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3 years ago Sep 17,2021, 11:04:40 AM

Map Creation Contest Winners

2 476 Views

Hey everyone,

The Humankind Map Creation Contest is over, and we can say it was a huge success!

We're thrilled by how many of you participated in this contest! We got over 300 submissions to the contest, with themes ranging from real world maps to well-known fantasy worlds, some competitive maps, and even some quirky ones, and we want to thank every single one of you for the time, effort, and creativity poured into these maps.

If you want to check out any of the winning maps, you can find them all on the Humankind mod.io page, or follow the link to a specific map in the list of winners below.

  • Community choice: Huge Accurate Earth by SharpNdT5 - A map based directly on a topographic map of earth, trying to be accurate rather than make modifications for gameplay and balance
  • 10th place: Sunken World by Chell_uu - Earth, but not as you know it: The sea levels have risen and flooded large swaths of land
  • 9th place: What If - Mars by ickex - Mars, terraformed to have large oceans and some lush vegetation
  • 8th place: The Lord of the Rings by Stonewall1815 - A map of Middleearth, from the Shire to Gondor, Mordor, and beyond
  • 7th place: Detailed Fantasy: Warhammer by Tyrant_lord - A world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, from Naggaroth and Lustria in the West to Cathay in the east
  • 6th place: Tamriel by Dimonoider - The world of the Elder Scrolls, including all of the provinces
  • 5th place: Tainted Eden by Onesama - A competitive map that tries to establish a balance of opportunities instead of a perfect symmetry
  • 4th place: Planet Auriga by kwkn - A map of planet Auriga from our previous game Endless Legend, based closely on the official map in EL
  • 3rd place: France by kaimetsyl - A map of France (without the rest of Europe), with many of the larger rivers navigable
  • 2nd place: Africa - Cradle of Humankind by Fredson90 - Africa by itself, rendered in great detail
  • 1st place: Giant Earth Map by Gedemon - An earth map largely based on real terrain, but tweaked for gameplay and balance

We have reached out to these winners through mod.io, and are awaiting their response. Please respond before Monday, September 20th, 8pm CEST, or we will need to give your prize to somebody else.

Once again, thank you everybody for the hard work put into the many submissions we received for the contest, and we hope everybody else will have fun with the huge variety of maps that were submitted!

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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 1:44:01 PM

Congratulations! I am surprised to see a couple of familiar names, though I probably shouldn't be.

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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 2:52:20 PM

Well done to all the participants!!!!

These few maps are definitely the coolest, but there are many other gems shared these past couple of weeks ;)

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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 3:14:56 PM

Congratulations to the winners!  Fantastic maps all round.

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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 11:11:51 PM

Hey there! There's one map missing in this list (or there's an extra one on mod.io with the "Map Creation Contest Winner" tag, because they're 12). What about Viking Age by Niklas?

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3 years ago
Sep 18, 2021, 8:21:05 AM

8-9/10 and even the freaking Top 3 are only replicas of existing stuff...thats very very sad to see with all the creativity out there but GG to the winners. But next time they do something like that, they should say in advance that they only want stuff with little to non creative efford.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 18, 2021, 9:16:04 AM

Thanks for the reward!

I have just managed to re-upload all my maps due to the yesterday patch changes (already explained what actually changed for my Warhammer map in the mod.io description) so now they should be playable again!

I have already explained my personal criticism here and there, but I'll say just a little more:

Please, be more transparent about how you actually judge community work. The yardstick that appears to be used in this Map Contest makes room for bad assumptions and I am pretty sure that is not beneficial this way for neither the company(and sponsors) nor the community itself.

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3 years ago
Sep 18, 2021, 3:16:58 PM

Nice maps! Most/all of these are notable for having a significant amount of water, but not "continents" as the current map generator thinks about them (fully surrounded by water). I wish the map generator could generate maps like this. I.e. significant amounts of water, but not complete continents (and always with wrap, which always the case in Civ6). So that boats are impactful/interesting, but starting locations aren't necessarily separated by water, and in the early game you can walk around before crossing the seas. This creates strategic locations, both land-based and sea-based. Civ6's Seven Seas map does this pretty well. Samples:

These four that I generated tend to have a "belt" around the middle, but they need not.

Fixed maps are fun, but for multiplayer it's nice to have exploration/discovery be an element.

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3 years ago
Sep 20, 2021, 2:57:51 AM

First,congratulate to all the winners!

And I want to know whether the maps will be avaliable to the game update or not...

Updated 3 years ago.
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