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3 years ago Jun 13,2021, 21:44:40 PM

Humankind Closed Beta available June 13th to June 21st

49 005 Views

After every OpenDev so far, we have seen comments from many players asking us to let them keep playing, or at least host another OpenDev, and Victor was no exception. In fact, after the recent glimpse of the Industrial era in articles and videos, the cries may have been louder than ever before. Luckily, there’s a Closed Beta, and it’s bigger than any OpenDev before!

From June 13th at 14:30 PT / 23:30 CEST to June 21st at 14:30 PT / 23:30 CEST, play up to 200 turns of Humankind (PC and English language only), and for the first time ever try the industrial era and the new opportunities it brings. Exploit coal and oil to push your economy to new heights of productivity. Build railways to cheaply and quickly move goods and troops. Fight the biggest battles yet, support them with long range artillery bombardment, and take to the skies to keep an eye on your enemies! And of course, be sure to fill out the survey and let us know what you think.

How do you get your hands on the Closed Beta?

    • If you have played the Victor OpenDev, the Closed Beta should already be in your Steam library.

    • If you have pre-purchased on Steam, go to your profile page to link your Steam account, then go to your rewards page and redeem the Closed Beta access at the top.

    • If you have pre-purchased on Epic Games Store, the Closed Beta should be in your library

    • You can also earn access through Twitch-drops on participating channels, but make sure your Games2Gether account is linked to both Steam and Twitch (check your account settings to be sure)

    • If you are having any problems, please check the troubleshooting thread first.

Speaking of Twitch: Drops for the special streamer avatars are back as well, so you will have another chance to unlock them before release (though there will still be chances after release, and these avatars will be usable in the release version of the game as well). This time around, some of these avatars will even already have their own voice acting, so if you are a fan of any of these streamers, be sure to give playing against their avatar a try. They're even joined by a new face, Frankie Ward, cohost of the PC Gaming Show!

If you have any trouble getting access to the Closed Beta, please check the Troubleshooting thread, and while we are as eager to hear your feedback as you are to give it, please take a moment to read the Welcome Thread first.

Have fun!

- The Amplitude Team

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 9:59:47 PM

Great Open Dev again , Thanks ! 

and plz dont forget , Developers , to optimize the Game ! :-) 

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 10:00:59 PM

For my Problem with starting that Game was, a Firewall Problem. I use Comodo and it was blocking the Humankind.exe. 

After i give the Order to not blocking, and i had no problem with game.

Diplomaty is not good, i would like cancel a Trade. Ai ask me for demand for Fish, and i would like give him, but i can not cancel it.

AI to surrender is good. If you coming with some Elefants the have guns^^.

Terrain is ok, i had no problems.

I would like in Technology search place, to search embarkment, city cap, or some like that.

And bei Alliance, i would like go war with my Alliance partner. If he attack my another Alliance partner, i would like sell my Warriors to them (both) than Mercanary^^.

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3 years ago
Aug 3, 2021, 1:33:09 PM
tingtone wrote:

I linked steam, and pre-purchase humankind, however, beta is not available on the reward page? 

facing the same problem, and seems like the beta test is already over

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3 years ago
Jul 8, 2021, 11:52:41 AM

Following injury I only managed a few hours "closed beta" but are all AI voices American?  They certainly lack any sense of being different cultures.

I also found it very difficult to navigate the map with my armies as they would disappear when I zoomed out map to more than about 6 hexes wide!  A ridiculous limit on a 3840x2160 display, but I couldn't find any settings to change this. Am I missing something?

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3 years ago
Jul 6, 2021, 2:56:50 PM

Will the Twitch Drops Avatars like the one for "Joueur du Grenier" are available in the full game

for those who could not watch the live streams ?

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3 years ago
Jun 26, 2021, 6:12:42 AM

So after three playthroughs, didn't get a chance to review and submit my last feedback/review. Once I understood the dynamics, the game was absolutely flawless. a few AI kinks for sure, but overall the next 4X contender to be absolutely sure!

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3 years ago
Jun 25, 2021, 11:35:24 PM

I linked steam, and pre-purchase humankind, however, beta is not available on the reward page?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 23, 2021, 3:54:50 PM
taidaishar_ wrote:

Second, about technology. I'm still unsure if it's my fault or it's inherent with the game, but tech seems too slow. I played 2 full 200 turn campaigns, and in one of them I picked 2 scientific cultures, but by the end of it I was in the industrial era, but my tech was in the medieval era. Maybe it's the opposite, maybe the eras move past so quickly, considering it was the 13th century. It's weird to be in the industrial era in 1250CE. So tech was too slow, I haven't had any chance to use the new units. As I said, it might be my fault, maybe I should focus on tech more.  

