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5 years ago Dec 13,2019, 15:59:41 PM

HUMANKIND What's your story? - Custom Leader Reveal

3 819 Views

Since we announced Humankind at Gamescom this year, we’ve seen you ask many questions and speculate about how the game will work, showing us that you are all as excited about this game as we are!

Several of the questions that kept coming up struck a similar chord: How is diplomacy going to work? How are we going to recognize other empires if there might not be historical leaders?

We’re thrilled to finally answer this questions!

In Humankind, you will be playing as yourself. Create your own personal avatar that will develop as you play, and share it with the world. Humankind is about history, but it is also about your story.

While our goal with Humankind is to make a in which all parts feel historically authentic, we had a little fun with this trailer and went a little wacky to present you the avatars. Hope you'll have fun watching the trailer!

Are you excited to lead your people through history as yourself?

Tell us what you think!

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5 years ago
Dec 14, 2019, 8:23:10 PM
Jojo_Fr wrote:

I dont like this presentation. It's too soft. Looks like a trailer for the Sims...

I think most players want more testosterone and aggressivity dudes.

Same way you think most players want some ridiculous balance changes and compete as for life itself when playing a 4x fun game? Dude those games are for chilllllllll

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Dec 14, 2019, 11:49:24 PM

Really happy to see Amplitude taking on more sub categories of the 4x genre, they do such fantastic work.  Love it, can't wait.

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5 years ago
Dec 15, 2019, 11:42:02 AM

One moment, don't ships look too big compared to cities? Why wouldn't you make 1 ship unit look like 3-4 smaller ships of that class, like you usually do with infantry units. Same bout elephants.

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5 years ago
Dec 15, 2019, 12:57:55 PM
mamarider wrote:

One moment, don't ships look too big compared to cities? Why wouldn't you make 1 ship unit look like 3-4 smaller ships of that class, like you usually do with infantry units. Same bout elephants.

Could be different reasons:

- One big ship looks more impressive instead of more smaller ones.

- It is really only one ship. A Ship of the Line was expensive if I recall correctly.

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5 years ago
Dec 15, 2019, 10:35:01 PM
PARAdoxiBLE wrote:
rvm1975 wrote:

what exactly we need to do?

go to humankind.game and subscribe for the newsletter

What if we've already signed up? 

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5 years ago
Dec 14, 2019, 4:45:19 PM
MezzoMax wrote:

That looks really cool!

So we will be able to play dress up while we are advancing through the ages?

I liked this feature in CIV:BE, you could see your own avatar change with your tech choices.

One question: Will the AI have set characters or will they be randomized? With set characters you could also have set personalities and they would be memorable and to some degree predictable. On the other hand having everything randomized would really improve the replayability.

Probably you can set your avatar with some main characteristic like mafia type or, militaristic or spiritual-type

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5 years ago
Dec 19, 2019, 11:32:59 AM

It's a nice and unique system! I really like the imaginative(storytelling) potencial for this feature.

I wonder if we could have some more additional details about how our actions influence our avatar

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5 years ago
Dec 19, 2019, 11:51:30 PM
Dinode wrote:
PARAdoxiBLE wrote:
rvm1975 wrote:

what exactly we need to do?

go to humankind.game and subscribe for the newsletter

What if we've already signed up? 

Then congratz you get this set when the game comes out

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5 years ago
Dec 20, 2019, 6:31:35 AM

Looks great, can't wait to see more information about the interface and gameplay.

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5 years ago
Jan 7, 2020, 9:33:06 PM

Oh boy !
I'm hyped !
As much as I would have loved to see the Endless lore and universe expanded, I am also curious to see how this game is going to be !
I'm a bit worried on wether or not this game will be able to differenciate itself enough from the sid meier's civilization series but I trust the devs and I know we won't be disappointed
I also think I will miss the low number of factions with deep gameplay and lore differences..
But still, I love the FIDSI system and the way Amplitude handles 4X gameplay so I'm not really worried. It will be a long wait !

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5 years ago
Aug 11, 2020, 9:06:54 AM

very smooth and interesting. Like the plot and possibility to make your own story. Thumbs up

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