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[released] PimpMyGalaxy

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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 5:11:29 AM
It is highly likely the 1.0.9 mod will not work with 1.0.14. In general, you should not try to mix versions. The mod contains old files, which will replace new files. You are better off waiting till the author updates the mod.
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 8:44:25 AM
Yeah can't try it out as the option is not available to choose the modded galaxy sizes with the new patch..
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 9:45:42 PM
Barred Spiral, Enormous, and Density set to high make a good combination. Please keep the experimental Barred Spiral feature.
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 11:19:53 PM

They change the folders structure. Is there a way to extract the mod files from the installer? I cant play without Gigantic!!! Thanks for the good work!
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 11:20:55 PM
It will be really difficult for you to update this mod from 1.0.9 to 1.0.14. Please send a PM to the author and express your enthusiasm. Then he will hopefully perform the update.
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 2:55:00 PM
Please also flood the OP's inbox with PM requests (one per customer please). It is too hard for anybody besides the author, to reverse-engineer a 1.0.9 mod. It will be much easier with 1.0.14+.
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 8:38:42 PM
Actually it is quite easy to Do this Mod yourself, since Galaxy Generation xml files are quite self explained. But give the Author some time if you don't wan't to do that. He will Update i think ;D
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 10:31:41 PM
I guess the trick is to know when you are done. The OP may have made a number of changes, and it would be difficult to prove that you have found them all. If somebody is enthusiastic, they could try a "temporary port" from 1.0.9 to 1.0.14, and give the files to the OP to maintain.
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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 2:21:01 PM
Well, I think I MIGHT have a temporary replacement. I haven't been able to test it since it takes a ♥♥♥♥ing hour to load and then who knows how long to play. Let me know what you guys think. Even though I won't be updating this. I also changed the names of the bigger galaxy sizes. Galactic? Come on man, we have massive and supermassive blackholes, those are better size names than "galactic" for a galaxy (I'm just nitpicking/joking :P). I didn't do any other language localizations, so if anyone feels like taking a crack at that, go ahead I say.


To install this mod:

Extract the archive to My Documents\Endless Space\Modding (if the Modding folder doesn't exist, go ahead and create it).

To have this mod load automatically:

1: Open Steam

2: Click on Library

3: Right-click Endless Space

4: Click properties

5: Click Set Launch Options

6: Add the text (without quotation marks) "+mod BigGalaxies"

Use 7-zip for all your unzipping needs. Files edited using Serna Free 4.4.0.

By the way, here's what I listened to while embarking on this quest of mine to take the fun of Endless Space and doubling it:

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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 8:54:17 PM
Here is a really simple way to add the larger sizes that you can do yourself.

A. find ES in steamapps whereever you have steam installed

e.g C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space

B. Find the Galaxy Generator folder under Public\Plugins


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space\Public\Plugins\Galaxy Generator

C. Open 'GalaxySettings.xml' with notepad (not wordpad or Word)

Search for 'GalaxySizeLarge' the sizes are about 15% of the way down

D. After 'Huge' and before the '' which closes the block insert the details for larger sizes. Below, I added Gigantic and Enormous in keeping with the original intent

1) I thought the original made for sparse(r) resources on the largest sizes, so you can tinker with the resource values if you want. I don't know what the OP used, but these seem proportional.

2) I also thought there was much more room betwixt systems in some sizes. This is likely the ratio of stars to Width. To make them closer together, use a slightly smaller width.

4) add Massive and SuperMassive with appropriate values if you want.

E. Save the file and dont touch anything else unless you know what you are doing.

F. In the Localization folder under Public open the language folder you use (ie "English") and open the Localization_Locales.xml file in notepad.

G. Search for GalaxySizeHuge again (it is about 10% of the way down). Add the text title for the sizes you added:


104 star systems scattered in a 128-parsec galaxy


128 star systems scattered in a 140-parsec galaxy

2 lines for each size, one is the title and one is the tooltip description. The parsecs is the width.

Save it and play!

This changes the ES files rather than installs a mod, so it will get undone when you get a patch. Just do it again.