I think the incentive to stay in the previous era is already there, if you play for what the game kinda wants you to play for, that is, the fame. I find it that lingering in the previous era is giving you massive chunks of points.

In one of my 2 serious runs, I even stayed in one Era with science blocked for like 8-10 turns, just for the fame, even though all my science was going to waste.

So I didn't experience what you experienced, I'd even say the opposite. I did have a run where I was lagging in Science, 1 era behind, but it was the play where I didn't pick any Science culture at all.

Now, my XP was on level of difficulty max-2 and max-1. Maybe it depends a lot on that.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 22, 2021, 10:17:38 AM

the 200 t is not enough  i want more  -,_-,

but I really like that gameplay:)

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3 years ago
Jun 22, 2021, 8:59:30 AM

I couldn't give my feedback after my game so I'll do it here. (Not sure is the good place)

The game is very good, I had a lot of fun developing my civilization.


I have a few remarks concerning the "vassalage" system:

1) I think it is too easy to reduce a civilization to a vassalage, and not expensive enough in points (that is to say that in addition to the vassalage I had to pay a very large sum of money by losing the war)

2) As a vassal, I think there is a lack of a "desire for freedom" mechanism in the nation, which increases the bellicose will against our "master" and resistance.

3) As a vassal, I had to declare a surprise war on my "master" to free myself. I think a cassus belli "liberation war" is missing, unlocked after the previous point.

4) Eventually, I lose the "war of liberation" because my master was too far away, and the other nations did not give me "free passage" to attack. I had to pay a heavy price to no longer find myself a vassal. I think that in the event of a "war of liberation", like the colonial wars, the vassal must liberate and defend his territory, and it is up to the "master" to attack and reconquer the vassal territory. I think that in the case of a war of liberation WITHOUT a fight, the ultimate victory must go to the vassal.


Others remarks

1) Sometimes the AI plays slowly in the battle, especially the Hun cavalry which can move after the attack. I think it's too long, especially to play in multiplayer.

2) I think that the unlocking of scientific advances is too slow ... Or the star gain too fast (change of eras). I don't know, but I noticed a difference of 2 or 3 eras between the theoretical units of the time, and that allowed by science (in my army but also for the bot).

3) The graphics are beautiful, it's nice to see your city grow with new neighborhoods. But for me, there are too many “clone” neighborhoods. Especially the cultural districts which have a certain style. It may be interesting to have a few varieties of skin, or as for the city center, to fix the skin of the main building (or garden) for the cultural districts.


I especially shared the areas for improvement that I saw in the context of the feedback. But otherwise I really liked the game, the battles, especially in siege. The diplomacy is interesting.


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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 9:19:56 PM

cant find closed beta. id like you to re-check Israel Store ASAP or refund me for not letting me get even in one beta

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 5:03:03 PM

Been playing the beta, and today when I attempted to log in, it will not let me get past the selection screen. The game load stops at about 75%. And when I attempt to load a previous save game it crashes. Going to uninstall and reinstall.  See if that fixes.

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 12:26:06 AM
I pre-purchased the game but never got my beta code.  What gives?

CyRob wrote:

We be live!

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 3:15:52 PM

Played twice, filled the survey twice. Yet some thoughts in here:

1. I'm a casual player, prefer to play the games "for the story", so I don't choose high difficulties. "Town" and "Megapolis" were good enough for me. This said, the difficulty seems to be appropriate - everything ok with it.

2. Diplomacy. Either I didn't find it, or lacking options. For example - gaining control over neighbours territory is only possible through war, if you haven't received the option to "demand" it? 

3. Religion. Looks interesting, but I didn't find uses for it. Just some extras for receiving influence and demands. Any crusades? Any pilgrimages? Any religion mixes, creating new religions over time with other perks?

4. Combat. The only bugged part of the game through my two gameplays. In the first game - after victory the "preview" icons were stuck on the map until I reloaded the game. In the second playthrough - vice versa, my units disappeared from map after combat. They were there, I've seen them in the list, I even could select them - but they are invisible... 

Apart from the bugs, the combat seemed OK.

5. Techs. Yeah, a bit slow compared to age advances. The "star" advance to the next age is an interesting idea, yet I'm barely researching seafaring in the end of industrial age. How's that? Shouldn't there be at least a required tech requisite for advance? Or may be significantly lower the tech price for the techs from the previous age, so the player would be able to match the science level to his age?

6. Districts. Is there any AI governor for the city? I haven't found one. And placing lots of those common district became rather annoying...

7. When you select a perk for "ability to purchase a territory with money instead of influence", I thought it meant either gold, or influence? Instead of that - only gold option was available. So the influence became really useless. Having built all available wonders, I've accumulated tons of influence not having any options to spend it...

Overall - very satisfied with the game, hoping to play longer than 200 turns in the future. 

