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Anomaly Overhaul

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10 years ago
May 18, 2014, 7:30:48 AM
I double checked the original file for the Anomaly Overhaul plus Planet Expansion, and it appears to be working absolutely fine on vanilla Endless Space. I even took over a couple of systems where the AI had completely fixed up a few anomalies (such as Garden of Eden, which takes quite a few reductions).

I haven't gotten around to working with IA--I'm a big wary of it since it hasn't been updated in a very long time, but it should honestly be easy to combine. I just worry about bugs with IA if anything crucial was changed in the latest patch. I have a personal mod I used a lot that has it added, but it has a lot of weird bugs (planet expansion doesn't work, can't create custom factions, etc.), so I don't want to put out a crappy combination.

I wish I hadn't left the forums for so long--got into nursing school and had a baby, so it's nice to come back. I just have very little free time between all of my responsibilities... :-P

I will double-check that the latest posted mod works (Anomaly Overhaul + Planet Expansion) before I hit the sack. Greyborea, if there is a particular part of IA you like (for example, the new techs that add the military outpost, dyson spheres, etc), let me know. I may just focus on adding the parts you like to the game.

Edit: Double-checked, and it works. Everything looks good, all the way down to one miscoloration I left in the native geodes anomaly. I still have all my work for the update I planned on doing over a year ago, so that might actually happen later on... As always, post any bugs!
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10 years ago
May 19, 2014, 4:25:57 AM
I should have some more time tomorrow to work on the IA combo--I have a test tomorrow, so today was a busy. Everything working good so far though?
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10 years ago
May 19, 2014, 5:30:49 AM
Tiaximus wrote:
I wish I hadn't left the forums for so long--got into nursing school and had a baby, so it's nice to come back. I just have very little free time between all of my responsibilities... :-P

No apologies necessary; this is only a game, albeit an intriguing one. Best of luck to you with your RL obligations. I'm a parent too, so I hear you loud and clear.

I got really tired with how it seemed that every single patch to the game also broke compatibility with all extant mods; over and over and over again. smiley: mad The resulting near-total exodus of the ES modding community was a sad and likely inevitable loss. But considering how generally rubbish this game's mod support turned out to be, I can scarcely blame them for leaving.

I don't use Disharmony, so I am therefore thrilled that you returned to make your mod compatible with the current state of the vanilla game. Can't wait to get it added to my ES install! Thank you for making the effort to give us poor Classic-only peons something good to spice up our games with again. smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
May 19, 2014, 6:28:20 AM
Tiaximus wrote:
I should have some more time tomorrow to work on the IA combo--I have a test tomorrow, so today was a busy. Everything working good so far though?

Alas I did not fire it up yet. Not much free time in sight for the next two weeks smiley: smile

Congratulations for the baby!
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10 years ago
May 19, 2014, 2:00:05 PM
Kolaris wrote:
I've semi-updated this for Disharmony for personal use. Some of the Military techs that unlocked reductions were removed, so I threw them onto the closest techs that unlocked the same modules.

As the Harmony have a completely different tech tree they'd need all the reductions attached to something new. Anyone have some bright ideas for where the reduction techs would fit into the Harmony? Based on their lore and playstyle, perhaps they should unlock dust (or everything but dust?) reductions much earlier than other factions.

Could you share that? smiley: embarassement
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10 years ago
May 19, 2014, 5:42:28 PM
@Greyborea--Thanks, she's my beautiful little goblin. :-D

Currently working on adding the terraformation from IA that allows you to condense an asteroid field into a planet. Also, I may take the planet expansion technologies and put them on a separate track on the bottom-right of the tech tree, but that will be later on if I feel it's balanced enough.

I think I will put the asteroid field terraformation with Deuyivan Construction tech. It seems to fit the general tech level and gives the player more benefit for pursuing that particular tech. I personally feel deuyivan construction has very little use if you don't have an abundance of gas giants and personally don't research it until I've gone much further down the tech tree.

Adding the IA improvements (Military Base, Planetary Rings) is extremely easy, and I'll likely have all of that done within the hour.

Edit: Done. Renamed to "TiaxEndlessSpaceMod" for simplicity. Check the original post for the download. As always, let me know if any bugs pop up! I noticed a few people posted on here a year ago (or so) and said that clicking on a planet with 'Horatio Exile' or 'Rich Atmosphere' crashed their game, but I've never been able to replicate that bug... works fine with both anomalies for me. Probably mixed mod issues.

