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3 years ago Oct 22,2021, 14:59:41 PM

October Update Content Overview

10 557 Views

Last week, we reviewed some of the improvements already made to Humankind since release and told you about the next patch coming October 28th. Today, we want to take a closer look at the content of this patch, ranging from new game settings to balance changes and mod support. 

Reading the initial feedback in the first few days after release, we realized that in many cases, players wanted more control over the conditions of their game. Whether they were discussing strategic resources, the length and end conditions of the game, or even the opponents they face, while players often agreed on the general direction of changes, they almost as often disagreed on the ideal settings. To allow players to customize their experience to their liking, we’re adding new options to the game creation screen. 

As some players enjoyed competing (or trading) for scarce resources, while others preferred an abundance of resources to gain direct access to them, we are adding new map settings for resource abundance. You will be able to independently control the amount of luxury and strategic resources placed on the map, making them rarer or more common than in the default settings. This should allow you to customize the level of conflict or cooperation required for success to your liking. 

Additionally, we’ve been working on the avatar and persona system. We’ve added a “random persona” option when picking your opponents (with a convenient button to set all of them to random at once), so if you prefer to be surprised during your match, you can now face an unknown enemy. To manage your own persona a little more easily, we’re adding a button on the persona screen to upload it to Games2Gether, or download it if you are playing on a different PC than usual. 

Speaking of personalization, have added a color picker to the game settings that allows you to adjust the color of the subtitles and the available empire colors. These come with presets for common forms of color blindness, but we think all players will appreciate the ability to customize this to their own preferences.

When you just want dark mode for Diplomacy

As we mentioned last week, we know that many players are looking for more control over the end conditions of the game, we’ve also been working on additional options to customize these. However, as we want to refine these options a bit more and make sure they are working well, we be releasing these in a follow-up patch to the update. Once this patch releases, likely in the first week of November, you will be able to enable and disable the end conditions of your choice, even allowing you to disable pollution or the turn timer for a pure “Last Player Standing” game. 

Pacing and balancing have also been discussed extensively since the game was released, in particular regarding the very early and late game and the relative power of different cultures. We agree that there’s a strong power imbalance between cultures, with a few falling far outside the expected, and that the game as a whole becomes too fast in the latter half of the game, so we want to address some of these problems with this patch. 

Many players found it too easy to linger in the neolithic era to collect large amounts of units, population, and influence, which would kickstart their rapid early growth. To reduce the impact of this strategy on the overall pace of the game, we are lowering the amount of food you gain from sanctuaries and making mammoths slightly more dangerous. Additionally, scouts will now have a small upkeep to discourage maintaining a large army of scouts to swarm the map and attack nearby enemies. This should slow down growth in the neolithic and limit the early power spike gained from delaying the Ancient era.

However, much of the momentum responsible for the rapid pace of the late game is rooted in the rapid economic growth of the players’ cities. To address this, we are looking at the costs for technologies and constructions, especially in the latter half of the game, to bring them more in line with the resource yields achieved by our players. Additionally, we are working on the stability impact of districts and wondrous luxury resources to make it more difficult to maintain very high stability in the late game in spite of building numerous synergizing districts. 

At the same time, we are rebalancing some cultures, particularly those most often brought up as too strong or too weak. Powerful economic bonuses significantly contribute to the economic power responsible for the fast pace of the late game, so we will focus on these first. For example, we are removing many unconditional “per population” bonuses on Emblematic Quarters, like the Khmer Baray, the French Exhibition Hall, or the Turkish Public School (which has also seen its adjacency bonus drastically reduced.) This will hopefully make these bonuses more situational instead of universally appealing. We will also reexamine the combat strength and costs of units, both emblematic and general, to bring them more in line with player expectations, but this will be part of the follow-up patch as well. 

Since the value of different Civics choices was also discussed a lot, we have revised the effects of several civics. For example, choosing Nuclear Disarmament will now not only provide you with a grievance against those who conduct nuclear weapons tests or strikes, but also give you a permanent boost to your fame gains and lower the base war support between you and other empires to encourage peaceful cooperation. 

Finally, as “Expansionist” is often regarded as the weakest affinity, we are adjusting the requirements of the Expansionist era stars, while improving their active ability by making it free and usable against empires you are at war with. 