And yeah - I played on Geforce Now, and even on it's hardware the "quick load" is really far from being "quick". Would be damn slow on my computer... Any possibilities to speed up loading, or at least cache "quicksave" data for quick load?

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 7:42:58 PM

So I have prepurchased the game yet I still don't have access to the beta. I have re-synced my account too... what now?!

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 2:15:47 PM

Not sure where best to give feedback, but this seems as good a place as any.

Not sure if these are bugs or features, but some issues I had when playing.

1. Units getting "stuck" in enemy territory after a war. I had a couple of situations where one of my armies was in enemy territory after a war, and I could not move them. I kept getting the warning "not enough war support". This happened even if I had wont the war and forced them to surrender. It's worse as the units slowly die, while I can't even attempt to move them back to my territory. It seems telling them to move to my territory directly worked. I think part of the issues is where I was telling them to move was my terriroty before the war ended. Hadn't spotted it was no longer mine. 

2. So what did I lose? I had a war which I lost due to losing war support over time, rather than due to lost fights. I got a message I had been forced to surrender, but couldn't see exactly what they won. I noted a territory had flipped, but it would have been nice to see the things they selected rather than figure it out. If there was a way, it was not obvious how to see it.

3. Less of a bug, more of a WTF on Mongol horse archers. I had attacked a city, who had walls I didn't realise I couldn't get past. They had 4 archers who could happily ride out, shoot my units, and then ride back into the city. It didn't help that the terrain around the city worked very well in their favour for doing this. I felt like if they can ride in and out of the city, why can't I follow them?

4. Retreating armies ignoring my armies. As much as I got annoyed as one nation constantly retreating from my armies, the fact they could run past other armies of mine while doing so felt wrong. If under normal movement rules an army moving next to an enemy army stops their movement, why can they ignore this while retreating without penalty? Also being able to use their full move to retreat and benefit from roads, then move again on their turn makes chasing down an enemy army tiresome. Seeing the AI loves to have numerous 1 man armies running about just increases the frustration.

5. Increase in yields for basic buildings. This is more of a request, but when placing a district we see how many yields we get. Being able to see what infrastructure gives would be helpful. I can see I get say +1 on Farm districts, but how many farms are in this cities territories? How much extra food would this give? Do I have any forests for the +1 production on forests? Would be ice to see how big of an impact some of those buildings would have.

Edit 6. One last thing, can the AI please get a clue when requesting treaties? Every turn I was getting a request. Every turn I counter proposaled. Every turn. I'm not going to change my mind just because the AI keeps asking... then again maybe I will just to shut them up!

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 1:54:41 PM

I really wish that the end game survey would have allowed me more room to give back feedback on my experience with the game. I am going to do a breakdown of everything I could at least experience while playing the game into its own category.


I did feel like the tutorial was lacking a bit when you load up the game. It almost treats you like you are an already experienced player of turn based strategy games, which I am not. I have tried to dabble in games like Huamnkind before, but not enough to understand what I am suppose to do. I guess in settings you can change the tutorial level but the default is set to advanced. I understand that there is a need to not bore people who know what they are doing, but you shouldn't have to hunt down a setting to make it so you can have an enjoyable experience. I would propose, and maybe it will be in the final version, a tutorial menu option with either one tutorial going over everything or broken down into smaller tutorials for specifics such as moving around the map, outpost construction, city expansion and ect. It sounds like handholding, but it will make players like me appreciate the game more because we will know what we are meant to be doing.

Game Difficulty

Maybe this is in part of me not knowing how games like this work and what I am meant to be doing, but I had to really downgrade the AI  just to have fun with the game. I tried playing on default and one step down, which is meant to be the normal playing level and was just getting my butt handed to me left and right. I hate that I had to dumb down the level so far just to feel like I could enjoy the game without feeling like I was going to lose everything I had worked hard to build. This could be because I really still have no idea what to do and maybe I am just not expanding my cities enough. I will say my cities look nothing like what I see in game photos and again that could be cause I am not building enough farms or building enough districts in my city to really make it grow.

Outpost & City Expansion

While it is pretty easy to to understand the grasp of building an outpost and getting cities starting, that is the extend of what the game holds your hand about. It may have told me how to attach outpost to a city that then allows you to build more of the other city expansions in more areas than what is near your city. My frustration lies that once I figured it out and was attaching outpost to cities, it eventually would not let me attach things and I couldn't figure out why. I am not sure if there is a limit on how many you can attach or if it was too many tiles away to attach. I guess most of my problems would have been less of a problem had I known how these games worked or had a more in-depth tutorial for it. 

I think I am going to try once more with the tutorial settings adjusted more and see if it helps improve my understanding, but I still feel like I don't nearly enough to play at a level that won't make me feel like I am dumbing it town to the level where a child could play.

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