To 'merge' 2 mods such as bigger galaxies and More Anomalies, there is one more step. More Anomalies installs a new GalaxySettings file so that the new anomalies are added to the galaxy when it is generated. This will be true for any mod that uses a custom settings file. So, we have to copy the new galaxy size info to that settings file as well:

In your My Documents folder\Endless Space\Modding\More-anomalies (for instance)

go to Plugins\Galaxy Generator. Open the GalaxySettings file and make the same changes as you did in the other. Copy and Paste if you like.

We also should resolve the title and description which was added:

Next, in the Localization folder under more-anomalies open the English folder and add the text for the name and description to the more-anomalies.xml file. (this part wasnt tested, but should work).


This does not add the barred spiral and other new galaxy styles as the original one did and perhaps the new one from Truhan. It just makes bigger galaxies. And the larger ones take longer to create when you start a new game.

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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 9:11:56 PM
^ This is literally all I did, except I included the original author's third galaxy size.
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 4:20:36 AM
Looks great, I'll try this with today new patch for 1.0.14 and letcha know if I see any bugs.
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 10:46:38 PM
Zutonix wrote:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space\Public\Plugins\Galaxy Generator

C. Open 'GalaxySettings.xml' with notepad (not wordpad or Word)

Search for 'GalaxySizeLarge' the sizes are about 15% of the way down



stupid user error ..........
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 11:09:44 AM
Thanks for all your nice feedback! smiley: smile

My RL is currently very busy. However I will update this mod as soon as I find the time.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 2:21:41 PM
Xiskio wrote:
Thanks for all your nice feedback! smiley: smile

My RL is currently very busy. However I will update this mod as soon as I find the time.

Thanks for the update! If you can release the graphics files you added, separately outside the installer, that would be great. Since the installer is now completely unusable, we can't get to your interesting galaxy shapes anymore.
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12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012, 3:54:58 PM
I absolutely love this mod. Since updating the game to the latest data it is of course no longer operational. I hope you get some time in your schedule to patch it up. After playing in 160 star systems, it's very difficult to play smaller.
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12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012, 11:11:35 PM
sdneidich wrote:
The install files are .exe

Is there a way to use them on Mac OS X?

you should extract/install that *.exe in windows (or virtual machine) and copy the files manually.

but i think this version doesn't work with the current ES.

i hope in next version there a version without installer.
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12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012, 11:13:22 PM
This mod is no longer working on either PC or Mac. Sorry, but the original poster has left some time ago and there is no way to get it working again.
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12 years ago
Jul 27, 2012, 1:39:52 AM
In Case anyone is attempting to play with this mod and gives up because the load times are taking super long, and you think its malfunctioning; I have a pretty hard core laptop with a Core I7, 32 GBs ram, and a 3 GB Geforce GTX 670m, and it took nearly 10 minutes for the Galactic size galaxy to load. So dont give up, it will work. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 5:05:34 PM
sounds good, thanks for the share and have downloaded and will give it a go, i have already altered a few things myself, new faction and traits, altered heroes and ships, but as yet haven't touched anything else, so will revert back to saved files and give it a go smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 3:05:36 AM
I get a NullReferenceException error whenever I try to start up a game when I use this mod. Picking Galactic scale, and using a custom race, though it still does it with the Hissho regardless. Haven't tried anything else yet.


It gives me that error and freezes on any of your settings, with any race. Is it not compatible with the current version of the game?
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12 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 9:33:42 AM
Zaelers wrote:
... Is it not compatible with the current version of the game?

Thanks for letting me know. smiley: approval

I found the error and will upload a new version within the hour.

Have Fun
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12 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 10:09:27 AM

Version 1.1 released

Fixed NullReferenceException error.

Before installing the new version you have to uninstall the old version first!

To uninstall the old version of the mod use the uninstaller that came packed with the download (PimpMyGalaxy_Uninstaller_v1.0.exe).

Alternatively you can use the Steam client. To do so open Steam and go to your "Library" -> right click "Endless Space" -> click "Properties" -> choose tab "Local Files" -> click "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache".

