Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

PANCZASU's Faction Pack development

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11 years ago
Oct 29, 2013, 11:15:07 PM
^^ It all looks great guys.

I finished another round of exams today, so I will resume work on the ships. btw, does anyone know if there is anything special about baking textures/normal maps for ES? Not likely, but I thought I would ask...

2 factions already? I guess Im holding up the project lol
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11 years ago
Oct 10, 2013, 7:10:03 PM
The last ones that are basically just the logo do seem a little minimalist. But the middle image icons are tops smiley: wink But you could make them something other than the faction logo smiley: wink


Vertex and texture reqs were somewhat modified in DH as far as I know. So if its some one else's work, its probably that it can't load the model due to the vertex limit. If its your model and you are SURE it meets the vertex limit (try loading a cube as a ship model) and it still freezes, we may have issues with DLC custom ships. Often times we modelers (at least us un-paid ones smiley: stickouttongue) use a method called Strategic Subdividing, where we subdivide the mesh in only select areas that need it most in order to conserve vertices and meet the limit. Often this puts us close enough to the limit that if the limit is changed even a little (either by a Unity update or a game update) it can mess up the entire process. (professionals like the ES artists would never get that close to the limit, though.)

Ship Model progress: Corvette model nearing completion. Was relatively easy to UVW map, and will meet ES and Unity Vertex limit standards.
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11 years ago
Oct 11, 2013, 4:49:15 AM
Where do you find these vertex limit standards?

The ship I tried to load was the one from the tutorial.
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11 years ago
Oct 13, 2013, 8:04:20 PM
I guess I will just keep on deleting previous posts and use the slot to update PAN and whoever else is watching about the Artwork progress. Gaining so much insight into just how talented Amplitudes artists are...

Anyway this is where I am on the Corvette. This is probably somewhere close to finished

Uses 4/5 of Corvette vertex limit

Also made a tech icon, with more to come (I guess this could be used for unified Blood Lust) Right now trying to find a good style for the border...


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11 years ago
Oct 15, 2013, 5:13:42 PM
I registered an account on this forum just to give you guys a thumbs up, and to let you know that I am eagerly awaiting the completion of this project!

This is some super cool stuff guys! smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Oct 16, 2013, 3:56:11 PM
Drakonis wrote:
I registered an account on this forum just to give you guys a thumbs up, and to let you know that I am eagerly awaiting the completion of this project!

This is some super cool stuff guys! smiley: biggrin

Much appreciated! Just be warned you may wait a while smiley: stickouttongue the corvette looks messy and will take a while to re-do, not to mention all the other ships lol It probably will be the artwork that will hold up the full completion of the project.
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11 years ago
Oct 29, 2013, 6:37:16 PM
Race #5:
Ophio Corporation

Home Planet Type: Terran

Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral

Gameplay: Unlimited Trade

Main Victory Type: Economic/Diplomatic

Ophio corporation - one of the largest and wealthiest corporations in the entire galaxy - was formerly known as the Emirate of Ophiocord, an empire built entirely by a race of highly intelligent fungi. Although their bodies are very weak and the Ophiocord are just barely capable of using tools, their nerve system is extremely sophisticated and advanced. As such, these fungi are not only intellectual geniuses, but are even capable of mind-controlling other species. The Ophiocord keep it a secret from other races and use their abilities to make every deal a good deal.



Telepathy: +1 trade routes cap on empire. +100% trade routes bonuses on empire. +50% trade routes distance bonuses on empire. The “Blockade Breakers” trait also works when at war.


The Ophiocord evolved on the grim world of Fungae. This seemingly barren, rocky planet features a relatively mild climate and a high degree of moisture. As well as a series of never-ending caves where Mycelium Mother resides. In the ancient times, Fungae was populated by a different race of sapient beings, yet they lost the evolution war with the Ophiocord and the few remaining survivors are mindless goons controlled by the Mycelium Mother. Nowadays, the surface of Fungae is covered by towering ascocarps where the Mycelium Mother gives birth to the Ophiocord. They are very protective of their homeworld and never allow any aliens to visit Fungae.


