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3 years ago Oct 21,2021, 15:04:41 PM

Mac Release Update

4 900 Views

EDIT (February 22nd): The expanded refund policy described below will end on February 28th.

EDIT: As of the Fabius Maximus Update released November 3rd, the Mac version has been officially released and no beta opt-in is necessary anymore. However, M1-chips are not supported. See below for more information.

Last week we briefly talked about some of the problems we encountered with the Mac version and M1 support. Today, we'd like to give you a little more detail on that. 

As you may remember, we had originally planned to release the version for x86-based Macs alongside the Windows version. Unfortunately, as we worked on this version, we ran into various performance and stability issues. Many of these problems were difficult to consistently reproduce in our testing environment. This slowed down developing and testing fixes so much that we had to delay the Mac version. However, with the additional reports gained from the beta version we released on Steam, we have made good progress in resolving these issues. While our current Mac version will initially be released as a beta as well, we are hopeful that we can officially release this version soon after. 

The M1 compatible version, however, will unfortunately take significantly longer than that. As we did not have access to sufficient information and hardware before release, we could not start work on compatibility early, and while we knew that the M1 chips use an entirely different architecture and instruction set than the x86 chips the game was made for, we were nonetheless surprised by the scope and complexity of adjustments required to run the game well. Preliminary analysis tells us that this will take several months, and we cannot tell with certainty if the results will be satisfactory. We will continue to look into an M1 port, but we're sorry to say that we cannot at this time guarantee an M1 release. 

The expanded refund policy described here has ended on February 28th 2022.

We want to apologize to our players on M1 hardware for this long delay, and we realize you may wish to request a refund. With that in mind, please remember to specify that your enquiry is regarding Humankind on M1 Macs, and use the following ways suggested ways to request your refund. 

  • If you have purchased the game on Steam, please submit a support request through the SEGA support website. We will work with Steam to issue you a refund. Do not use the Steam refund system, as this will most likely automatically reject you for being past the 2 week refund period.
  • If you have purchased the game on Epic Game Store, please submit a support request through the SEGA support website. We will work with Epic to issue you a refund.
  • If you have purchased through the SEGA/Xsolla store (e.g. On Humankind.game), please submit your request through the Xsolla support portal using the “Contact Us” option. 
  • If you have purchased a digital copy from one of our approved partners, please submit your refund request to your place of purchase.
  • If you have purchased from a retail outlet or for all other Humankind related inquiries, please submit a support request through the SEGA support website.

The expanded refund policy described here has ended on February 28th 2022.

We are sorry that we could not deliver a stable version to our fans on Mac sooner, but we look forward to hearing your feedback on the next beta. 

- The Amplitude Team 

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3 years ago
Oct 22, 2021, 7:57:03 AM

Whilst I appreciate your efforts and the complexity of the task at hand, as someone that pre-ordered my product when it first became an option, I am understandably frustrated. 

Knowing that many Mac users sank funds into the game without anything more than an apology for a delay of over two months seems to disregard the loyalty given to you as a new franchise. 

When this is paired with the distinct lack of information on progress and updates and beta testing that shouldn't have even got to users as it was so poor, you run the risk of losing a whole arm of your customer base. 

I'd recommend considering what can be done to restore this faith to the customers that haven't sought refund and are still standing by you at this tough time, because currently I don't think that you have us convinced...

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3 years ago
Oct 22, 2021, 5:17:36 PM

This is deeply disappointing news

I look forward to the M1 being supported, although I am still pretty amazed that there was insufficient access to the M1 hardware prior to release.

After all, it was first released nearly 1 year ago...

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3 years ago
Oct 22, 2021, 5:32:00 PM
Isn't there a Rosetta application on M1 Macs that runs x86 applications? When you say M1 is not supported, do you mean natively, or that it will not function at all? Are you worried about performance through an emulator or am I just misunderstanding the incompatibilities that are at play here?
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3 years ago
Oct 22, 2021, 9:25:08 PM

Steam flat-out refused my refund request, even though I linked to your statement and mentioned that you went back on your promise to support M1 Macs. Have the developers mentioned this issue to Steam, so that they know to approve refund requests?

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3 years ago
Oct 22, 2021, 9:58:57 PM
MJL97 wrote:

Steam flat-out refused my refund request, even though I linked to your statement and mentioned that you went back on your promise to support M1 Macs. Have the developers mentioned this issue to Steam, so that they know to approve refund requests?

I assume you followed their refund request instructions above (those that say specifically to not use the usual request refund process)? It does suck that we have to make extra effort, but :shrug: 

@The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales thanks for the update, disappointing as it is. Can you get us a clearer sense of what Mac configurations will work well? I’m seeing very conflicting responses here in the forums and would love to know if this will run on my machine at all when it gets out of beta, or I should just give up on the game for now. The current beta is unplayable for many of us.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 25, 2021, 7:30:02 PM

So I just tried this on my new Mac Mini (16GB) and the game starts up just fine. Framerates are lower than I would have expected (20 fps at 4K on Good). Played a few moments and thought all was good until I got into a battle. The "special" battle terrain isn't rendered properly and just shows up as black, FPS is really bad during battle too

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3 years ago
Oct 31, 2021, 3:56:56 PM
MJL97 wrote:

Steam flat-out refused my refund request, even though I linked to your statement and mentioned that you went back on your promise to support M1 Macs. Have the developers mentioned this issue to Steam, so that they know to approve refund requests?

I have had exactly the same problem - I submitted as a Product Issue and my request was rejected within 10 minutes.  Either Steam don't know that this arrangement has been made, or there is another way that I need to submit the request.  Given the disappointment that I won't be able to play this for the foreseeable future, the failure to get a refund is an even bigger disappointment.

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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 1:53:09 PM

Sorry it took a while to get back to you. We needed time to arrange for a new process and verify that it works.

If you've bought on Steam, please submit a support request through the SEGA support website. We'll work with Steam to issue you a refund. As before, don't try to use the refund option, as that will likely automatically refuse for being past the 2 week period.

In other news, the version for x86-based Macs is now part of the default branch and no longer requires opting into any beta version.

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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 7:20:58 PM

I've had several back-and-forth emails with Xsolla, and they are likewise refusing to refund me on the basis that I made the purchase more than 14 days ago. Are they aware of this policy?

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3 years ago
Dec 28, 2021, 9:57:55 PM


so after more than 2 months waiting how far we are from getting the game available on M1 chip? 

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3 years ago
Feb 6, 2022, 1:17:26 PM

Yes, that would be nice to get an update on the progress (or non-progress), a date, even approximative, to be sure this is still on your radar or if we have to move on. Thanks!

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