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Your Self-Made Factions

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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 12:16:49 AM
I like to Introdruce you another one of my builds ; )

Besides the obvious powerfull affinitys of Hissho,Craver,Sophons

So i was interested to make a build with the often Underrated (and yeah...indeed it needs a buff) affinity of the United Empire.

For my Own surprise it was not bad ; ) pretty good and really fun to play ; )

The Build is designed for longer lasting Games 6-8 Players and the bigger the galaxy the better ; )

Yes of course it isent bad in smaller games but it realy shines in the big Games.

Also it is important to look how many opponents may have the eternal war trait ; )

The More peacfull races are in the Party...the more Powerfull you will be!

Cause Approval and the Naiv Trait are your secret Power ; )

Well everyone of the old school Starcraft I (maybe some SC II too) players will remember the mighty Terran Confederacy.

Name: Terran Confederacy

Tactic: Massiv approval /Trade/Economy/War

Comment:The Terran Confederacy, also known as the Confederacy of Man, the Confederacy and coloquially known as the Confederates, was an interstellar confederation set up by the terrans.

It is an Interstellar confederation (de jure) but de facto Centralized plutocratic oligarchy.

It praises the peace and Trade but in the remote system far away from the eyes of the other races they build massiv Fleets to intervene under some random excuse and steamroll the other realms ; )

Their Power is the massive approval of their people and the High Health Point Ships only they can build.

Positive Traits:

For Dust and Science:

+Blockade runners (1/1) +6

+Merchant (2/2) +12

+Diplomats (2/2) +15

All 3 Costs:33

For Industrie:

Legendary Heroes (2/2) Costs:16 To give you with a little bit luck the right *OOMMPPHH* for a kickstart ; )

For Approval ; )

+Optimistics (2/2) Costs: 15

+ Naiv (2/2) Costs:10

These to traits allow you and giant bonus on approval...with 7 other races in peace for example you get an Bonus of 7*8 Approval + 20 from Optimisc in summary = +76% Approval ; )

This allows you a good high Tax Rate(40-60)% to achiev at last a moderate bonus from the UE affinity and very much Dust. In mid late game if u have the time over to research approval building u can even have an Tax Rate of 75-80% and about 90%-100% approval on each planet ; )

For the Military:

Strong Alloys (2/2) Costs:20

Optimal Structure (2/2) Costs:20 Both To make your Ships in combination with United Empire Technologie and Affinity of extra XP to extrem High Hull Ships ; )

Militarists (1/3) Costs:8 just to spend exact all the 65 Points and to make your Expensive Cruisers a little bit cheaper; )

This is and very mightyfull Boni ; )

Every Guy who accepts your peace treaty so makes u stronger ; )

Negative Traits:

-offensive First (3/3) - 10 You have massive High HP Ships (Cruisers from 3000-6000+ HP) you only need a little bit of Flaks and these are almost the same effectiv.

-Dust Impaired (2/2 ) -4Mandatory...comes rare to use

- sloppy Sawbones (2/2) -6 Mandatory....Same here

- feeble Warriors (2/2) -6Mandatory

spendthrifts (3/3) -25 Dude you will be swimming in Money with these build i would like to pick Spendthrifts (6/6) if i could...

- Unlucky Colonists -6 Little Impact...6 free Points...and often you get a mixed anomaly with good side effects ; )

Total Sum: Exactly 65 Trait Points

Strategy: Play Normal(with or without Admin hero)...at first keep your taxes about 30 % to raise your pop ; )

Scout soo good as you can! Send your Scouts in each direction...see more System u discover the more Dust/Science u get.

Research directly after the Casimir Effect the Tech for a peace treaty...offer simply EVERYBODY ones...Human Players accept normaly instantly and makes you stronger ; )

AI accept after a few turns and little Tech as a present.

Your Ships Start with good HP...Your Destroyers will be Stronger then the others...in the very beginning build them with rockets...but better instantly with lasers ; )

with 5-6 Flak Modules they are proof for other early game Destroyer Fleets with often goes only missles.

i Call them *hard Glass Cannon* they are very effectiv...and stronger then any other Glass Cannons.

Very good protection of rushes too.

In Mid game you should have and enourmos Approval rate...abble to achiev a perfekt production effency about 45-60% Tax rate for a good Industrie Boni from Affinity.

Your Trades routes makes you able to early research of non bary particles....build everywhere the +40 research bulding...and you should ALWAYS in the top 1-3 of resarch.

If u have the time and peace (you should have peace.....cause some players even respect peace treatments...haha just ridiculous thats their death) build some Buildings for extra Trade routes...they are on Research line for bigger Fleets either way ; )

Try so fast you can to Build Crusiers and research the special Armor Technology of the United Empire...some Cruisers with over 3000HP+ in Combination with some * Hard Glass Cannons* are very comfortable Fleets and often able to beat Fleets with over 2000 Strength Points more then them. I tested it and they are effectiv and worth it!

I realy love to play with this build it is very big fun and also it is fun to be the friend of all in the beginning...trading technology and so on...and then when your enmourmos Fleets are ready (provided trough the *naiv* peace treatments of the other players) you break the peace and steamroll them...and then they are wondering why their 5000 Strengh fleet loose against an 2500 Fleet ; )

Iam Realy glad to have found a build with makes the affnity of the United Empire in some way usefull...the Naiv Trait is very very Powerfull...try it and love it ; )

Have fun with it ; )

Greetings Sovereign / Ingame Harbinger
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 11:15:39 AM
Greetings creative minds,

I've come to notice that no thread yet exists to "showcase" your self-made factions.