We are also moving forward with mod support for the game. We have integrated mod.io in the game now, so you can simply log into your account through the game and let it download any maps and mods you subscribed to on the Humankind mod.io page. The first version of the Humankind mod tools will also soon be available on Steam, allowing you to create your own content for the game. We’ll talk about these tools in greater detail next week. 

Of course, we will continue to follow your discussion to understand what you would like to see changed or added to the game. To further improve the quality and quantity of feedback we receive, especially from players dissatisfied with the game, we will soon add a new survey to the game that you will be asked to fill out when you uninstall the game. We hope this will allow us to hear from an even broader section of the player base than before, to help direct future work. 

We hope you will enjoy the improvements this update will bring and look forward to hearing your feedback. 

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3 years ago
Oct 24, 2021, 11:13:06 AM
dustwhit wrote:

I don't know guys. This game is a bit of a mess for a "magnum opus". AI abandons city fortifications, rushes into the next era, constant multiplayer disconnects and lockups, religion is embarrassingly under-baked, minimum damage is over-tuned (especially for ranged units), mid to late game pacing is way off the charts, trading and manufactories are way overpowered, expansion stars are outrageous, who approved that pollution system at release?, why is everyone in suits in the Contemporary era?. You got to have some pride in your product; i'll never understand releasing stuff in this condition other than because of money.

Amplitude makes pretty games with pretty sounds and creative ideas, but my expectations of them to actually craft a sound game has steadily gone down from Endless Legend to Endless Space 2 to HK. 

You listed all the flaws and nothing what makes you exciting. Do you judge games by their flaws only? I always do the opposite. The flaws can be fixed/tuned at least. 

As an example AI is not always abondoning their city fortifications. There are certainly flaws in its logic, like may be it attacks if besieger has archery units or he is weaker by strength. Certainly AI needs more priority to hold the walls and sortie only under very specific conditions.

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3 years ago
Oct 23, 2021, 12:35:13 AM

Stadia? Any chance to see the October update there...in October? Thanks.

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3 years ago
Oct 23, 2021, 1:25:51 AM

Hi Devs,

Is there also a potential fix for multiplayer issues? As evidenced by so many posts, barely anyone can play multiplayer right now. At max, you could possinle get a working game with only 2 people but adding more would just disconnect people left and right.


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3 years ago
Oct 23, 2021, 2:07:11 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
we are lowering the amount of food you gain from sanctuaries sanctuaries and making mammoths slightly more dangerous

It's good to reduce the amount if food from sanctuaries, but making mammoths more dangerous may be not enough because of the snowball effect. I will suggest making mammoths slightly rarer, and a bit more difficult to gain more food from the wild.

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3 years ago
Oct 23, 2021, 2:47:45 AM
Zugg_zug wrote:

All sounds good. Although they weren't mentioned, I really hope Collective Minds and Land Raiser get tuned down. Those 2 abilities are responsible for a lot of the late game pacing issues that you seem to be addressing this patch. Thanks for the update, and keep up the good work!

Land Raiser and Collective Minds are extremely powerful because:

1. Money is just not as important as industry and science, with few ways to use, and easily gained by trade routes, especially with Great Fishmarket. So being able to convert Money to Industry/Science is very powerful.

2. Industry is local yield that only serves for one city, while Money and Science is Global yield which serves for the whole nation. So a newly built city gains so much by being able to convert Money/Science to Industry. 

3.Industry grows so fast in middle game that being able to convert Industry to Science is powerful.

Even if I forbid myself to use  Land Raiser and Collective Minds, I just find out Builder and Scientis cultures are much more powerful than others, with only few exception like Harappans

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3 years ago
Oct 23, 2021, 5:09:42 AM
DNLH wrote:

I know it's such a silly thing, but "random persona" thing alone will make me go back to playing the game. I want the unknown. I want that same feeling in HK I have in ES2, groaning when I learn that my neighbours are Cravers.

My only hope is it's actually "random persona" and not "randomly selected from the few already made personas"

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3 years ago
Oct 23, 2021, 2:12:24 PM
AOM wrote:

The new customizable features sound great, and the color picker is especially wonderful! It may not be possible, but is there any way that some of the text in other places could be modified for ease of reading? There are several places where the contrast between font and background makes it very difficult to understand the text. For example, red font on a grey background:

100% - I gave up trying to read those.