Known Issues

Under Windows 7 you get a messagebox stating that the mod did not install correctly. You can just ignore that and select that everything went fine.

Sorry, that the first released version didn't work for anybody except me. smiley: embarassement

Cudos to Zaelers who brought it up.

Have Fun
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:29:45 AM
Nothing happens? It says it installed correctly but it is completely useless, no changes are made?
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:09:25 AM
I keep having the same error message when I try to install your mod. I've made a screenshot of it and I'm also using windows 7. The same message occurred when I attempted to install version 1.0
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 8:01:15 AM
v1.1 worked for me. Make sure you don't have any of the mentioned files modified, by any other mod for example, or it won't (un)install.
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 9:05:42 AM
cavvy wrote:
I keep having the same error message when I try to install your mod. I've made a screenshot of it and I'm also using windows 7. The same message occurred when I attempted to install version 1.0

This mod is only working with the original vanilla version of Endless Space v1.09!

Make sure all files this mod wants to update are in the vanilla Endless Space v1.09 condition. To do so do the following:

Open Steam and go to your "Library" -> right click "Endless Space" -> click "Properties" -> choose tab "Local Files" -> click "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache". After that try to install PimpMyGalaxy again.
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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 3:07:49 PM

Latest Version: v2.0

PimpMyGalaxy adds 3 additional galaxy sizes (Enormous, Gigantic and Galactic) and two new galaxy shapes (Barred Spiral and Ring) as well as changes the second green faction color to grey for better distinction.

This mod has been developed for Endless Space v1.09.

Use with other versions may cause mayhem! If a new game version is released I will try to update the mod as soon as possible.

This mod supports the languages English, French and German.

Before installing the new version you have to uninstall the old version first!

To uninstall the old version of the mod use the uninstaller that came packed with the download.

Alternatively you can use the Steam client. To do so open Steam and go to your "Library" -> right click "Endless Space" -> click "Properties" -> choose tab "Local Files" -> click "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache".

Download & Installation

To install the mod just download the archive, extract the contents and start the included installer.

Mod Functions

  • 2 additional galaxy shapes (Barred Spiral and Ring)

    These are experimental yet. I would like to get your feedback.

  • 3 additional galaxy sizes

    • Enormous

      104 star systems scattered in a 128-parsec galaxy (generation time! ~ 1-3 min.)
    • Gigantic

      128 star systems scattered in a 141-parsec galaxy (generation time! ~ 2-5 min.)
    • Galactic

      160 star systems scattered in a 158-parsec galaxy (generation time! ~ 5-10 min.)

    Be prepared that first time galaxy generation takes longer with these new bigger galaxies.

    After that however, I found no slowdowns in the gameplay or when loading a savegame.

    The generation times where measured on a computer with a AMD Phenom II X4 945 3 GHz processor. On smaller systems the generation times may be accordingly longer.

  • One of the green faction colors has been changed to grey for better distinction.


v1.0 - Initial Release

v1.1 - Fixed NullReferenceException error

v2.0 - 2 additional galaxy shapes and changed green color


To uninstall the mod use the uninstaller that came packed with the download.

Alternatively you can use the Steam client. To do so open Steam and go to your "Library" -> right click "Endless Space" -> click "Properties" -> choose tab "Local Files" -> click "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache".

Compatibility with other mods

This mod is not compatible with any mods that change the same files as this mod does.

This mod changes the files:

  • Endless Space\Assets\Xml\GalaxyGenerator\GalaxyShapes.xml
  • Endless Space\Assets\Xml\GalaxyGenerator\GalaxySettings.xml
  • Endless Space\EndlessSpace_Data\sharedassets17.asset
  • Endless Space\EndlessSpace_Data\sharedassets2.asset
  • Endless Space\Public\Localization\english\Localization_Locales.xml
  • Endless Space\Public\Localization\french\Localization_Locales.xml
  • Endless Space\Public\Localization\german\Localization_Locales.xml

Known Issues

Under Windows 7 you get a messagebox stating that the mod did not install correctly. You can just ignore that and select that everything went fine.


