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5 years ago Feb 06,2020, 15:04:41 PM

Humankind Dev Diaries 01: Origins

4 260 Views

Hello everybody!

Judging by the burning questions and wild speculation we've seen on the forum, many of you have been eager to learn more about Humankind. How does combat work? Is there religion? How do you build your cities? What about diplomacy? You clearly want to know everything there is to know about our next game.

Unfortunately for you, we have not been ready to talk about all these subject yet.

Today, we are starting a new series of Dev Diaries on our Youtube channel that will answer many of your questions in time.

This first Dev Diary talks about our vision for Humankind, its themes, and what this game means to us.

In future diaries, we will take a closer look at different aspects and features of the game.

So stay tuned for more!

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5 years ago
Feb 12, 2020, 7:11:48 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

Yes, Humankind is running on Unity. I can't give you any answers regarding compatibility maintenance, though, as I have not discussed that with the production team.

So many issues with ES2 would be solved by upgrading the Unity engine used from 5.5 to 5.6 . Either the development team doesn't realize that, or the team does not have the resources to do it, either scenario scares me. The way that the Unity engine was developed, it doesn't have great forward compatibility, so if you want new players to be able to buy and use the game lets say 3 years after its release, you have to be willing to keep updating your Unity Engine, as likely new GPUs have come out that cause problems with older versions of Unity. This is usually not a problem with other commercial engines (at least to the degree of Unity). I'm not making a judgement on the choice of engine, as for others you pay for that compatibility by much higher startup costs. But if you are going to use an engine, the team should know where the costs and effort are going to be with using it.

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5 years ago
Feb 12, 2020, 9:34:46 AM

Yes, Humankind is running on Unity. I can't give you any answers regarding compatibility maintenance, though, as I have not discussed that with the production team.

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5 years ago
Feb 12, 2020, 1:24:16 AM

Is Amplitude using the Unity Engine for this game? If so you really need to step up your ability to maintain an update the engine. Unity is a great choice from a upfront cost perspective for a studio, but there is a tradeoff as the engine is relatively buggy and requires constant maintenance and updates, especially to maintain compatibility with future GPUs compared to other engines. Looking at ES2 this lesson was not learned which makes me not want to invest in this game at all.

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5 years ago
Feb 10, 2020, 6:56:26 PM

Oh boy.....really looking forward to this. I've play the CIV games for 20+ years and I'm looking forward to something that's a bit different.

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5 years ago
Feb 6, 2020, 11:22:38 PM

Dev blogs are always really cool! I'll keep an eye on this game, waiting for the different mechanics and ideas to be unfolded as they are ready to be shown. The game shows plenty of potential!

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5 years ago
Feb 6, 2020, 8:02:02 PM

I keep wondering how much of an 'Endless game' Humankind will be, not lore-wise but its mechanics.

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5 years ago
Feb 6, 2020, 6:30:19 PM

Желаю вам твроческого настроения и поскорее выпустить игру!

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5 years ago
Feb 6, 2020, 4:49:53 PM

Your work is obviously hard.

 If you release the game in 2020 , it will be very cool. 

I sincerely wish you good luck.

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