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Anomaly Overhaul

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10 years ago
May 25, 2014, 8:22:45 AM
Found a couple of other little bugs, will drop the fix in later--will be adding in the AI weights on the anomalies soon. I may add some AI weights to the orbital stations, MAYBE. Depending on when the AI decides to start building, they might end up spending too much time on them. We will see.

May not have any updates for a few days, got a final coming up. :-P
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10 years ago
May 27, 2014, 7:20:15 PM
Excellent. I am currently in the process of cleaning up the coding in the vanilla xmls--basically, when the automatons were added a long time ago, they through their techs into seemingly random areas in the tech xmls. In other words, Tech15Automaton might be between Tech11 and Tech 12. It doesn't affect the game any, but it sure makes it suck when I miss attaching an anomaly reduction to them. Also, the techs don't always have the right name, either--there are coding tags that just tell the in-game name of the tech, and some of them have similar but incorrect names... :-(

So that's my current work. Streamlining these will make it easier to correct mistakes (or not make mistakes at all) with the anomalies. If you happen to have an error pop up when you're looking at a planet with one of the anomalies I've made, it's because the reduction isn't linked to it. It's an easy fix though.
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10 years ago
May 28, 2014, 9:18:33 AM
If you're interested I'll buy you disharmony so you can add compatibility. PM if interested smiley: smile

(This is totally not because I can't play as any race other than the harmony now)
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10 years ago
May 28, 2014, 5:41:13 PM
That's a pretty awesome offer--if I take you up on it, I'll still post my changes to both vanilla and disharmony, as long as the files aren't way out of compatibility. They shouldn't be, though. I'll just need to make a copy of the core files to compare to.

Edit: Looks simple enough now, though the warfare tech tree is wildly different. Adding the reductions onto the disharmony tech trees will be fairly easy, though I may make some new reductions specifically for the new faction later. I planned on making some specific reductions anyway, but they are so very different that they need a lot more changed than other races.

While looking through the technologies, I squashed more bugs that I wasn't even aware existed. I'll have a full changelog later, and an update for the vanilla game soon (because there were a lot more bugs that I realized). As soon as I have those core bugs all shaped up, I'll get Disharmony in-line with the mod. I also noticed I wrote-out a few improvements the base game has... bleh. Easy fix, just had to notice them to realize they exist in the first place.

Huge thanks to InFlamesWeTrust for the DLC! :-D

Edit: Done with the update to the vanilla game. Go check the original post for details! This will greatly speed up my ability to port the changes over to Disharmony, and I also got a lot of tedious work out of the way that needed to be done. I feel like this latest version is a much more smoothly polished product.

As always, let me know if you find any bugs!
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10 years ago
May 30, 2014, 11:07:26 PM
Alright, I have updated the mod to work on Disharmony. The Harmony faction itself may be a little... odd, with some of the reductions (obviously those with dust benefits) but it shouldn't be a big issue. At some point I will get them their own reductions that will obliterate dust enhancements from anomalies.

Let me know if you encounter any issues--so far, I've run several clean (albeit quick) games through Disharmony, but I'm sure I haven't touched on everything yet.
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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 9:42:32 AM
On a roll today--got some time to work on it and RAN with it.

Added a bunch of anomaly traits for custom factions, as well as a really awesome one.

And I went a little nuts with the color tags. But it looks FABULOUS.

Check the front page for more information!
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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 3:23:39 PM
Not sure if this is the mod or not, but I get an error when I click on a gas giant methane after colonising it. It has the Acid Rain anomaly. Not had this issue before so I'm posting here as it mig

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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 7:12:08 PM
Oh yeah, this is definitely fixable. I'll double-check where that reduction is for each faction; it's likely just in a weird spot. I think that one was part of Atmospheric Filtration or Atmospheric Engineering. I'm feeding the baby at the moment, so I'll get to that ASAP!