Blockade Breakers 1/1

Simply put, a merchant with the ability to influence other people's minds doesn't have to worry about border control. Sufficiently experienced Ophiocord can not only avoid being shot down by the enemy military but even sell them some of his goods!

Businessmen 3/3

The Ophiocord are brilliant mathematicians. They can count faster then most computers and are perhaps one of the very few living species capable of rivaling AIs when solving complex algorithms. Such genius with numbers lets the Ophiocord amass wealth beyond understanding of less skilled species.

Diplomats 2/2

Trade tends to go very smoothly when one of the sides dictates prices while the other simply nods and slightly drools.

Dust Archeology 2/2

The Ophiocord are relatively young, at least compared to other races that discovered the secrets of dust and advanced space travel. The Mycelium Mother herself already existed before dust reached Fungae but the presence of said material sped up her evolution by tens of thousands of years and allowed her to overcome the previously dominating race of Fungae. However, there's still plenty of dust left on the planet that the Ophiocord didn't get to use yet.

Enterpreneurs 1/1

Gaining wealth is every Ophicord's hobby, sport, job and destiny. Obsessed with the idea of enhancing their Mycelium Mother with unthinkable quantities of dust, the Ophiocord are relentless when there's dust to be had.

Feeble Warriors 2/2

Although the Mycelium Mother is nearly immortal, her Ophiocord spores are vulnerable and extremely sensitive to environmental changes. They rarely exit their exo suits and even a small wound can be lethal if not properly taken care of. This makes the Ophiocord extremely poor frontline soldiers.

Merchants 2/2

Because the Ophiocord barely need any free time to operate at their full efficiency, they can spend most of their day trading, trading and trading some more. This obviously leads to an increase in exchanged goods.

Slow Travellers 1/2

The Ophiocord are subconsciously terrified of leaving their Mycelium Mother for an extended period of time. They understand the need to travel and explore but they always look for an excuse to postpone their travels. It is not unheard of to have an Ophiocord stop by dozens of intersystem refueling stations just to drink some spacecohol. At least they use this time to find new trade partners so the economy doesn't suffer from quirks like this.

Terraformed Planet 1/1

Over the years, Fungae has been terraformed by the Mycelium Mother to suit her needs and accommodate her perfectly.

The Price of Beauty 3/3

The Ophiocord are horrible when it comes to building stuff. They are barely able to use tools and only construct their warships in the most dire of circumstances. Most of the time they hire independent contractors – like the Illuminant – to do their work for them.

Unskilled Builders 1/3

Making structures is also a difficult task for the Ophiocord but it's much easier to make an immovable structure then a spaceship that's supposed withstand heavy fire in the most hostile of environments.

Trait points in total: 73


Faction-specific tech:

1) Thought Analysis

Costs 130 science. Unlockable via Xenology or Soil Xenobiology. It unlocks Hyperadaptive Strategy, a new battle card.

2) Particle Scanning

No longer unlocks Atemporal Finance. Instead it unlocks Enforced Wealth, a new planetary exploitation.

3) Ghost Investors

Costs 680 science. Unlockable via Relativistic Markets. Gives access to Quantum Communicators. It unlocks a new empire improvement: Self-aware Investments.

4) Long Range Brainwave Sensors

Costs 5625 science. Unlockable via Large Scale Neurals. It unlocks a new empire improvement: Pre-coded Adaptation. It also unlocks a new system improvement: Quantum Impulse Towers.

5) Vacation-oriented Society

Now costs 1800 science instead of 7500. Unlockable via Botanical Scanning. Gives access to Advanced Biologics. It no longer unlocks Finance Commission. Instead it unlocks Deus Ex Opes, a new planetary exploitation.

6) Voluntary Slavery

Costs 25000 science. Unlockable via Pervasive Etching. It unlocks a new system improvement: Emergency Gain.