Therefor I gave birth to this one, so all can share their creations with others.

make sure you check out the guide for the faction creator

How Does It Work?

Simply react in this thread, and include all info about your faction





I will then add it to this First post so that we get an nice overview of all created factions.

Faction List

This list contains all posted faction, in chronological order.

[TABLE="class:grid,width:600,align:left"] Faction Name Faction Creator Download Craver Imperium MaximusThalos Not available The Horde Igncom1 Link The Ayreons Frizan Not Available The Mitra Association Trent01 Not Available Koshinto Armid Not Available Raptoratio Adder Link Von Neumann Probes Sovereign Not Available Hissho Warlords Lantanek Link Terran Confederacy Sovereign Not Available Toruum Snerch Link Arhulians WhiteWeasel Not Available Phelorian Alliance Elusive_M Not Available Nirvana Zazen Not Available The Masalu GentleKrabbe Not Available Erudites Kailoss Not Available Subspace Empire ryry117 Not Available The Valkrin ericbrooke Link The Prador mrhyms Link The Jain mrhyms Link The Ash mrhyms Link Sophon Singularity Chrome Not Available Hissho breakaway faction Digitalhawk96 Not Available The Syndicate mrChips Link

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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 11:00:15 PM
It was the Eternal War being optional that was throwing me off. Seeing it say optional I figured it should work out without it.

I'm tweaked it a little to get me to be able to play with this and I'm just having a tough time with everyone hating me. My first few games I had lots of traits that added +approval on my custom faction. Now even with 20% taxes i'm still at only 38% approval and most planets are worse then that. Is there something just overall I'm missing when it comes to keeping them happy? I've built +approval buildings and it doesn't help much.
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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 1:25:48 PM
Emhh you forgot to consider ETERNAL WAR -10 ; )

Yeah it was under optional at the end of site so maybe you didnt see it...i have to change this

It DOES come out the exactly 60 points you have to consider i have posted many alternatives ; ) in the end I PERSONALLY use Spendspendthrifts (3/3) and Blackthumb (3/3) BUT with these u realy have to know how to handle this faction u often have to change Indrustrie to Money/science tranformation.

MAYBE i forgot to cleary formulate that optimal Structure is out if u take Masters of Illusion (2/2) and Masters of Destruction (2/2)

Point exploit is not possible anymore but i play this race with exact 60 points till now ; )


Dont call ME a cheater i NEVER cheated not ones in my Endless Space life time.

Consider this line ; )

- spendthrifts (2/3) OR (3/3) - I personally like (3/3) because when you take (3/3) and also pick Unlucky Colonists (1/1) you have enough points for Masters of Destruction (2/2) AND Optimal Structure (1/2) but you have to wait 1 turn longer to get 20 Dust even with high taxes to hire your Hero.

But I very like Masters of Destruction (2/2) and Masters of Illusion (2/2)...Colo Ships now cost de facto zero....and u can buld in no time an ONLY INVADEMODUL Fleet to assist your Combatfleets from the second ranks and get Systems in no Time too!

PS:Beware tonight i will post one of my other builds ; )
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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 10:25:34 AM
Decoy7 wrote:
Sovereign I was looking over your build here and the math doesn't come out. It was something like a build I was thinking of trying but it just comes out wrong.


Damm them reapers, always cheating smiley: mad (lol)
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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 7:06:45 AM
Sovereign I was looking over your build here and the math doesn't come out. It was something like a build I was thinking of trying but it just comes out wrong.

Positive Traits:

-builder (3/3) 24

-big fleets (2/2) 25

-entrepreneurs (1/1) 20

-militarist (3/3) 24

-optimistic (1/2) 6

-legendary heroes (2/2) 16

-masters of destruction (1/2) 10

Total is 125

negative Traits:

-offensive First (1/3) -3

-dust Impaired (2/2 ) -4

-sloppy sawbones (2/2) -6

-isolationist (1/1) -3

-feeble warriors (2/2) -6

-fragile hulls (2/2) -10

-black thumbs (3/3) -15

-spendthrifts (2/3) -16

Total -63

125-63 = 62 But people who take the Sowers only get 60 points to start with not 65 like some others do.

and then there is your OR part

Spendthrifts 3/3 -25

Unlucky Colonists -6


Masters of Destruction (2/2) 20

Optimal Structure (1/2) 10

total of 145 positive

So 145-78 = 67 Again above the 60 mark.

Some where in here I think you messed up with a trait or 2.
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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 7:43:23 PM
After a bit of fine tuneing, I'd like to see our races duke it out sometime!
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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 2:25:15 PM
Name: Hissho Warlords


Hissho Affinity

Blockade Breakers +

Deadly Weapons ++

Optimal Defense ++

Optimal Structure ++

Terraformed Planet +

(64 / 65) Points


Formed up from the strongest, mightiest and finest warriors of the Hissho race. The Hissho Warlords combined their knowledge of war to improve their ships to seek their final and noble goal. Domination of the universe through war.
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