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[RELEASED] Colored Anomalies

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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 10:29:30 AM
Good news everyone,

i've uploaded a new version (see first post).


Moved from Localization to seperate xml file as suggested by davea.

Please delete the old mod-directory if upgrading!

It supports english, german and le french version. Even though the two latter languages will show the english names of the anomalies.

It does not add any new colored items.

Feel free to add it to your own mod.

Have fun!
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 2:46:29 PM
Fantastic and efficient idea...

..I will integrate(next version) this to my mod.....
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 3:17:07 PM
I felt as free as to add Colonizeable (malus) to help Sower-Players.

And I color-Coded the Planets by Tier (not by favorable Exploit as suggested before):

Tier 1 => Dark Green

Tier 2 => Yello Green

Tier 3 => Kinda whitish

Tier 4 => Orange

Tier 5 => Redish

(To reflect the possible impact on happyness better)

Edit: Btw. I cannot get this to work by only copying the files to Public/Localization/english anymore, but if I load it as mod it works. Anyone has an idea why?
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 3:21:53 PM
Ail wrote:
I cannot get this to work by only copying the files to Public/Localization/english anymore

Did that ever work? I am not sure the game loads "loose" localization files from (steam dir)\Endless Space\public, I think it only loads them from mod directories. That is the way I would have done it, anyway.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 3:33:30 PM
It works for me.

EDIT: but I merged the colour changes with some of my own directly in the Localization_Locales.xml
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