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Anomaly Overhaul

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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 7:12:13 PM
Once i get Endless Space this is going straight into the mod area of it. You could say "I need dis!" Probably one of the more fun, complex and interesting mods ive seen in a while for a game. Simple but game changing, cannot wait for my 5 year old PC to hate me like it used to before i added RAM and a graphics card, still... fun must and will be had. Then i can have an almost truescale galaxy.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 7:31:49 PM
Again found another error. This was at the beginning of the game.

Tried to generate a Massive Galaxy.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 7:50:48 PM
Yeah... had a feeling that might happen. Lemme re-try this, I have an idea on the problem.

Also--if you used a custom race, what were the traits you gave it? I don't know if it would affect it one way or another, but it might help.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 8:18:24 PM
I have never seen that kind of error before.

Oooh, wait... do you guys have expansion victory enabled?
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 8:21:40 PM
No. If I did, it was by mistake... I don't like winning by mistake by taking over 75% of the map. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 8:31:18 PM
Yeah, winning by 75% in a map that big is problematic anyway. :-D

I haven't been able to recreate the problem. Do you know how to get the output_log? I could probably fix it fast with that information. It's kept in Steam/SteamApps/common/endless space/EndlessSpace_Data
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 8:52:26 PM
For my Output Log, about 95% consists of this (Also verified 100% that expansion victory was not checked);

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/14194e8ce88cdf47/Runtime/Misc/Player.cpp Line: 1608)


HandleD3DDeviceLost: still lost

Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost)

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/14194e8ce88cdf47/Runtime/Misc/Player.cpp Line: 1608)


HandleD3DDeviceLost: still lost

Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost)

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/14194e8ce88cdf47/Runtime/Misc/Player.cpp Line: 1608)


HandleD3DDeviceLost: still lost

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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 8:53:31 PM
Okay. This should fix it--I downloaded the attachment I put up, ran it, and couldn't get a Tiny System to work. Got the same errors for all sizes.

This new file worked for me every time. I narrowed down what messed up but couldn't quite get around it, so:

The "Packed" planet option had to go.

The "Massive" option had to go.

Huge is now the new "Massive." Same size, etc. So, basically, you can't have "Huge" maps anymore, they are going to be nearly twice the normal size. So, basically, 'Huge' maps are going to be BIG.

My recommendation is to make a few Tiny and Small maps FIRST just to make sure they don't crash on you.

@LyDyn -- don't fret about that, it's just the game working on the warp lines. There will be loads of that, but it isn't going to crash you.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 8:58:10 PM
That's a shame, because I really liked the 'Packed' option, though losing Huge isn't a big deal since I never selected anything else anyways. smiley: stickouttongue Still, it'd be nice if they were restored somehow ... not only for convenience, but also in the fact that it would improve your modding capabilities. smiley: smile

Edit: Just tried a Tiny galaxy and it worked perfect ... actually, you left the "Packed" option in still, but it worked! Every solar system had 6 planets except the home solar systems. Very cool. I'll edit again once I get the results of the "Massive" option (as you left that in as well).
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 9:05:56 PM
Wait... wait what

DAFUQ did I just do then... WTF I better check that.

Edit--Er... yeah. I meant to do that. Just had a massive map come through unscathed. So, yeah, enjoy?
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 9:19:24 PM
Haha, awesome - it worked. Not sure what you did, but you fixed it. I do want to note that the "Packed" option doesn't add 5 to 6 planets ... it seems to always add 6 planets. Regardless, I did notice a jump in the number of solar systems, though I'm probably going to go with the "Dense" option now. Otherwise I look forward to messing with all the new changes!

Edit: Fun side-effect though! My custom faction from Endless Genetics has carried over and the change of data has made Genetic Engineering go from -100 points to -10,000 points! Not sure if this is a blessing or a curse (re-adding Genetic Engineering reverses it back to -100 though, so it's not permanent).
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 9:31:22 PM
Yeah, I generally use my anomalies + Imperium Aeterna + Endless Genetics (plus a save editor) to test all of my modding. I pretty much always pack 6 planets into every system to test the game's limits and check my anomaly distribution.

On a side note, I made a planet that looked like it was made of graham crackers today.

Not sure what to do with that, but... yeah.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 9:35:23 PM
So messing with custom factions, I've confirmed that you've somehow messed with Genetic Engineering (maybe for testing and forgot to remove it). From levels 1-9, it's normal (giving -10 to -90 points), but level 10 definitely gives you -10,000 points. I just made a normal SCION faction and an Advanced SCION faction (with about +15% more traits, not too crazy).

As for extra planets, if you want some ideas, I can help think of some ... I'd love to see more [serious] planets. Nothing like the one already out there (giant meatballs - really?).
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 9:40:19 PM
This mod is really cool, but does it only use the in-game anomalies? Or does it add some new ones?
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 9:42:39 PM
@Lydyn--Heh, yeah, I figured if you're going to use ten levels of Genetic Engineering, you might as well get to mess with everything. And besides, I kind of see the trait mod as a sandbox item anyway. Great mod, but definitely not balanced.

As for planets (and anomalies also), I have a few I'm working on to make the game interesting. Carbon planets (variation of barren), even some "non-planet" planets.

What are your ideas? I'd be glad to work in some fresh planets.

@WhiteWeasel--heh, read the first page goober. It adds over 40 new ones.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 9:54:11 PM
Tiaximus wrote:
@Lydyn--Heh, yeah, I figured if you're going to use ten levels of Genetic Engineering, you might as well get to mess with everything. And besides, I kind of see the trait mod as a sandbox item anyway. Great mod, but definitely not balanced.

As for planets (and anomalies also), I have a few I'm working on to make the game interesting. Carbon planets (variation of barren), even some "non-planet" planets.

What are your ideas? I'd be glad to work in some fresh planets.

@WhiteWeasel--heh, read the first page goober. It adds over 40 new ones.

So you are open to suggestions.

Here's one of my ideas from a dead thread: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12577-more-types-of-anomalies

WhiteWeasel wrote:
Off-Kilter Axis:

The axis of this planet cannot stay in a fixed angle, poles shifting to the equator zone and vise-versa in a matter of years. Either needing to rapidly adapt to survive these extremes in a couple of generations or surviving both in their lifetime makes living extremely difficult to both flora and fauna. As well as it increases environmental stress to buildings. Scientists are massively intrigued as to how life can cope with such drastic changes in the biosphere in an impossibly short time.

-20 smiley: approval

-1 smiley: fids (bar science) per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on planet.

+4 smiley: science per person on planet.

Cannot happen on a planet w/ moon (Since moons stabilize a planets' axis in real life)

Needs adaptive colonies

When fixed: Negatives removed, no change to the science bonus.

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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 9:59:25 PM
I like it, but I have one tiny issue--I can't place an anomaly dependent on the existence of a moon. The anomalies depend solely on planet type, unfortunately. Is there a particular planet type (or types) you feel would be better for this anomaly?
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