7) Permanent Advantage

It unlocks a new empire improvement: Overclocked Economy.

Faction-specific improvements:

Hyperadaptive Strategy

Unblockable. Costs 30 dust to use. Counters Tactics. +10% evade (block: +10%); +10% accuracy (block: +10%).

By carefully alternating the emotions of their enemies, the Ophiocords can turn even the most ingenious plans into a disaster. Why outsmart an enemy when you can just make him dumber?

Enforced Wealth

+1 dust per population on Desert. +3 dust per population on planet. +1 dust per population on Arid.

Establishing a set of laws where everyone is obligated to posses a certain minimal amount of wealth might seem slightly radical and it is not a system that most species could be content with. Fortunately, the Ophiocord are not one of those species.

Self-aware Investments

-10% buyout bonus on system.

Moving past the old stock formula is essential when creating a more efficient economy. The next step is to create a system using multidimensional investments which – when properly set up – can adapt to new market trends by themselves and turn unavoidable loss into profit.

Pre-coded Adaptation

+ 0.5% damage max per % of diplomatic victory on fleet weapons. + 0.5% damage min per % of diplomatic victory on fleet weapons.

Enforcing certain behaviors and reactions from alien races is a task that requires secrecy, centuries of planning, humongous quantities of dust and a fair share of luck. However it is not impossible, especially after discovering the work patterns of an average alien mind. By slightly alternating some of brain's routine tasks, every mistake made by an alien can be pre-coded and later abused on the battlefield.

Quantum Impulse Towers

Costs 10 turns. Construction effects: -100% dust, -40% science. Post-construction effects: +100% trade routes bonuses on star system. -5 dust on improvement.

Setting up a communication system capable of contacting with Mycelium Mother requires a lot of time and a lot of dust. Mycelium Mother needs to be enhanced with a sufficient amount of dust to make her capable of locating and directly contacting a colony that exists several parsecs away from her. However, after establishing a working connection, even the most remote Ophiocord settlements can feel the touch of their mother's brilliance.

Deus Ex Opes

+2 dust per population on Desert. +2 dust per population on Gas Hydrogen. +4 dust per population on planet. +1 dust per population on Arid. +2 dust per population on Terran. +1 dust per population on Jungle. +1 dust per population on Ocean. +1 food per population on planet.

By abandoning the illusion that there are things more important then amassing dust, the efficiency of trade networks and the entire economic system can be greatly enhanced, even to a level when the dust itself becomes a viable source of food.

Emergency Gain

Costs infinite industry. 150% of food converted to dust. x0.1 food on system.

In the times of need, sacrifices have to be made in order to stimulate the economy. Agriculture is known for consuming large amounts of time and money and not really giving anything important in return. It is sometimes a good idea to ignore the silly thing and focus on making profit. Besides, the smaller the population, the less you have to pay for live support systems.

Overclocked Economy

+ 200 dust per % of economic victory on empire.

The accumulation of advantages may be an ancient concept but it remains true even in the distant future. Every bit of dust can be used to gain more dust, and every deal helps enhance one's influence thus creating more deals. This process can be greatly improved when overseen by a nearly godlike being, such as the Mycelium Mother. The more dust she can accumulate, the more powerful she becomes. And the more powerful she is, the more dust she can accumulate. It's a never ending circle of limitless prosperity.

Faction-specific hull bonuses:


Hypha: -50% seed module tonnage.


Mold: -50% scout module tonnage.


Spore: -40% bomber tonnage. +15% defense module tonnage.


Parasite: -20% repair module tonnage. -20% armor module tonnage. +20% weapon module tonnage.


Control: -50% engine module tonnage. -10% power module tonnage. +10% fighter module tonnage.


Decay: No bonuses.

Construction effect: +15% dust on system.