If you want to use this mod in Multiplayer all players must have the same version of this mod installed otherwise you will get weird effects or even crashes!

The content installed by this installer are not made by Amplitude and I am not affiliated with Amplitude. You install this mod at your own risk.

This mod will be extended with additional functions in the future.

Constructive feedback is always welcome.

Have Fun


Download & Installation

To install the mod just download the archive, extract the contents and start the included installer.
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12 years ago
Jul 27, 2012, 11:00:00 PM

Version 2.0 released

NEW: 2 galaxy shapes: Barred Spiral and Ring

NEW: One of the green colors has been changed to grey for better distinction

Before installing the new version you have to uninstall the old version first!

To uninstall the old version of the mod use the uninstaller that came packed with the download.

Alternatively you can use the Steam client. To do so open Steam and go to your "Library" -> right click "Endless Space" -> click "Properties" -> choose tab "Local Files" -> click "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache".

The two new galaxy shapes are experimental yet. I would like to get your feedback.

Have Fun
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 6:14:19 AM
Why is this mod uncompatible with other mods that edit the same files ? I thought that with an installer it will at least overwrite the files...
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 9:26:52 AM
Since I Installed Your galaxies I play only them is singleplayer. great job and hope to see more (and maybe alternative for yellow/brown colors). two things, could you relase version without installer, and is there any way to make the center nebula image less bright and dense, for example, so one can see better those tiny real stars in max view(hope it is note hardcoded)?
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 2:51:03 PM
NyanGiuu wrote:
Why is this mod uncompatible with other mods that edit the same files ? I thought that with an installer it will at least overwrite the files...
The reason for this is that the installer writes the changes I made for that mod directly into the original files instead of replacing them with copies. I did it that way first off because I did not want to provide files with my mod that could create a copyright issue and further because one of the files I changed is 200MB big and I did not want to upload such a big file. This technique of course only works if the files that the installer writes to are exactly the same as the ones I had the changes implemented into.

pinoangel wrote:
Since I Installed Your galaxies I play only them is singleplayer. great job and hope to see more (and maybe alternative for yellow/brown colors). two things, could you relase version without installer, and is there any way to make the center nebula image less bright and dense, for example, so one can see better those tiny real stars in max view(hope it is note hardcoded)?
I am glad that you like em. Regarding a version without installer please read what I wrote in my answer to NyanGiuu above. Regarding the 3D stars and nebula overlay images my hands are more or less bound because as of now we can only use the ones that already came with the game.
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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 2:33:27 AM
Nice work dude and thanks for your suggestion it worked out. I installed the version 2 and I am ready to play. I will let you know how things went.
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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 11:22:12 AM
ok I get it. thanks. I saw Your post in community mod where was pointed that You have fix for ship names. How to use it with pimpgalaxy since both mods use the same files?
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 12:12:54 PM
The bigger galaxies are really good, but the amount of luxury ressources in this big galaxies are really low.

I think they dont growth with the galaxysize and i dont find any options for the amount of luxury ressources in the GalaxySettings.xml.

Has somebody any solution for this problem?
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12 years ago
Aug 4, 2012, 9:48:08 AM
kyrah wrote:
The bigger galaxies are really good, but the amount of luxury ressources in this big galaxies are really low.

I think they dont growth with the galaxysize and i dont find any options for the amount of luxury ressources in the GalaxySettings.xml.

Has somebody any solution for this problem?

Thanks for your feedback!

I will have a look and see if I can confirm what you found and if so I will fix it.

Have Fun
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12 years ago
Aug 5, 2012, 9:07:00 AM
Hello first of all I use an automatic translator, the mod supplies 3 size(format) of superior galaxy has that of the base(basis) it would be necessary to delete(eliminate) the multiplier of disapproval of expansion.

Ty for mod.
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12 years ago
Aug 8, 2012, 1:05:10 PM
I would just like to add my thanks for your work, I would not be able to play on anything smaller than Galactic now..
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