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5 years ago Sep 24,2019, 15:04:41 PM

Meet your new community team member, Rogan aka Martennson!

2 395 Views

Hey everyone,

We're very happy to announce that a new Ampliperson joined the community team last week! Although not an Auriga native, he also comes from a place with warm summers and harsh winters... Canada! He will be handling Social Media at Amplitude as well as leading our streaming efforts. Since you're going to see quite a bit of his face in the coming days, we sat down with him for a few questions!

Who are you and what is your job at Amplitude?

I am Rogan and I’m the Social Media and Streaming Specialist at Amplitude. My handle on the G2G is Martennson.

What were you doing before you joined the studio?

I worked at a marketing agency in Winnipeg, Canada, my hometown. I also streamed video games, produced video game content and wrote video game reviews on my own channels and a couple existing websites that were nice enough to published my content.

What do you like the most at Amplitude?

I love that I get to witness the process first-hand. Watching how games are made and how every person fits in to the art of it all. Working in the games industry has been my goal for some time now, and being part of this talented team and seeing big ideas come to life has been and will continue to be incredible.

What have you worked on that you're super proud of?

Building a small Twitch community of my own has been my proudest professional endeavor. I was never on the front page of Twitch and I never made hundreds of dollars streaming, but I’ve made some incredible friends through the platform, and I hope I can bring that same energy to Amplitude’s channels. The community here is really dedicated and friendly, and I’m so excited to get to know you all in the coming weeks!

What are you currently working on?

I’m trying to figure out a streaming schedule that works well not only on our end, but also for the viewers. Streaming is all about the community, and if we’re live when you aren’t around, what’s the point? I want to be able to connect with as many of you as possible on any given stream. 

What's your favorite game of all time?

Mass Effect 2. But this year’s the Outer Wilds is really giving it a run for its money.

What other cool things are you up to online? Any cool project you want to share?

I’m a Kinda Funny best friend, which is what they call their community member. I listen to most of their games-related podcasts and try to tune in to their streams as often as I can. I think the company is a staple example of how to make the most out of Twitch streaming and content creation. Plus, the entire cast is hilarious.

I also love Hot Ones. But who doesn’t? Oh, and follow me on Twitter!

What's your favorite race or character in our games?

I like the Sophons from Endless Space 2. They’re such a curious people, and they use facts to guide all of their thinking. I’m a fairly emotional person, and I don’t really connect with the way that they are in any way, but that’s what draws me to them the most.

Is there a funny story that happened to you at Amplitude?

Not yet but there will be. I’m pretty clumsy and awkward at times, so some embarrassment in one way or another is a guarantee. I’ll keep you all updated on the streams.

What obscure movie would you recommend watching?

Notting Hill starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts is the greatest rom-com of all time and that’s an objective fact. Don’t @ me. [ED: What]

What's your favorite fictional character?

John Wick just kicks so much ass. I don’t want to hurt anyone but I still want to be him so bad. How do I do it? Any suggestions?


That's it for Rogan for now. You'll start seeing his face pop up here and there in the coming weeks. Please give him a warm welcome!

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5 years ago
Dec 17, 2019, 7:11:12 AM

Have been enjoying the streams on Twitch! Have a great holiday.

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5 years ago
Sep 25, 2019, 9:13:27 PM

Nice to have a new dude checking out the forums and what not. Always makes for the best games when the devs pay attention to feedback and what's happening in the community. Anyway, welcome mdude!

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5 years ago
Sep 24, 2019, 9:15:21 PM

What's your favorite game of all time?

Mass Effect 2. But this year’s the Outer Wilds is really giving it a run for its money.

Nice that's the right answer!

Anyway, welcome. Have fun. The community is pretty lit so you should have that! Also looking forward to your clumsiness-related funny stories.

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5 years ago
Sep 24, 2019, 6:51:40 PM

Greetings! I am pleased to see Amplitude embracing hiring diversity with their newest canine hire! Don't forget your permits to allow your Human Labor Assistant access to the premises. 

Welcome to the team!

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