Note on technology: When designing the Ophio Corporation, I wanted it to be a faction focused around dust and yet different to UE. I decided to go for a race that relies heavily on trade – and as such is largely uninterested in conquest. After all, if you kill all of your business partners, where are you going to get your money from?
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11 years ago
Oct 29, 2013, 6:39:06 PM
Ophio Corporation

Part 2


The Slaves' heritage

Long is the story of Fungae but it was not always the story of Ophiocord and their Mother. Fungae – a deceivingly harsh world with underground filled with a vast array of life forms. From those caves, the Slaves came. That is not, of course, how they called themselves, yet it is how the Ophiocord refer to them and nobody else knows much about this ancient civilization. Still, in their time they were powerful and strong and it seemed like the evolution itself want those bipeds to rule their world. The Slaves made quick advancements in technology and their cities covered much of Fungae.

Yet even they did not dare to dwell too deep underground, into the darkest of Fungae's caves. For that is where the death lurked. The one enemy that the Slaves truly feared, the one that was killing them by the dozens in the ancient times. Their goal was to achieve a technological level that would allow them to understand and fight the enemy below. The mycelium. A colony so vast, that it shrouded the planet's core. An endless cave network filled with a deadly type of fungus. A fungus capable of entering any animal's body and alternating its actions, forcing it to die where the mycelium could consume it. Even people who were not yet infected could feel horrible headaches and dizziness when standing too close to the fungus.

This was, however, a distant thread. The fungus was never able to expand beyond the deepest of caves and it seemed like one day, the Slaves would find a way to get rid of it completely. They started sending automated drones to the underworld, where the drones would cleanse the mycelium with flamethrowers and breaching charges. The Slaves wouldn't have a mushroom stop them from achieving greatness and expanding into the universe. They felt that it was their duty to free their planet form the plague.

The Mother awakens

But then, dust found its way to Fungae. The Slaves quickly learned how to use this unexpected gift and started achieving wondrous things, their technology advancing faster then ever before. Little did they know, that they were not the only ones blessed by the product of the Endless. Some of the dust penetrated the deepest of caves on Fungae and made it to the mycelium hidden below. And that's when the most unexpected thing happened: the mycelium, one of the largest organisms in the entire galaxy, learned how to think. How to act. It had no name for itself just yet but in the future it would be known as the Mycelium Mother. The organism that gave birth to one of the most powerful and influential empires of the universe.

The Mother knew that it had to act fast. The Slaves were smart and it wouldn't take them long to realize what had happened. The dust enhanced the fungus's abilities, allowing it to mind-control an animal without sending spores into its body. And as if that wasn't enough, the mycelium learned how to do the same thing with machines. So the next time a group of drones entered the caves to harm the Mother, she took control over them and hid them beyond the Slaves' reach. But she knew well enough that the Slaves would soon realize what had happened and that they would do anything in their power to kill the Mycelium Mother before she became too powerful.

That's when she realized that in order to survive, she would need to somehow extend the range of her mind-control abilities. So, with her newly developed genius, the Mother designed the Ophiocord.

The Ophiocord rise

From the technical standpoint, the Ophiocord were simply the spores of Mycelium Mother. But these spores had a mind of their own and their purpose was not to simply spread the Mother's precious DNA. They were the tools of her will. And while each one had a varying personality, they were all conditioned to obey her will and place her good above anything else. The spores lost a lot of their Mother's intellectual genius but they gained the mobility that she didn't have.

Soon after, the Mother had an army of servants and all of them were blessed with the gift of mind-control. They weren't the best front line soldiers but this is where the stolen combat drones fit in; they were to act as a meatshield for the real army. When everything was ready, the Mother issued an attack order. She knew that she'd lose the ability to communicate with her children before they exit her cave network but she had confidence in the Ophiocord.

Unsurprisingly, the Slaves were ready for the attack. When the first group of drones emerged from the caves, the Slaves' military ruthlessly gunned them down, destroying the first wave before it was even able to reach the Slaves' positions. They didn't waste time celebrating their victory; instead, they immediately launched a counter-assault to find and destroy the rest of the combat drones.