On a side note, about 50% through making 20 more anomalies. Some of them have multiple steps that can end in different anomalies (there isn't really a 'choice' per se, but multiple anomalies with the same name and description that end in different benefits, like the "recent impact" anomaly). If you have any ideas on anomalies you'd like to see in the game, let me know.
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10 years ago
May 20, 2014, 9:59:49 PM
I made some new anomalies today, went to open Endless Space and my mod disappeared. I vaguely remember this happening at some point years ago, so the update will be a little behind while I figure out what I jacked up. :-P In the meantime... the same problem may occur with the most recent updated mod, too. Bleh.

Edit: Wow, so, uh, yeah. Found a few ID conflicts in the anomalies. I've been playing with the mods on for so long that I didn't realize there were new anomalies in the base game. So... yeah. Someone feels like a total idiot! :-D

So this means... I need to change several IDs on about 55 anomalies so I can keep them easy to coordinate with the base game. Damnit. :-P

Edit: Oh, what a mess. This is going to take a while.

Edit (so many edits): Got the mod working for Anomaly Overhaul + Planet Expansion + IA Orbital Improvements + IA Asteroid Expansion. Sigh. I don't have a CLUE what went wrong--I couldn't get the mod to work once I downloaded it back from the site. Uploaded a new zip (From now on, named TiaxMod).
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 12:22:05 AM
It's been a day, so I don't feel bad for double posting.

All the new anomalies are finished, just have to adjust a little for the three vanilla anomalies. I will likely have some time later tonight to start adding them in slowly. Sometimes the game doesn't like a certain one (99% of the time it's my fault for typing something incorrectly), so it's better to start slow. Might have it done either tonight or by tomorrow some time. After that, I was thinking about adding some race-specific anomaly reductions. For example, turning friendly or unfriendly locals into "Juicy Morsels" for the cravers. Heh heh.
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 4:53:15 PM
After getting into an argument with a bottle of rum last night, this may take a little longer to finish.

I'm not sure who won the argument.
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10 years ago
May 23, 2014, 4:24:11 AM
It sure did. Woke up a few hours ago and going to get some more rest. Tomorrow morning looks promising for adding in the new anomalies.

Anyone have any requests or suggestions to add before the next update?
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10 years ago
May 23, 2014, 6:15:45 AM
If it's possible, I liked your idea at the top of this page: Racial anomalies. Would add some more variety between empires.
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10 years ago
May 23, 2014, 9:47:15 PM
Okay, if you downloaded the latest version (TiaxModv1.0.1) and noticed that it isn't loading in the list, I changed the line in "release date" in the index file...

...and that one little change can make the mod not show up at all.

So... redownload it to make it run right. This took me two hours to figure out this simple little change.

@Romeo: I'll work on that for the next update then. :-) It'll be limited to a couple of factors though; I will either have to make rewrite technologies to make individual reductions different between factions, or just change around where the reductions occur to happen only on race-specific technologies. Not terribly difficult either way, really. This way, I could take "Friendly Locals" and make then into "Enslaved Locals" for the United Empire, "Juicy Morsels" for the cravers, "Enlightened Locals" for the Horatio, etc.

These changes *could* be optional for some races.
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10 years ago
May 24, 2014, 3:28:11 AM
Well I'm excited to see what you manage, personally. I'm not an experienced modder by ANY stretch of the imagination, but if you want help with anything, just let me know.
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10 years ago
May 24, 2014, 4:00:18 AM
Alright, v1.0.2 is out! About 2 years late, but better late than never. Go look at the first page!

17 anomalies added, three core anomalies are now in the game (and not overwritten by the mod), and four anomalies with the same name but very different end results for their reductions. An exciting mod for me, as I learned a few new little things about making anomalies for specific races. :-D

Next goals:

Edit the three core anomalies to better fit in with the mod.

Create reductions that are only available to certain empires (suggestions welcome!).

See what other areas of the game I can improve upon--new wonders and moon temples are easy and quick to make.

As always, let me know if there are any bugs. In particular, I may have missed a reduction or two on the sowers tech tree, so keep an eye out for anomalies you can't reduce after researching the full tech tree.
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