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[RELEASED] Colored Anomalies

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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 8:07:51 PM
Does this mod works with 1.0.9?

What? I really really doubt it since I don't even thing that version has Mod support, update your copy to something more recent if you are using 1.0.9, your missing thousands of additions and fixes among other things.
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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2016, 6:04:30 PM
Greatings from 2016! The newer versions appear to have some of this coloring. The rest messes with the aesthetic a bit for me.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 2:19:28 AM
Zazen wrote:
In case anyone was wondering, this mod seems to be happy with 1.0.16.

I highly disagree. Yes, the mod will come up. But there are new features of 1.0.16 with new localization strings, such as the button to control whether ships in your queue should auto-upgrade, and the resources display in the diplomacy panel. If you use this mod and look at those screens, you will see that bare internal strings like %SomeRandomString appear.

@ luminality, this is a cool mod, but I highly recommend you make a separate file colored-anomalies.xml which contains only the changed strings, instead of including the entire localization file. *Then* it will work automatically with 1.0.16.

EDIT: also, you may consider copying your file localization\english\colored-anomalies.xml to each of the other language directories. This will result in a german game with a few colored english strings, but this may be an OK tradeoff.
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 3:29:40 PM
Love it!

Do you allow other modders to inculde this in their mods?

Are you sure it works only with the english version? Because in that case I have to somehow change my version to english.

I have a suggestion to improve it even further: The Planet-Type could be written in the color of the Exploitation that benefits this type the most.

Like that:




Arid (on a black background as ingame you could read that)


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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 5:35:29 PM
Thanks to everyone who replied!

Ail wrote:

>> Do you allow other modders to inculde this in their mods?

sure, why not? i only added a few color-codes here and there.

>> Are you sure it works only with the english version? Because in that case I have to somehow change my version to english.

well, since this mod currently only replaces the english localization.xml i doubt it will be applied to other languages.

>>I have a suggestion to improve it even further: The Planet-Type could be written in the color of the Exploitation that benefits this type the most.

i actually thought of that already but didnt include it b/c it can be confusing.

for example let us look at the Industry Upgrade which offers (among others):

+3 to planets, +3 Lava and +1 Methane.

Even though the Lava-planet bonus adds up to +6 and the bonus to Methane Giants only +4,

the total bonus for lava-planets will be only +10 whereas methane giants will yield +14 per population.

which planet type would you color then?
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 5:51:34 PM
Luminality wrote:
Even though the Lava-planet bonus adds up to +6 and the bonus to Methane Giants only +4,

the total bonus for lava-planets will be only +10 whereas methane giants will yield +14 per population.

which planet type would you color then?

Uhmmm, both?
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 6:55:34 PM
Insolentius wrote:
Uhmmm, both?

yeah... I quoute myself to clearify:

"The Planet-Type could be written in the color of the Exploitation that benefits this type the most."

This is not to be confused with:

"The Planet-Type could be written in the color of the Exploitation that benefits this exploitation the most."


I would probably even leave Food out of this because it overlaps with some of the other exploits and won't be that interesting later on.

Or to be more specific:

Terran -> Dust (or Food)

Jungle -> Industry

Ocean -> Science

Arid -> Dust

Tundra -> Industry

Desert -> Dust

Arctic -> Science

Lava -> Industry

Barren -> Science

H² -> Dust

Helium -> Science

Methan -> Industry

Asteroid -> None/leave their color

Edit: Just had a closer look at the Mod, so you did it by adding color-codes to the strings. Pretty impractical that this is done in the Localization-files. So converting this to French or German would mean a lot of work... Uhm... How do I change the language to english? I can't find this in the options in the game and steam does not allow me to change it either. :\
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 1:24:59 AM
In case anyone was wondering, this mod seems to be happy with 1.16.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 1:40:31 AM
I love the idea, maybe you could expand this to planet types/tiers/specialities?

Edit: Well I feel silly for posting before reading. Carry on!
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 11:02:54 AM
[HR][/HR]Colored Anomalies[HR][/HR]

This is a very simple mod that colors the names of the Anomalies based on their effects.

Green: Only beneficial (or cleansed) effects.

Orange: Anomaly has both harmful and beneficial effects and can be cleansed.

Red: Harmful effects only.

Gray: this used to be a harmful (red) anomaly. It has no longer any effects at all.

smiley: speed

smiley: speed

Please note that "(-)" and "(--)" are not shown anymore on cleansed anomalies.

Additionally the Exploitation types are also colored according to their type.

smiley: commandpointsDownload: coloredanomalies_v13.zipsmiley: commandpoints

Works with Gameversion 1.0.16


Planets colored by Class as suggested by Ail.

Confirm Fleet Scrap Messages are now red.

Moved from Localization to seperate xml file.

Please delete the old mod-directory if upgrading!

It supports english, german and le french version. Even though the two latter languages will show the english names of the anomalies.

Please leave some feedback!
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 2:53:33 AM
Ail wrote:
yeah... I quoute myself to clearify:

Tundra -> Industry

Desert -> Dust


I think tundra is science and desert is industry but i get your point. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 5:06:01 AM
thashepherd wrote:
Will merge this into Dream, if that's OK with you.
You're collecting mini-mods like a magnet, aren't you?
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 5:39:30 AM
Harel55 wrote:
You're collecting mini-mods like a magnet, aren't you?

Just this one.

It's the idea I like more than anything; hadn't even thought about changing text color until Luminosity posted.
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