There are no tales, no poems to describe the Slaves' fall. Upon entering the caves, they were attacked by a countless horde of sapient spores. Their bodies were fragile and clumsy so for a brief moment it looked like the Slaves will survive the attack. But then something happened. At first some of the Slaves started acting very distracted, as if they couldn't focus on the battle. And then suddenly, they started to turn and opened fire on their old friends. The odds started to turn. The Slaves' forces were quickly outnumbered and had to call for reinforcements from other parts of Fungae. Yet it was already too late.

By the time the reinforcements arrived, the Ophiocord controlled a powerful army and with every soldier entering the battlefield, the army continued to grow larger and larger. Using the Slaves' inventions against them, the Ophiocord quickly spread to different parts of the world, crushing the resistance and brutalizing the Slaves' military with their own soldiers and vehicles.

This is how one civilization ended and a different one rose in its place. After the war ended, only a handful of Slaves were left alive, all turned into mindless goons, an obedient workforce. But the Ophiocords realized that this is just the beginning. Guided by their Mother's incomprehensible genius, they quickly reached a technological level that the Slaves were never able to achieve. And then, they started exploring the universe. For it was the Mycelium Mother's request that they find more of this resource and bring it back to her, enhance her even further.

And the Ophiocord will continue to do so until the Mycelium Mother's powers are that of a goddess and she envelopes the entire universe in her gentle embrace.


About Ophio Corporation:


When talking about the biology of an Ophiocord, one has to remember that there are three types of them:

The first are the Ophiocord made by the Mycelium Mother, also known as homeborn. They are quite unique among fungus, as most of their cells do not posses a cell wall, which is why the homeborn are able to move. On a macroscopic level, the body of those creatures consist of endless amounts of tightly packed organic thread which makes for most of their body mass. Most of said threads are immovable, only the external threads can be moved by an Ophiocord. They allow the homeborn to move and use the most basic of tools. On average, an Ophiocord is about 70cm high and 160cm long though they get bigger as they age. Like most fungi, the Ophiocord can use almost any organic matter as their energy source. They are highly resistant to infections but also very vulnerable to environmental changes and need special suits when they're exposed to an environment that's even slightly different from the climate on Fungae. An Ophiocord can create a small mycelium colony but it will be genetically inferior compared to the Mycelium Mother.

The other Ophiocords are known as farborn. As the name suggests, these are the Ophiocord that are not products of the Myclium Mother but come from other colonies. The farborn share their biology with the homeborn with some exceptions; the farborn are noticeably smaller then the 'pure' Ophiocord and their intellectual skills (as well as mind-control abilities) are sub-par when compared to the homeborn. They are also unable to create their own mycelium colonies and usually live for about 40 years (while the average lifespan for a homeborn is around 200 years). But the farborn have as much free will as the homeborn and they are still geniuses when compared to humans.

The last is the Mycelium Mother. She's one of the biggest lifeforms in discovered galaxy, occupying roughly 34 billions cubic kilometers of space and she continues to grow. Her internal structure is so dense that she could survive the destruction of her home planet and then continue to live in space for several hundred years. She's practically indestructible and shows no signs of aging. The continuous intake of dust ensures that the Mycelium Mother constantly enhances her physical and intellectual abilities. Her only weakness is the inability to move, although once she consumes enough dust, even that may no longer be a limiting factor.


For the Ophiocord, their Mycelium Mother is a goddess and their love for her is limitless. No mental conditioning was ever able to change this fact. As such, the Ophiocord spend most of their lives gathering dust for their mother and they await the moment when she envelopes the universe in her tender embrace. Aside from that, the Ophiocord have varying personalities and they all have their own tastes and a fair share of various quirks.

