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5 years ago Jul 16,2020, 14:04:40 PM

Humankind What If Contest

3 863 Views

What would the internet be without memes? Probably a much less interesting and funny place.

Sometimes we use them to say something in just one image.

Sometimes we use them just for fun.

This time, you can use them to win.

Today, we are launching the official Humankind What If website and associated contest. For the next few weeks, we want you to share your memes about alternate history as we ask you: What if? What if?

What if the Khmer fought at the Battle of Hastings? What if the Roman empire had never fallen? What if you were able to reshape the course of history?

You may not be able to do that in game yet, but you can do so through memes. For 10 weeks, we will announce a new theme every week (Language for the first week) and ask you to share your memes for that theme to win prizes like game keys, or the chance to play Humankind before release as part of OpenDev. Then, our weekly winners will face off in the community voting challenge for a chance at the grand prize: The entire Sega catalog of PC games on Steam!

You can find all the details of the contest as well as a meme generator over on the official What If website.

And don’t forget, you can still sign up for OpenDev for a chance to participate even if you don’t fancy joining the contest!

We’re excited to see what you will come up with every week!

Have fun

- The Amplitude Team

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5 years ago
Jul 27, 2020, 2:04:29 PM

I have no Twitter or stuff like that and dont understand that # nonsense ... here is my meme? 

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5 years ago
Jul 27, 2020, 1:29:06 AM

Am literally too autistic to have figured out "Rules" was the theme and have 0 interest in visiting social media, much less maintaining one, so have the thing I made. Whee.

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5 years ago
Jul 26, 2020, 10:24:50 PM

Ah, right, it's an unusual issue with the actual theme for this week. I just read over that as meaning, "This page explains the rules of the weekly theme".

I really want to point out this confusion could be prevented in all cases in the future by putting a colon after "Weekly Theme". 


As I say to my students, grammar is a technology. :)

Thank you very much for clarifying, raspberly

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 4:45:02 PM
raspberly wrote:

Hello @tea_and_blues ,

The current theme is already on the website, you can find it at the top of the What If page.

We update it when the current theme changes :)

This confused me a lot. "Weekly theme rules" Well, what are the rules for the weekly theme? Can you maybe use a semi-colon or otherwise make it clear that the weekly theme is "rules"? (maybe even state it literally: "the weekly theme is 'rules'") This confused me quite a bit.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 12:59:40 PM

Hello @tea_and_blues ,

The current theme is already on the website, you can find it at the top of the What If page.

We update it when the current theme changes :)

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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 12:34:15 PM

That is a very confusing system. I have spent quite a while trying to find the current, and all I could find was previous themes. It would be great (and sensible) if the current theme could go up on the website, or at the very least as an update to the OP of this thread as it changes.

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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 6:08:36 AM

Am I the only one that cant seem to find out WHAT the week theme is?
I know that language was last, but I dont understand where to find the current theme!?
I might be blind... o.O

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5 years ago
Jul 17, 2020, 7:00:33 PM

I guess all you need is an email-adress, but I did not get a conformation mail, so I can not tell how it works.

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5 years ago
Jul 17, 2020, 7:33:12 AM
besseresmorgen wrote:
Do we need to connect our twitter with this account or will you contact the winner via twitter?

No need to connect your twitter (or other social media) account to Games2Gether to participate, as far as I know.

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5 years ago
Jul 16, 2020, 11:27:41 PM

I have no idea how that works

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