Fixed it! So simple, I just overlooked it somehow when porting changes over from Vanilla to Disharmony. Keep an eye out for any more, they are just simple human error on my part. Check the front page and redownload TiaxModDisharmonyV1.0.4!
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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 7:40:40 PM
Well done, seems to be working on disharmony for me. Your a trooper editing by hand. My brain would explode smiley: smile Keep up the good work.
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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 7:44:36 PM
Haha, you should have seen me wracking my brain when I found out I was overwriting Hostile Dust, Endless Trouble, and Humeris Insidentes. Basically they were #52, #53, and #54, and I had anomalies up to #112 at that point... basically had to change over 2000 lines of code to push everything up three steps. Thankfully notepad++ is really good at that.

Yeah, I could have added them at the end, but I refuse to do sloppy work (if I can help it). It helps future modders.

Anyway, anything you want to add/change Scrivener?
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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 8:30:00 PM
The anomalies are all really good. I especially like the effects that describe the natural features of a planet. I also really like the orbital techs and the use of color is very cool.

Maybe a new negative anomaly like 'War Torn'. Its all about a planet at war with itself for centuries. Finally ruined with fouled air and poisoned waters, entire continents scorched black, uncountable buried explosives, and a shattered society. Wouldnt mind starting the game like that smiley: smile I always picked unlucky colonists because I love putting the work into redeeming my home planet.
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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 10:56:34 PM
Alright, just finished it up for you. I'll add it to a big update later, but for now, here's v1.0.4 with your requested anomaly. :-) We'll keep it a secret, unless other people are reading these posts and they find out about it too.

The anomaly is called "Internal Conflict" to begin with, but reduces into "War Torn" and has 4 total reductions. They can be found in Relativistic Economics, PEV-Scale Accelerators, Adaptable Colonies, and Atmospheric Filtration. I put them in both Vanilla and Disharmony, so take your pick. It should even work with the Harmony faction. Enjoy!

--Removed Attachments, placed them in next post--
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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 11:27:24 PM
Thanks! The flavor text is great and you nailed the anomaly effect. But I think I found a bug maybe.


Was it supposed to have a positive cost? Besides that its perfect.

edit: Run the localization file through a spell checker
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10 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 1:25:16 AM
Ah yeah, forgot to edit the cost. That's an easy fix though, should be a -6 or -8 or so considering the slow beginning it's going to give you.

I edited it for you. Enjoy! I'll check the localization file for typos too, I don't do that much lately, heh heh. It just takes a lot of time--if I cut and paste the entire thing, I have to selectively ignore ALL of the code that has words mashed together... :-P But it'll make it look better!

Edit: Haha, scortched.
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10 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 1:47:21 AM
I have to selectively ignore ALL of the code that has words mashed together

I use Sublime Text as it has a built in spell checker that knows the difference between a tag/value and only spell checks the values. Also has support for many other languages.

When I used to use Notepad++ I remember there was a spell check plugin that needed an external dictionary but it was kinda a hassle to install. Well worth it though if your an N++ fan.
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10 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 2:06:52 AM
Scrivener07 wrote:
I use Sublime Text as it has a built in spell checker that knows the difference between a tag/value and only spell checks the values. Also has support for many other languages.

When I used to use Notepad++ I remember there was a spell check plugin that needed an external dictionary but it was kinda a hassle to install. Well worth it though if your an N++ fan.

Sublime text is amazing! I'm using it atm while I learn languages for my Uni course smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 7:17:52 AM
Holy crap. So many typos. I guess my eyes run across the words too fast to see they're misspelled. Sublime Text is pretty cool, I think I found my new favorite text-editor. I love that it normally isn't harsh white so I don't have to go about changing it. Very nice options on it, too. Thanks you two!
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10 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 2:55:16 PM
Tiaximus wrote:
Alright, I have updated the mod to work on Disharmony. The Harmony faction itself may be a little... odd, with some of the reductions (obviously those with dust benefits) but it shouldn't be a big issue. At some point I will get them their own reductions that will obliterate dust enhancements from anomalies.

Let me know if you encounter any issues--so far, I've run several clean (albeit quick) games through Disharmony, but I'm sure I haven't touched on everything yet.

(Late to the party) OMG YAY!
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10 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 4:23:05 PM
Haha, hope you enjoy it! I'm working on race-specific anomaly reductions at this point when I get time. I may only have time on the weekends to work on it, but I will try to sneak some in here and there.

Anyone have any good or bad luck with the random anomaly reduction?
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