The true thoughts and feelings of Mycelium Mother are a mystery to all. She has never contacted directly with a different race then her Ophiocord and the people she mind-controls are forever her slaves. It has never been confirmed if her goal is to spread to the entire universe or not. She's probably quite egocentric but doesn't appear to be overly aggressive or brutal since the empire she forged avoids wars if at all possible. She's ruthless when attacked but she never orders to assault anyone, even if she could've gained a lot of dust this way.

Also, both the Ophiocord and the Mycelium Mother have no issues abusing their mind-control abilities to gain power at the cost of other races. They are also doing an outstanding job at hiding their powers from the aliens. Other races are, of course, suspicious of the Ophiocord persuasion techniques but the Sophons insist that there is no such thing as a natural, long-distance mind-control ability.


The Ophiocords are a very religious race. They build monuments to their Mycelium Mother on every world they colonize. A traditional Ophiocord housing is a round, single-floor structure with a large patio in the middle. This area of the house is used for recreation and as a place of prayers, since every patio has a shrine to Mycelium Mother. The interesting bit is that sometimes, the Mycelium Mother reacts to those prayers, regardless of the distance between her and the shrine. The scientists speculate that under the patio and the shrine there is a mycelium colony, which acts as a primitive quantum communicator to the Mycelium Mother. It seems fairly unreliable but it's still a wonder of bioengineering.

Work is another important part of the Ophiocord's culture. They dedicate most of their lives serving their mother and amassing dust for her and they require only a minimal amount of free time to operate at an optimum efficiency. There's an unwritten law between the Ophiocord which prohibits them from discussing business during their leisure time.


The government of the Ophiocord is very simple. The farborn always listen to the homeborn and all Ophiocord always listen to the Mycelium Mother. Aside from this law, which overrides all other laws, the Ophiocords are organised into a complex line of command, similar to the one used by most corporations.


Final notes on Ophio Corporation:

My second 'legit' race after Planarians. I always wanted to have a race of sapient fungi and I decided to throw some mind-control abilities and the love for dust into the mix just because it all mixed together so well. Unlike UE or Sheredyn, Ophio Corp. doesn't simply rely on their planets as a source of revenue and instead promote the trade with other factions. I think it does them well, since it changes the gameplay quite a bit.
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11 years ago
Oct 29, 2013, 7:16:36 PM
Sorry for the long wait and general absence. I promise that you won't have to wait for the new update as long as you had to wait for this one!

Drakonis wrote:
I registered an account on this forum just to give you guys a thumbs up, and to let you know that I am eagerly awaiting the completion of this project!

This is some super cool stuff guys! smiley: biggrin

Thank you for your kind words <3

Also, Shawk, you are like a wizard to me. This corvette is amazing!
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11 years ago
Oct 29, 2013, 7:43:58 PM
2 factions have been implemented, they are completely playable. I've changed some things that can't be implemented via modding and some other things due to balancing, but the changes haven't been approved by PANCZASU yet, so this is just a progress update.



  • Anomalies, wonders, star system improvements and planets provide additional smiley: approval on each system.
  • +40 research points to the current research for each destroyed enemy CP.

How it works:

Every time you colonize a planet, 10% of approval from all sources located on that planet except star system improvements (anomaly, wonder, luxury, the planet itself) is added to system approval. All star system improvements which increase approval on star system also provide +X approval on system (here and in the game “on system” means “on each star system you control” and “on star system” means “on this star system”).

Infinite supermarkets: +1 smiley: approval on system

Colonial Rights: +2 smiley: approval on system

Elegant Networks (Sowers): +2 smiley: approval on system

Unlimited Information Highways: +2 smiley: approval on system

Untitled SSI (Judicators of Lyn): +2 smiley: approval on system

Corporeal Freedom: +3 smiley: approval on system

Permanent Vacation: +4 smiley: approval on system

Since start of the game you have +1 approval from Planarian Affinity on system (+0 from Ocean planet and +1 from Metallic Waters). If, for example, your first colony ship colonizes an Arctic planet with Polaris Workshop it will add +1.5 approval on system (-1 from Arctic and +2.5 from the natural wonder) and so on.