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3 years ago
Oct 23, 2021, 5:42:56 PM

I don't know guys. This game is a bit of a mess for a "magnum opus". AI abandons city fortifications, rushes into the next era, constant multiplayer disconnects and lockups, religion is embarrassingly under-baked, minimum damage is over-tuned (especially for ranged units), mid to late game pacing is way off the charts, trading and manufactories are way overpowered, expansion stars are outrageous, who approved that pollution system at release?, why is everyone in suits in the Contemporary era?. You got to have some pride in your product; i'll never understand releasing stuff in this condition other than because of money.

Amplitude makes pretty games with pretty sounds and creative ideas, but my expectations of them to actually craft a sound game has steadily gone down from Endless Legend to Endless Space 2 to HK. 

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3 years ago
Oct 23, 2021, 9:25:33 PM

When will Stadia get this update? Really tiresome to see this type of feedback, only to not see it in real-life. 

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3 years ago
Oct 22, 2021, 11:19:57 PM

All sounds good. Although they weren't mentioned, I really hope Collective Minds and Land Raiser get tuned down. Those 2 abilities are responsible for a lot of the late game pacing issues that you seem to be addressing this patch. Thanks for the update, and keep up the good work!

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3 years ago
Oct 24, 2021, 12:14:15 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
To address this, we are looking at the costs for technologies and constructions, especially in the latter half of the game

The statement about Constructions worries we immensely, since a lot of the late game infrastructure is already so useless to build and a lot of the early ones as well. While the change to technology is needed, the one to constructions will be 100% a very bad change. I honestly think a lot of the infrastructure need a cost reduction, since very often its better to build districts in the late game.

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3 years ago
Oct 24, 2021, 1:40:19 PM

Higher construction costs might lead to need to specialize our cities. Right now we can build everything. (Aside from very late game, where building is already questionable, so not sure if increased costs do something meaningful). To complicate the problem we have an option to build new cities full of infrastructure.

I'm more curious how changes in Neolithic impact the game. In particular if we'll be able to reveal as much territory.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 25, 2021, 12:11:36 AM
SmileyD wrote:
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
To address this, we are looking at the costs for technologies and constructions, especially in the latter half of the game

The statement about Constructions worries we immensely, since a lot of the late game infrastructure is already so useless to build and a lot of the early ones as well. While the change to technology is needed, the one to constructions will be 100% a very bad change. I honestly think a lot of the infrastructure need a cost reduction, since very often its better to build districts in the late game.

Same, I play on endless and the construction is pretty ridiculous there. Making it an even bigger problem and it will be even harder to get cities going. I feel this will make builder cultures even stronger. 

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3 years ago
Oct 25, 2021, 8:20:19 AM
VDmitry wrote:

Higher construction costs might lead to need to specialize our cities. Right now we can build everything. (Aside from very late game, where building is already questionable, so not sure if increased costs do something meaningful). To complicate the problem we have an option to build new cities full of infrastructure.

I'm more curious how changes in Neolithic impact the game. In particular if we'll be able to reveal as much territory.

I agree witht that. It would be nice if cities have more of character, to identify yourself with them. The unique districts and the later game ability to plop out so many of these districts feels a bit too generic. Perhaps more unique districts that interact with the map in very specific ways could help?

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3 years ago
Oct 25, 2021, 12:34:44 PM

we are...making mammoths slightly more dangerous


The whole idea of humans hunting mammoths to extinction is an exaggeration. More recent evidence points to climate change as the primary cause -> 


Having spent my childhood in a country which has elephants, I can say that there are much easier targets to hunt. Even in the colder steppes there would have been other easier options than Mammoths to hunt for the (probably) sparsely populated early Neolithic humans.

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3 years ago
Oct 28, 2021, 7:04:49 AM

Thank you for the nice feedback. Appreciate it.

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3 years ago
Dec 4, 2021, 5:25:52 AM

The uninstall survey seems busted. I can select the first two options (no it's not still installed, yes I agree to the privacy policy) but there's no button or anything to continue. Have tried on 3 different browsers, including clean installs without add-ons.

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