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Anomaly Overhaul

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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 7:36:26 PM
Ha...hahaha. I think I know why some of that is happening. I play with some alterations to the galaxy generation, so there are probably a LOT of moons. Everywhere.

I probably messed up something putting the two mods together, but it looks like the United Empire Affinity is pissed at me. I'll look into it today. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 7:51:52 PM
Hi there! (my first forum post here, yay:] )

Your mod looks quite good, I downloaded the Aeterna version you posted, gonna try this tomorrow. Wanted to fit it more to my liking so changed couple things in your GalaxyGen myself too (I mean - not every planetoid need a moon... not EVERY SINGLE ONE;P).

Also wanted to get rid of that planet terraforming module so I deleted the 'NewTerraformation' file - is that enough or do i have to do something more to avoid some... incompatibilities? smiley: wink

Anyway your mod really looks promising, thanks for the effortsmiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 8:08:10 PM
Removing that file might work just fine, but be wary of any strangeness when you research the four techs they were linked to. Shouldn't crash the game, but it might be a little buggy.

Yeah, the addition of moons to EVERYTHING was just one of the ways I was playtesting everything. I've been doing some moon work I haven't released yet. Feel free to change whatever you don't like! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 8:20:01 PM
Azhrey wrote:
I would really appreciate it if you could combine both mods.

In my opinion 2 of the best mods for Endless Space.

I hope EvilTactician agrees.

I'm really flexible on how people combine my mod with others.

I'll definitely incorporate this work into the main mod regardless though - Tiax's stuff is great.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 12:51:19 PM
I slept for a very... very long time. Just waking up, so I'll get back to work. *plugs in timecard, sips coffee*
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 1:34:29 PM
I think I've got a couple of ideas narrowed down. Something in my combination didn't work out--I'm going to post the one I'm using right now to see if it checks out for you. The one I'm using works just fine with shattered crust, ice 10, etc. but the one I posted doesn't like 'em.

Also, just out of curiosity, what are you using that gives you so many faction trait points? Your empire was godly.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 1:39:06 PM
I use a modified Faction Trait.xml... Wanted to have more faction points for my custom faction. I was bored...
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 1:56:46 PM
Okay, got the corrected version up. If you're still experiencing problems with this one, let me know! (It's on the original post)
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 1:58:22 PM
Okay... I'll give it a try... Be back AAR.

EDIT: First thoughts: Works much better than before and the galaxy took a far shorter time to generate... It took around 13 minutes to generate a galaxy before now it only took 3 minutes...

Second thoughts: works perfectly until now... Did you fiddle with the wonder's rate of appearence? Because I generated 2 maps and both of them have far more wonders than usual.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 4:16:10 PM
Would you mind helping me out a little? I've been reading through these posts and this seems like a very fun mod, however I still want to use Endless Genetics. Would they be easy to combine? I've only done very minor mod-work. Also, I've done some research, but I can't seem to find a way to increase the galaxy size (and read some reports where it causes errors?), but I'd love to at least double it or something (I did read a post where someone had tried increasing it to 15,000 stars!).
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 5:35:23 PM
Sure, I can work that for you. I actually use Endless Genetics, and I can make you a 160+ star system.

I will make a "Massive" setting; this will bump the star generation up to 160 stars (double huge), 150-parsec galaxy (49 parsecs bigger than huge, this is actually what I've been playing in for weeks). If you set the star density to high, you will get more like 212 stars. The only problem is the loading time--you will have to wait anywhere from 15-25 minutes for the map to load, depending on your computer. So after you start creating the galaxy, just alt-tab out and go watch something funny on youtube. Once you hear the Endless Space music come up, it will be done. Saving and loading times are as fast as normal (not affected by big galaxies).

Why does it take so long to load? The game calculates each individual warp lane and wormhole against the entire galaxy to make sure everything is still connected. So if you set connectivity to high, be ready for a longer loading time (much longer). I play on low connectivity, low wormholes. Also, the extra anomalies cause an increase in loading times, but this is marginal compared to the warp lanes.

I will have it uploaded here within... say, 5-15 minutes.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 5:56:05 PM
Then you are welcome to download it. smiley: biggrin

I added a change to the planets-per-system option: There is a "Packed" setting that makes each system have either 5 or 6 planets (other than homesystems). I can force homesystems to have 6 planets easily, but that's up to you guys if you me to make that happen. I can also force 100% moons and 100% temples, but that gets kinda boring if you ask me.

Remember, loading times are going to suck, so sit back and do something else for 10-25 minutes while the map generates. If you alt-tab, you'll hear the music when it finishes (if your music is on).

Let me know if you have any problems/suggestions.


Did you fiddle with the wonder's rate of appearence?

I, er, think I did. There is a file that affects that... I will check and see if I did that on this mod too. I figure the "Massive" setting should have all 8 endless and all 8 natural wonders.

Okay, fixed that. The wonders work like so in a normal game:

Tiny: 1 natural wonders/1 endless wonders

Small: 2 natural wonders/2 endless wonders

Medium: 3 natural wonders/3 endless wonders

Large: 4 natural wonders/4 endless wonders

Huge: 6 natural wonders/6 endless wonders

Massive (new): all 8 natural wonders/all 8 endless wonders

Massive makes sure all 16 are in.

Edit--Removed Attachment, check later in thread for correct mod.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 6:04:29 PM
Make sure you re-dowload it: I changed the wonder setting. If you have the version I posted before, you might not get any wonders in the massive map.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 6:35:39 PM
Tiaximus wrote:
Sure, I can work that for you. I actually use Endless Genetics, and I can make you a 160+ star system.

I will make a "Massive" setting; this will bump the star generation up to 160 stars (double huge), 150-parsec galaxy (49 parsecs bigger than huge, this is actually what I've been playing in for weeks). If you set the star density to high, you will get more like 212 stars. The only problem is the loading time--you will have to wait anywhere from 15-25 minutes for the map to load, depending on your computer. So after you start creating the galaxy, just alt-tab out and go watch something funny on youtube. Once you hear the Endless Space music come up, it will be done. Saving and loading times are as fast as normal (not affected by big galaxies).

Why does it take so long to load? The game calculates each individual warp lane and wormhole against the entire galaxy to make sure everything is still connected. So if you set connectivity to high, be ready for a longer loading time (much longer). I play on low connectivity, low wormholes. Also, the extra anomalies cause an increase in loading times, but this is marginal compared to the warp lanes.

I will have it uploaded here within... say, 5-15 minutes.

Wow, that's awesome! Just let me know when I can download it and what you end up calling it. Thanks a lot for the help! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 6:56:18 PM
It says ImperiumAeternaTiaxEndlessGenetics.zip

I didn't really want to include Imperium Aeterna. However, let me try it regardless ... smiley: stickouttongue Thanks for the extra effort.
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