Faction traits:

Advanced Machining

Berserkers 1/3

Berserkers is a new trait. It has 3 levels, costs 5/10/15 points and increases critical chance on weapons by 4%/8%/12%.

Big Fleets 1/2

Crowded Planets 2/2

Feeble Warriors 2/2

Fragile Hulls 2/2

Metallic Waters

Optimal Structure 1/2

Pessimistic 1/2

Rebellion 2/2

Revenge 2/2

Snipers 3/3

Trait points in total: 67

Faction-specific technologies:

Improved Thermodynamics

Exploration and Expansion technology tree

It unlocks a new empire improvement: Calmness Biochips.

Self-dampening Pain Receivers

1800 smiley: science, Applied Sciences technology tree

Unlockable via Neural Robotics. Gives access to Tectonic Engineering. It unlocks a new empire improvement: AI Analytical Systems.

Stasis Fields

Galactic Warfare technology tree

No longer unlocks Neutrino Capture. Instead it unlocks Fury Systems, a new power support module.

Unified Bloodthirst

1800 smiley: science, Diplomacy and Trade technology tree

Unlockable via Quantum Communications. It unlocks a new empire improvement: Extreme War Effort.

Non-baryonic Shielding

Exploration and Expansion technology tree

No longer unlocks Psychological Insulation. Instead it unlocks Unity Housing, a new star system improvement.

Untitled Technology

130 smiley: science, Diplomacy and Trade technology tree

Gives access to Improved Fleet Management. It unlocks a new empire improvement: Untitled empire improvement.

Untitled Technology 2

10000 smiley: science, Exploration and Expansion technology tree

Unlockable via Soil Revivification. It unlocks a new empire improvement: Untitled empire improvement 2.

Faction-specific improvements:

Calmness Biochips

-22% expansion disapproval on system.

AI Analytical Systems

+40 research points to the current research for each destroyed enemy CP on empire.

Fury Systems

This module costs 440 industry and 20% weight. It grants +7% critical chance on fleet weapons, +20% damage min and +20% damage max on fleet weapons.

Extreme War Effort

+5% smiley: industry and +5 smiley: approval per number of wars on system.

Unity Housing

+2 population on planets, +1 population on planets with explored moon. -4 smiley: dust on improvement.

Untitled Empire Improvement

+3 smiley: approval on star system for each of your ships orbiting star system (up to +30 smiley: approval on star system )

Untitled Empire Improvement 2

+2 smiley: approval on system per reduced anomaly.

Faction-specific hull designs:



-40% support module (civilian) tonnage



-50% troop module tonnage



-25% kinetic weapon module tonnage



+1 Special slot, -10% fighter module tonnage



-25% support module (power) tonnage



Construction effect: +20% defense on system

Faction-specific bomber design



  • +98% smiley: science on system. Bonus reduction by -14% smiley: science per system you control.
  • -40% buyout bonus on system. Bonus reduction by +5% buyout bonus per system you control.
  • +50% expansion disapproval, -100% overpopulation disapproval.

Faction traits:


Blockade Breakers

Builders 1/3

Crowded Planets 2/2

Diplomats 1/2

Dust Archaeology 1/2

Headhunter – Administrator

Legendary Heroes 2/2

Sheredyn Integrity 1/1

Spendthrifts 3/3

Stellar Guardians 1/2

Strategically Resourceful 1/1

Trait points in total: 75

Faction-specific technologies:

Space Chivalry

Galactic Warfare technology tree

Replaces Advanced Machining. It unlocks Sword Torpedoes, a new weapon module.

Inter-species HR

300 smiley: science, Diplomacy and Trade technology tree

Unlockable via Relativistic Economics. No longer unlocks Unlimited Information Highways. Instead it unlocks Untitled 1, a new star system improvement.

Open Trade Project

300 smiley: science, Diplomacy and Trade technology tree

Unlockable via Botanical Scanning. It unlocks a new star system improvement: Agricultural Marketplace.

