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3 years ago Oct 26,2021, 14:59:40 PM

Fabius Maximus Update Delay

3 649 Views

Hello everyone, 

Unfortunately, we have some bad news to share about the upcoming “Fabius Maximus” update.

While testing it, we discovered some major issues that we are not confident we will be able to fix in time for the intended October 28th release. Consequently, we had to make the tough decision of delaying this update by a week into the first week of November, which also pushes the follow-up patch with the end condition options and unit balancing closer to mid November.

We know many of you were excited to try the improvements brought to the game by this update, but we think that delaying until these issues have been resolved is the better option. However, we may be able to provide a beta version through Steam for those willing to give it a try.

Frankly, with a nickname like “Fabius Maximus,” we should not be surprised by this turn of events, but we still want to apologize for the additional delay.

Thank you for your patience and understanding

- The Amplitude Team


Did you know: Fabius Maximus earned his agnomen "Cunctator" by using delaying tactics to beat OP elephant spam

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3 years ago
Oct 27, 2021, 12:17:50 AM
Yes to the steam beta and give us patch notes. Even those who don't care to play buggy messes in betas will be happy to see the changes you intended. Many people love theorycrafting so please let us have that. 
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3 years ago
Oct 29, 2021, 4:44:48 PM
Dooler91 wrote:

Do we have an ETA for the Beta?

Just downloaded it

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3 years ago
Oct 29, 2021, 3:33:52 AM

Any plans on removing the forced peace when the loser's war support is zero? Players should have the option to accept terms or not, (like in the competitor and IRL).

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3 years ago
Oct 29, 2021, 3:05:43 AM

Any plans on removing the forced peace when the loser's war support is zero? Players should have the option to accept terms or not.

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3 years ago
Oct 27, 2021, 7:26:10 PM

And what sort of issues are those, exactly? I am sure at least you should tell us that? "some major issues" sounds rather vague

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3 years ago
Oct 27, 2021, 6:30:18 PM
Enchanteur wrote:

That is not so important.

I didn't see an "ideas" area in this forum, as it was the case for Endless Space 2.

It's a shame, because I have a lot of ideas about the UI.

While playing, some things are quite obvious to improve regarding the interface and ergonomy. I'm sure that when you play Humankind yourself, you must encounter the same issues.

Here is my list, which I should detail with screenshots to better convey the idea:

ha. I basically agree with almost everything you listed, especially the top half of the list. some of these things are truly annoying. I'd add that I want a clear indicator in battle UI for when a unit has already attacked.

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3 years ago
Oct 27, 2021, 12:40:28 PM
MaxWise wrote:

Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes.

Ultra posse nemo obligatur

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3 years ago
Oct 27, 2021, 11:05:31 AM

can't wait for the steam beta then! I really don't care about some bugs, I'm 100% curious 

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3 years ago
Oct 27, 2021, 5:19:36 AM

That is not so important.

I didn't see an "ideas" area in this forum, as it was the case for Endless Space 2.

It's a shame, because I have a lot of ideas about the UI.

While playing, some things are quite obvious to improve regarding the interface and ergonomy. I'm sure that when you play Humankind yourself, you must encounter the same issues.

Here is my list, which I should detail with screenshots to better convey the idea:

- Stability real information: a simple and vital information is missing, the real stability. Having 100/100 stability is not enough information when you have to make an investment choice for a cultural wonder. You need the real stability. Which can be +140, +210, etc... Or even in the negative, not just 0, but -10, -50, etc... Here the panel gives a lot of information, but you'd have to get out your calculator for each city, to find the real stability. 

- List of cities : huge problem. The panel is very small, and you have to click on a button to see each city! No, you need a big panel (horizontally), and no additional click for each city. Add information like: Stability! And also the influence production. And probably other info. Sort the cities by Stability for example. And have the real stability.

- Army panel: it will be necessary a way to upgrade the troops in mass. Now you have to click on each unit individually, it's laborious.

- Demarcation lines : when you switch to strategic view (minimum zoom), you can't see the demarcation zones. Namely: which territory belongs to which city. The color of the demarcation is the same as the color of the empire. So we can't see anything! But we need to find this information when we zoom in. On top of that, when you are in normal zoom, the demarcation zone (dotted lines) are also difficult to see. I often make mistakes in the placement of the quarter because of this.

- Natural wonders: Where are they? It lacks an icon on the map in minimum zoom to see them.

- Ruins: Where are they? When I choose "remove the ruins", it should be clearly displayed the areas where there are ruins. There, I have to scan each square and often I fail to find where the ruin is!

- Land information panel: normally, the information panels are always centered on the left. And that's fine. So why is it that when I need to place a quarter, the information panel is centered in the middle? Right above the area where I'm trying to build? Every time, it hides the information pop-up that summarizes the production of the square. Even when zooming in or out, it's impossible to see this info bubble!!! This means that you have to deactivate the panels (set the keyboard shortcut), make your choice of construction, then reactivate the panels to manage to see something!

- Notification deactivation : in the game options, you should propose to deactivate the notifications by type of notification. For example, I don't need a notification when one of my cities gains population, but I need to know when the city loses population.

- General panel: it is on the top right. Why is there only influence and gold generated? It would be nice to have other indicators: science! general stability! general pollution!

- Larger UI option: I need to enlarge some things on the UI. The buttons put in very small at the bottom right. 

- Bigger buttons: A big part of the problem is that the city building area (on the right) is not wide enough. This is understandable because it gives a better view of the map. But here, it's too narrow! When I want to scan my cities, I can click on the "<" and ">" buttons. The problem is that the buttons are very small ! And on top of that there are other buttons next to them, it's very easy to make missclick everywhere.

Apart from that, the game is excellent, and of course, the ergonomics (despite the flaws I just mentioned) is as usual very good. Keep it up, congratulations guys!

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3 years ago
Oct 26, 2021, 11:44:34 PM

I think the picture makes up for it :) That's awesome.

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3 years ago
Oct 26, 2021, 9:16:57 PM

Or maybe release a beta like you have before?  I arranged to take the 28th off just for the update, so at least the beta of it would be a consolation prize.  

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3 years ago
Oct 26, 2021, 5:20:32 PM
Sjru wrote:

Can at least we get patch notes to be entertained?

I do wish to be entertained. Hopefully also excited too though :p.

Sally forth the patch notes!... or tentative patch notes I guess LOL.

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3 years ago
Oct 26, 2021, 3:51:16 PM

Well, that means more time for me to take care of my glorious Republic in W&R : SR.

I've got a cattle and meat supply issue to deal with, so I guess that's perfect timing !

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