what we planned.

I would like to continue the project but for not today this week or this month.

Maybe after the extension.
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11 years ago
Jun 24, 2013, 8:19:49 PM
I dig up the topic.

I recently discovered that Google Sketchup could be used to create .obj and... ho, Google Sketchup is the tool I use for work! Maybe I could try to do something of my humble skill to ressurect the project... smiley: smile

Did some modders already used Sketchup for modeling?

Oh... and if I succeed to create a correct ship, the textures will probably be the next difficulty. :/
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10 years ago
Sep 7, 2014, 2:05:40 PM
Well, it was a long time.

I continued to work on the mod on my free time.

For those who followed the topic (and the others), here are the news:

I modified the Expension Tech tree:

I still have to write descriptions etc but the main ideas are here:

- the space travel is no longer limited to starlane, excepted for exploration (I did not find the trick to avoid the "starlane first" issue with the pathfinding),

- exploitation of asteroïds, moons and gaz giants are "easier" at the beginning of the game than to colonize every planet, find a terran/ocean/jungle planet will be a benediction, the rest is dead rock untill terraforming.

I also started to make ships (with Sketchup for the 3D creation, Blender for the UV mapping, Photoshop for the textures).

For the moment it is ugly, buggy and not that advanced.

I even have issues with textures, that the game did not find even is everything seems allright in the .mtl file...

I will only work on 2 factions at the moment, the Colonial Union and the Panslavic pionniers. I still have to create their own affinities and ship templates/references to dissociate them to the existing factions.
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10 years ago
Dec 11, 2014, 2:38:49 AM
Well, this reminds me of an old Sins of Solar Empire mod called 'Dawn of Victory'. :\

Hope this gets out there soon enough!
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12 years ago
Sep 20, 2012, 7:11:04 AM
For the anarchic "government", I see it more like the utopic ideas about anarchism than all the stereotypes about it: it would be just a society where people maybe rule themselves but can also trust the others. The result would be a peacefull society, with high moral, but low expectations of expansion and not that many advantages about food production and industry.

But it will be the first step, it can of course evolve into a marxist communism (the good one for the people, with "intergalactic" ambition smiley: smile ) or degenerate into a stalin-like communism (the bad one for the people but with more tools to conquer the galaxy ^^).
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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 8:03:46 PM

The idea is to replace affinities by governments. As a matter of fact, Human factions should not be able to have different affinities because they belong to a same race.

If possible:

- The player will be able to choose his affinity/government at the beginning of the game (The IA will randomly get one).

- It will be possible to change the governement with an other during the game (with a technology or an event).

- About the doplomacy, a faction with the government X will have bonus or malus with a faction having the governement Y.

The governements will be named "governement X Tolerant/Intolerant". Explication below.

Envisaged governements:


+10% Science

+10% Dust

- 10% Industry


+10% Food

+10% Industy

-10% Dust


-20 moral

+10% Dust

+10% Industry


+20 moral

-20% Dust

~Tolerant governement:

Naïve II

Symbiose II

~Intolerant government:

Militarist I

Fearless warriors II

Deadly weapons I

So a Tolerant Democracy will get the Democracy and Tolerant's traits.

Bonus/malus between factions:

If the governement are exactly the same: +50 of positive opinion.

If the governements are the same (tolerant democracy and intolerant democracy for instance): +25.

If governements are totally differents: -50.

If the governments are different but not the external policy (tolerant democracy and tolerant anarchy for insatnce), -25.

A democracy can't declare war to another democracy.

A democracy can't be in peace with an autocraty.

An Anarchy can't be allied to another faction.
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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 8:23:37 PM
Envisaged factions: (the names are still to find)

West-European faction:

First to discover reliable exoplanets, the United States of Europe saved for itself the most interesting destination. Then, considering themself as the sons of the Terran culture and guardian of history, they spread their influence (or propaganda) easily.

- Terraformed planet

- Stellar Guardians II

Panslavic Faction:

The Panslavic Republic had already explore the solar system and its ressources before to leave the Earth. That is why its colonists have the most important experience of colonization.

- Soil Xenobiology

- Xenobotany

Asian Faction:

As the used to live in confined spaces du to the high demography of theirs countries, the asian colonists know how to arranged space.

- Crowed planets II

- +1 population at the beginning of the game.

South-American Faction:

Forced to build their colony ship from ashes, the Brazilian colonists have a skill is using and recycling anything.

