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4 years ago Aug 14,2021, 13:04:41 PM

Leave Your Mark on Humankind on Stadia

2 620 Views

Hello everybody!

We’ve talked before about how in Humankind, you can create your own avatar and share it with your friends, so they can play against you even when you’re not around to join them for a multiplayer session. Today, we want to tell you about a cool way for those of you who play on Stadia to share even more of your journey through history with your friends, with a simple click of a button.

The Leave Your Mark feature of Humankind on Google Stadia will keep a record of your great deeds and achievements, and by following a link, your friends can play on the same map as you and compete against your score, while experiencing new content based on your history!

Check out all the details about Leave Your Mark and some other Stadia specific features below:

  • HUMANKIND has been created with support for State Share, Stadia’s platform feature that allows players to save their game state and share their exact gameplay experience with friends at the click of a link. State Share is different in every game - within HUMANKIND, it’s known as Leave Your Mark. This feature enables players to record key events in their game - memories events, challenges that provide Fame, and Archeology Sites -  and imprint them onto the world for friends to compete against. Can your friends reach the same fame and glory within your unique world seed that you achieved?
    • While playing a single-player game, HUMANKIND records the key events of your journey to generate Narrative Events that will embellish the game for players that replay your game with State Share. HUMANKIND calls this feature Leave Your Mark
    • Leave Your Mark consists of three categories of content that can be recorded by the game state creator for other players to compete against and engage with when they replay your game:
      • Memories Events - These mark significant accomplishments by the game state creator during the game.
      • Challenges - These are great actions by the game state creator that will generate additional challenges for players to attempt, rewarding Fame if accomplished in time.
      • Archeology Sites - The map records the remains of civilizations and humanity left behind by the game state creator. Discovering these sites triggers bonuses and special Narrative Events.
    • General info:
      • Leave Your Mark cannot be activated for multiplayer games.
      • Leave Your Mark is not available on other platforms, only Stadia by way of its State Share technology.
      • When a player completes the final turn of a game with Leave Your Mark content, they'll see a dedicated screen that tallies their results against those of the original game state creator. The player can then decide to stop the game at that point, or continue playing.
  • Direct Touch is a new Stadia feature supported by HUMANKIND that lets you interact directly with a game using your mobile phone touch screen. Instead of using an on-screen gamepad overlay, Direct Touch allows players to control the game by tapping, sliding, and pinching the screen with your fingers to directly play the game. You’ll be prompted to enable Direct Touch when you launch HUMANKIND on Stadia via your Android mobile device without a linked controller. (iOS support will be provided later.)

We hope you're excited to share your histories with your friends!

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4 years ago
Aug 16, 2021, 11:25:05 PM

I'm reading this as them saying that State Share is Stadia only.  I don't see that they are saying crossplay is unavailable, just the special "Make Your Mark" feature.  Did I miss something?  Or did they say crossplay is not possible somewhere else and this is where people decided to complain?

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4 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 5:00:39 PM
FantiR wrote:

if anyone on Stadia wants to try multiplayer please add me, my name Stadia is FantiR.

For now, I'm a much slower player than you are, but might be fun anyway!

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4 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 4:18:24 PM

I've started the game and 177 turns later i haven't finished the tutorial yet, I'm really enjoying the game, taking my time to learn the mechanics, if anyone on Stadia wants to try multiplayer please add me, my name Stadia is FantiR.

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4 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:37:51 PM
redsimonDE wrote:

The Stadia players will love it. All four of them. :D

Well, it's a good thing you made that joke, because I've never heard it before. 

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 2:29:44 PM

Wow! The "direct touch" features is awesome :D Thank you.

I connected to my g2g account. How can i get the soundtrack etc? :)

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4 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 6:34:49 AM
SaucyApples wrote:

Yup im good I cancelled my Pre-order on stadia ill buy it on steam and play it on Geforcenow, no crossplay on stadia? no stadia for me I'm sick and tired of empty lobbies in games and now probably empty lobbies in humankind on stadia, and for what mobile UI ??? how many people on stadia playing on mobile phones while sitting on the toilet ???? what a waste of a port if only 20 people are buying the game on stadia !!

Sorry but there's so much users on Stadia. And the ability to be able to lunch my game on PC, then continue at lunch time at work with my mobile phone with a proper UI, and be able to play it again before going to sleep from my bed from my tablet is very exciting.

With Stadia, it's the only way to not be stuck behind a PC/Mac (sorry that's not really cross platform). So the game will be more accessible for those who want be able to play anywhere anytime being cross form factor with Stadia.

This port in very interesting for all players that don't have a PC/Mac (iOS and Android tablet users, Chromebook users etc) and I really thing that Amplitude and SEGA know that, else they shouldn't do this port, using all this Stadia exclusive features

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4 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 12:23:25 AM

YESS!! So excited for this! Thank you for taking advantage of Stadia's unique features.

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4 years ago
Aug 16, 2021, 11:29:43 PM

Apparently it was said somewhere else that Stadia doesn't have crossplay.  That's pretty absurd.  Some other Stadia games do, so I don't know the issue is.  Dev or Publisher choice?

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4 years ago
Aug 16, 2021, 1:58:05 PM

These features sound interesting.

Although having no crossplay with other PC Players is a big disappointment I finally pre ordered on stadia yesterday.

Playing wherever I want with good loading times and without downloading and installing updates convinced me.

I personally don't miss the world builder on the PC and hope more of my friends will join stadia sooner or later.

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4 years ago
Aug 15, 2021, 8:00:45 PM

I'll admit, it IS tempting. If there were crossplay I'd probably go for it, but since there isn't I'll stick to a system I COULD play with friends. After all, if I don't have friends on Stadia I couldn't very well use this feature, could I?

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4 years ago
Aug 15, 2021, 5:17:42 PM
SpikedWallMan wrote:
SaucyApples wrote:

what a waste of a port if only 20 people are buying the game on stadia !!

So you're thinking that all 20 of the people who use Stadia will decide to buy Humankind?  /s

no smart ass the 100k or so people on stadia like myself, maybe about 20 people buy it and I don't want to buy the game if I have to wait for a lobby they should of added crossplay that's what stadia needs ok you got that?? you good?

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4 years ago
Aug 15, 2021, 3:57:27 AM
SaucyApples wrote:

what a waste of a port if only 20 people are buying the game on stadia !!

So you're thinking that all 20 of the people who use Stadia will decide to buy Humankind?  /s

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 14, 2021, 11:25:44 PM

Yup im good I cancelled my Pre-order on stadia ill buy it on steam and play it on Geforcenow, no crossplay on stadia? no stadia for me I'm sick and tired of empty lobbies in games and now probably empty lobbies in humankind on stadia, and for what mobile UI ??? how many people on stadia playing on mobile phones while sitting on the toilet ???? what a waste of a port if only 20 people are buying the game on stadia !!

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4 years ago
Aug 14, 2021, 9:46:04 PM

I also like this idea but also would like it for steam users. Then I also could share it for the Humankind-Gameworld. :)

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4 years ago
Aug 14, 2021, 5:27:19 PM

Would it be possible to do something similar with steam in the future?
Like a button in the menu to send the savegame to a steamfriend?
because its sounds so cool and it would be fun

Updated 4 years ago.
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