Graviton Manipulation

Exploration and Expansion technology tree

No longer unlocks Planetary Institute. Instead it unlocks Planetary Air Humidifiers, a new system improvement.

Mass Hydration

4000 smiley: science, Exploration and Expansion technology tree

Unlockable via Atmospheric Engineering. Gives access to Dusty Dark Energy.

Dusty Dark Energy

7500 smiley: science, Exploration and Expansion technology tree

Unlockable via Mass Hydration. Gives access to Particle Redirection. It unlocks a new star system improvement: The Lyn Collider.

Particle Redirection

14000 smiley: science, Exploration and Expansion technology tree

Unlockable via Dusty Dark Energy. Gives access to Universal Constitutions. It unlocks a new star system improvement: Liquified Honor.

Universal Constitutions

25000 smiley: science, Exploration and Expansion technology tree

Unlockable via Particle Redirection. It unlocks Cities of Justice, a new empire improvement.

Faction-specific improvements:

Sword Torpedoes

Do not require Titanium-70.

Untitled 1

400 smiley: industry

+35 smiley: approval on star system. Does not require Hexaferrum.

Agricultural Marketplace

220 smiley: industry

+25% smiley: food on star system. Bonus reduction by -1% smiley: food per system you control. -2 smiley: dust on improvement.

Planetary Air Humidifiers

180 smiley: industry

+6 smiley: fids per colonized planet on star system. -2 smiley: dust on improvement.

The Lyn Collider

720 smiley: industry

+160 smiley: fids on star system. Bonus reduction by -20 smiley: fids per system you control. -5 smiley: dust on improvement.

Liquified Honor

1800 smiley: industry

+8 smiley: food smiley: industry per population on star system. Bonus reduction by -1 smiley: food smiley: industry system you control. -9
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11 years ago
Oct 10, 2013, 5:57:15 PM
Need some feedback on the custom icons for the mod. Do you like them? Maybe they are too minimalistic and ugly?

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11 years ago
Nov 1, 2013, 1:57:28 AM
So this is what I came up with for the Cruiser:

Hopefully its up to expectations. I hope to export this model and hand it to Vicarious so he can do his magic with the ES xmls, since Im not to sure about the Corvette right now.

Same stats as last time:

Normal map applied

Specularity map applied

uses 3/4 of medium-ship vertex recommended limit.
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11 years ago
Nov 1, 2013, 6:57:35 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
So this is what I came up with for the Cruiser:

Hopefully its up to expectations.

It definitely exceeded my expectations. Keep up the good work!
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11 years ago
Nov 2, 2013, 11:02:53 PM
The Planarians loading screen.

I am open to critiques.

Brief Caption: A Planarian recon Armada pauses to study and observe an anomaly

Im designing some icons right now, and will probably do those as I wait for feedback from Vicarious about how the integration of the model went. (@Vicarious I will give you an exported corvette too, so you can just start a game, go into the military view, and see if it integrated or not, instead of having to get the cruiser tech lol)
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11 years ago
Dec 6, 2013, 10:50:27 PM
I wish I was more accustomed to Computer Assisted Drawing/Design tools like you SHawk; since I am still just a warrior of the mighty writing stick.
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11 years ago
Dec 6, 2013, 11:35:37 PM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:
I am still just a warrior of the mighty writing stick.

An art form of which I don't believe I will ever master as well as you have smiley: wink

i think that drawing is an important skill for every artist to have in the arsenal... even for 3D artists.

But thank you
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11 years ago
Dec 8, 2013, 3:25:38 PM
First time I've checked this place out and I have to say it

"Bloody Hell! - You guys are brilliant."

Some fantastic art work and deep thought has gone into this.


Blown away at the 3D artwork. Keep going.


So much effort and so much to see. Amazing.

To the rest of this dynamic team I doff my hat. It's you that makes 4x games the reason others keep playing. smiley: approval
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