- Knowledge gathering II

- Dust Recyclers II

Arabic Faction:

The rebellions of the last century gave to Iranian colonists a culture of rebelliousness. But as their engineer also created the firsts supraluminic engine, they get a superior technology in this domain.

- Rebellion II

- Fast travellers II

African Faction:

If the great man that permited to South-Africa to build their colony ship could decided to stay on the Earth, he deeply inspired the African colonists that fight and act in his memory.

- Legendary Heros II

- Death before dishonor I

North-American Faction:

If they succeeded in launching their colony ship, it is thanks to the soidity of its hull and the accuracy of the guners, and the colonists did not forget that.

- Optimal Defense II

- Sniper II

Indian Faction:

Many Indian citizens died to protect the lauch of their colony ship. Even if individually they are week, the number save them, that is why they leared to coordonate big formations of ships.

- Big fleets II

- Fragile Hulls I
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 6:10:35 PM
As i said in your other Thread.. great Idea.. i think pictures speak more than words.. Maybe if you post your Faction Pics you will get more responses.

Keep it up!
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 9:18:24 PM

Ok, but do not expect english texts before a moment.

Here they are:

I also change the requirements for the use of rockets and beam weapons. You will need to have Titanium-70 or Hyperium for all the levels. If we are fighting each other on Earth just for some ressources, I think our little-little-little....-little children will do the same in the deep space. ^^
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 6:18:10 PM
I liked on how you did the Brazilian frag. xD

Nice job on that mod, i will wait for more!

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12 years ago
Sep 19, 2012, 6:25:03 PM
This is phenomenal - I love your lore! Good luck with this mod, I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Seriously. LOVE the lore, the tone, the style - we have a similar government system, but it's trait-based and a bit more static.
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12 years ago
Sep 19, 2012, 8:08:51 PM
Thank you Madrox and thasheperd for the support!

For the government system, I will work on events as soon as possible and the last winner choice of the G2G (multiple choices events) is the best thing that could have happened!

I will post two new screenshots soon this evening and work on a "government tree". After a first choice (democracy, autocracy, anarchism for instance) you should be able to "upgrade" your government to a more evolved version. If we can mod events and use triggers, it will be fantastic!
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12 years ago
Sep 19, 2012, 9:25:21 PM
Do you need a help with anything that not involves 2D/3D art or heavy scripting. count on me.

id love to see this being released as soon as possible.

smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Sep 19, 2012, 9:30:44 PM
For the moment I am mainly looking for ideas about events concerning government's policy. If you have some, do not hesitate!

Two new screenchots:

I changed the European faction name: The Culture (not the Banks'one smiley: wink ) fit well with their lore.

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12 years ago
Sep 19, 2012, 10:49:33 PM
I have some questions about the governments, how anarchy will work on game?

because anarchy is ausency of government and state itself.

and communism (at least the utopic/marxist communism) is very alike anarchy. don´t you say it will be like Stalin-like communism...

what the religion influece on politics and ideals? there will be the major religions, deism, and atheism?
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12 years ago
Sep 19, 2012, 10:58:40 PM
Well an anarchy government, the individual are left to rule themselves, while this would probably lead to chaos, technically this would evolve into a volunteer based tribal system based on the species.

A insect like race for instance is more of a mega organism, and thus an individual would be a hive when compared to a human.

Humans prefer a nomadic small community style of living when in the wild, so naturally these sorts of groups would form in an anarchy government, with an abundance of resources it should even be quite peaceful.

But don't expect them to be building fleets, as they have terrible coordination of resources.
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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 8:03:09 PM

I already begin to speak about this project in the french section so if french is not for you a weird and incomprehensible language, this topic is more complete.

For everyone else, here is my presentation of my project:


The aim of this mod is to give to Endless Space an alternative background, focused on Human space conquest, to add governments instead of affinities and to offer a different way to play allowing players to modify their affinity during a game.

About the background:

(Sorry, it is mainly a crappy internet translation, my skills in english are not good enough to offer you a translation of quality... once again sorry, really sorry smiley: frown )

The Endless were living here, in this galaxy, a long time ago. Humanity found clues of their existence. They discovered the dust and remnants of their civilization but the thing that Humanity did not find was intelligent life.

As their feared it they discovered that the endless space was an endless void and that Humanity, after the Endless, was an exception...

The 21st century was known to be the century of peace. If some wars had actually taken place, they had never related to but a small number of countries or ethnos groups. The revolutions and rebellions as those of the Middle East had initially been violent then pacifist, setting ablaze most dictatorships on this side of the world. Over the years, with the projections of science which made it possible to temporarily solve the problems of energy and famine in the world, the United Nations Organization could soon regard herself as representative of nations united under the banner of progress.

