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5 years ago Sep 04,2020, 11:04:40 AM

Humankind Feature Focus 08: Religion

3 902 Views

Throughout history, religion has shaped the course of Humankind in many ways, and we wanted to capture this in the game. Religion will evolve over time as they often form large blocs that spread across the map. Yet even two civilizations that follow the same religion may not treat it the same way. While some may be intent on spreading their religion, others may welcome foreign beliefs. Find out more about how religion shapes the identity of your people or influences your neighbors in the video and blog below.

Religions in Humankind start out small, with each civilization following their own religion, but will often consolidate into larger and more powerful blocs. Once your population grows enough, you are given the opportunity to lay the foundations of your first religion, either Shamanism or Polytheism, which will also grant you access to your first Holy Site. As your religion gains more followers through population growth or conversion, you will be able to adopt Tenets that grant different bonuses. You may also be able to adopt a historic religion that will grant you access to an additional Holy Site. Only the religious leader, the civilization controlling the most Holy Sites dedicated to this religion, gets to choose Tenets as the religion grows.

Just as each civilization follows a state religion, each territory will have its own majority religion. Every territory produces faith based on its religion, religious extensions, and civics, and if it generates more faith than its neighbors, it will increase its influence and eventually convert them. This can cause grievances and be a cause for war, so you may want to adopt a foreign religion to avoid these tensions, or perhaps to benefit from its bonuses and help it grow more quickly. This will take a few turns, but if a large part of your population believes in this new religion, you will benefit from increase stability during this reformation.

Whether your people follow the religion they founded or that of another civilization, Civics allow you to define how your society interacts with religion. Are religious rites a personal affair, or performed in the community? Do your people tolerate other religions, or reject them? Does your civilization prefer a secular separation of church and state, or does it reject religion entirely? Or do you leave religion up to your people, and invest your Civics Points in other areas?

Of course, some cultures will interact more directly with the religion system than others. For example, the Olmec are good at spreading their religion thanks to their Colossal Heads, while other cultures have Emblematic Quarters that synergize with Religious Extensions, like the Frankish Scriptorium. The Teutonic Knights even get a bonus when fighting units following another state religion.

While that is all we have to share about religion in Humankind for now, we also want to share some fun facts about OpenDev. Thank you all again for participating and providing so much feedback!

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4 years ago
Jan 10, 2021, 2:40:21 PM

I hope there is a option to chose no religion. Just enjoying and respecting the nature. And/Or later with the discoveries of Physics, and Cosmology we see the is no God oder better to be there an option like that in the game! That is something that I hate in games like this that everything is around religion!  :/ 

I am an atheist, I don't have a religion. I just believe in knowledge and Science. And like this I would love to play the game. Hope that you have taken this also in consideration or will still be :) 

Keep up the good work, the game looks amazing! 

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4 years ago
Sep 18, 2020, 8:32:25 AM
DNLH wrote:

That is really interesting, though I fear that 'real life' religions feel a bit tacked on to the system? They aroused from specific circumstances and it sounds like you do try to simulate those, but then, for example, Catholic religion pops in because it has to? Sounds icky, hope it's not done like that, but it still feels weird.

Yes, I also like it when in games you can invent any religion you want, endow it with any features, peculiarities, and traditions, including ridiculous ones, get unexpected results, strange combinations, and unique events. (I know Crusader Kings III is a different type of game, but there were some interesting moments related to this, and it was entertaining)
Religions are rooted in tribal traditions, and traditions of a certain tribe can be quite unusual (for our way of thinking not for theirs). And if in the process of the struggle for expansion it is the tribe with the most unusual beliefs that received the greatest distribution, then we can get a world completely different from ours in terms of beliefs and religion.
But it seems that all the games about civilizations do not take this into consideration and try to repeat the already beaten path with small variations. Forcing to repeat real-world established tradition one way or another, and not create a new one.
In such a game I would like to create my own "foundations", turning the usual practices upside down, because it is the player is the one who molds traditions and foundations in-game world.

Strict adherence to real-life references is somehow boring and seems dry. And it was also used so many times in different historical strategies that attaching religion became a repetitive chore instead of an unpredictable adventure.

I like it when developers play a little naughty, and not just follow the traditionally established options.

In Civilization, it was just a boring routine of repainting my own and enemy cities into the desired color in order to get a mere bonus/raise some stat. It wasn't interesting and entertaining at all, and rather annoying in the late game. And that mechanics, in general, just duplicates the expansion mechanism technically, which made it feel a secondary option to slow down gameplay instead of diversifying it. I expected more peculiarity/influence from this option.
Also, there were no options to not adopt religion at all, or get rid of it on a certain stage and aggressively spread atheism, instead of religion. Or make atheism influence to neighboring religious towns (losing followers, slow down down faith gain, neutralizing bonuses, etc.)
Well, shortly, I just don't like how it implemented in Civ generally. At least how they treat it, making it secondary expansion/influence mechanics instead of its own thing.

The current religion version in Humankind seems pretty similar, maybe even way too similar.

Personally, I would not want to get something very similar as for this and all other mechanics, there will be no feeling of change, since most of us already have a Civilization series.
Especially since Civ6 already feel like repetition of Civ5 with not much of changes.
I would much rather have developers take and polish more features from their own games than from Civ, and re-invent the rest in their own way.
But that's just my humble opinion, of course.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Sep 17, 2020, 11:11:51 AM

I feel bad I coudnt take part of open dev - as it started when I went on vacations :(

Looking forward for more news as it can be an interesting game.

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4 years ago
Sep 15, 2020, 9:46:10 AM

Good day. This message was translated using google translator, sorry.) Will different "trends" of one religion be implemented in the game? Will there be something like "inquisition" and "heretics" in the game?

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5 years ago
Sep 10, 2020, 9:30:23 AM

so... (I am not sure if you have confirmed it or not)
but can you create your own religion?
Like name it and change what it is for?
Or do you have to take up an existing religion?
(or did I miss that detail)

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5 years ago
Sep 4, 2020, 11:22:16 AM

Thanks for these first explanations about religions in Humankind! I'm already greedy of more details!

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5 years ago
Sep 6, 2020, 11:27:43 AM

I'm very excited to play again, OpenDev was a fantastic experience.

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5 years ago
Sep 5, 2020, 7:40:45 PM

That is really interesting, though I fear that 'real life' religions feel a bit tacked on to the system? They aroused from specific circumstances and it sounds like you do try to simulate those, but then, for example, Catholic religion pops in because it has to? Sounds icky, hope it's not done like that, but it still feels weird.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 4, 2020, 3:32:05 PM

The fact that Open Dev had tons of features to test and did not even touch on at least 2 major systems is awsome. Can't wait for the next Open Dev/Early access, alpha, beta, or whatever gets me closer to seeing the game in a more finalized state!

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5 years ago
Sep 4, 2020, 2:39:03 PM

I really appreciated the OpenDev fun facts.

It is pretty cool.

100% of you guys are awesome too.

Keep it up.

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5 years ago
Sep 4, 2020, 1:36:01 PM

I'm really waiting for you to finish the game. I was honored to ba part of an OpenDev, and can't wait to return to Humankind!

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