Thus problems such as the economic crisis of 2052 caused by the fall of China of its place of first economic power (weakened by the consequences of its policy of the single child, or the third crisis of the Euro in 2067 were solved effectively thanks to the common solidarity of all the nations.

The situation geopolitical known a great stability and put except for the formation of two large federal republics in Western Europe (called temperately the United States of Europe, not including however the United Kingdom, being separated from the Union in 2024) and Eastern Europe (called Pan-Slavic Federal republic, including Russia and most country of the old Soviet block) following the attempt to create a great centralized European state, the borders did not move or little. Great mining projects were launched with the aim of exploiting the resources of the solar system and the Pan-Slavic Republic had even the privilege to establish the very first colonies over Mars. Thanks to these first successes, the space research centres of the various world powers decided to go even further: to colonize known space. It is then established a healthy competition which allowed quick results. In about one or two decades, sending a handful of individuals to conquer other worlds could be possible.

However, in the years 2090, world stability started to shake. The effects of global warming that decades of efforts had managed to push back started to become seriously visible. Floods of great scale, tornadoes and earthquakes severely tested UNO's stability. Then fell in 2102 a report on the situation of remaining energy resources giving proofs that the last reports were more than overestimating the reserves. From here about ten year, there would be no more enough energy for all. This report was the drop of water which made overflow the vase.

Consequently the various nations sought to lay hands on the last existing reserves and the funds for defense but also the space research, seen like the ultimate loophole by most pessimistic (and rightly), multiplied.

The first conflicts of great scale burst between India, China but also african and arabic countries. After having sought to negotiate in vain, the nations of Europe and North America ended up entering in war in their turn.

Quickly the belligerent nations brought out the old weapons of deterrent of the 20th century. The atomic weapon was held up like a scarecrow. If these massive weapons of destruction should soon condemn the Earth, it gave a respite to humanity: during the few years of cold war which followed, the space research known a phenomenal progress, mainly thanks to several humanists researchers of different nations that shared their results, anxious to give to the Man a chance. The states of the Middle East were the first to develop a prototype of engine and ship of colonization allowing to colonize a remote planet and the first viable coordinates of extrasolar planets had already been discovered for a long time by the United States of Europe. Then it was in South Africa, under the push of a charismatic and technophile president, to build its colony ship. India, China, the Arab allied nations and the nations of North America followed shortly after. The nations of South America although with the drag because of paranoiac governments which cut the communications with the rest of the world also ended up building their own vessel while managing as they could it.

The first colonizing ship was launched by the Pan-Slavic Federal republic, followed by that of the United States of Europe. Certain minor nations having turned to dictatorship, frustrated by the success of the great powers, made rain the nuclear bombs on Europe. Paris, Berlin, Warsaw, Moscow and others were turn into radioactive ash. The counterpart did not delay and the world started to sink.

China managed to launch in the secrecy a colony vessel little time after the beginning of the apocalypse, as well as Brazil, South Africa and the New Democratic republic of Iran. India was less discrete and was forced to defend costly its launch base with large reinforcements of human lives. The United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom which had managed to collaborate on this project also had to defend themselves against Mexico and the remains of European nations to prevent other launchings. Only the shieldings and advanced defense systems of the vessel and its escort enabled him to face the repeated attacks.

Thus eight ships colony left the futureless Earth and ventured in space to find a new home where to live in peace… until they meet them again in the vacuum of space.
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12 years ago
Sep 20, 2012, 4:51:10 PM
Sadi wrote:
For the anarchic "government", I see it more like the utopic ideas about anarchism than all the stereotypes about it: it would be just a society where people maybe rule themselves but can also trust the others. The result would be a peacefull society, with high moral, but low expectations of expansion and not that many advantages about food production and industry.

But it will be the first step, it can of course evolve into a marxist communism (the good one for the people, with "intergalactic" ambition smiley: smile ) or degenerate into a stalin-like communism (the bad one for the people but with more tools to conquer the galaxy ^^).

It is possible to change the government type DURING the game?

Like Civilization?
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12 years ago
Sep 20, 2012, 5:21:19 PM
Madrox wrote:

It is possible to change the government type DURING the game?

Like Civilization?

For the moment, we cannot mod events and my mod is just about esthetic. But when it will be possible and if we can us triggers to starts events, of course it will be possible. smiley: smile
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