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3 years ago Nov 05,2021, 11:59:40 AM

Mod Tools Beta Available Now

2 311 Views

Since the release of Humankind, many of our players have been eagerly waiting for modding support to be added to Humankind. With the Fabius Maximus Update, we are taking the first step for this: We are releasing a beta version of the mod tools, and have integrated mod.io into the game to make mod management easy. Please keep in mind that these tools are unfinished and we are still testing them, so not all functionalities are available yet, and you may into errors while making mods or playing with them.

How do you go about either, though?

Playing with Mods and Custom Maps

Thanks to mod.io integration in Humankind, finding, managing, and playing with mods is easy!

If you're looking for new mods or maps to try, just use your Steam or mod.io account to connect to mod.io from the Mods or Map Editor screens. Then you can pull up a mod browser right there in the game, and subscribe to any mod that strikes your fancy. If you are already subscribed to many mods or maps, you can switch that browser to your collection view to easily manage which mods you are subscribed to (And even rate them from here. Don't forget to let modders know you liked their work by giving it a thumbs up!)

Once you've subscribed to a couple of mods, you can activate them from the Mod Screen by simply ticking the checkbox in front of their name, and they will be added to the list at the top of the screen. However, please be careful about using multiple mods that affect the same game elements (e.g. modifying the same culture), as their changes my conflict and the game does not check compatibility between mods. Additionally, the game does not save mod loadout after quitting, so you will need to manually turn your mods back on before you start or load a game.

Making Mods

If you are more interested in making your own mods than playing with them, you may want to take a look at our dedicated tools. Everyone who owns Humankind on Steam will now find the Humankind Mod Tools in the Tools category of their Steam library. These tools use the Unity Editor, so when you launch them for the first time, they will walk you through installing the Unity Hub and Editor and activating a (free) unity license. Once all that is set up, you're good to go, though you should always start your Humankind modding projects through the Tools in your Steam Library so that your project will provide you with the tools to easily import game data and upload your mod to mod.io.

For more on how to use the modding tools, please check out the Modding Guidelines and the Modding Tools Basics blog.

Looking forward to seeing all the mods you make,

- The Amplitude Team

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3 years ago
Nov 5, 2021, 12:08:55 PM

That's good news! I hope this modding tool supports the modding community well so we could have plenty of well-made mods. The possibility of big projects excites me too, like Humankind version of ELCP?

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3 years ago
Nov 5, 2021, 11:08:35 PM

"Everyone who owns Humankind on Steam will now find the Humankind Mod Tools in the Tools category of their Steam library."


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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 7:57:02 AM

I don't see the "mod" or "community" screen in the game menu.

I don't know where to find mod.io mods in steam.

Edit : OK, so the steps are...

1 - go on https://humankind.mod.io

2 - when subscribing, use the "connect to steam account" option.

3 - write information & send confirmation mail.

4 - subscribe to a mod.

5 - in the game menu, go to "extras", then "community", then "mods".

6 - in game it ask a lot of question, agree, etc, then it show a screen where you can choose mods.

7 - it's possible to subscribe to mods in-game, but it's more easy to do it on https://humankind.mod.io, as there is only 8 mods per page in-game, and we can't open additionnal windows to check what is the mod. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 3:40:32 PM

so in order to simply have mods, we may or may not have to create a entire new account for some 3rd party site that I and probably 95% of everyone else have never heard of just to use mods Instead of using already well established and more popular modding tools like Steam workshop and ModDB? This sounds like a attempt to reinvent the wheel.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 7:27:10 PM
DragonGaming wrote:

so in order to simply have mods

, we may or may not have to create a entire new account for some 3rd party site that I and probably 95% of everyone else have never heard of just to use mods Instead of using already well established and more popular modding tools like Steam workshop and ModDB? This sounds like a attempt to reinvent the wheel.

I imagine it's necessary to have a consistent mod experience for all versions of the game. 

You can play Humankind via Epic, Gamepass or Steam. 

Building mod.io into the game means every version of the game can access mods from.

Not sure how it will play out with Stadia, but then again... Its Stadia :P

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3 years ago
Nov 7, 2021, 5:12:04 PM

Found this on The Steam version of this thread. If this is true, than Mod.io can not be trusted with your information.

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3 years ago
Nov 8, 2021, 9:49:08 AM
DragonGaming wrote:

so in order to simply have mods, we may or may not have to create a entire new account for some 3rd party site that I and probably 95% of everyone else have never heard of just to use mods Instead of using already well established and more popular modding tools like Steam workshop and ModDB? This sounds like a attempt to reinvent the wheel.

You can log into Mod.io using your Steam account. You don't need to make a separate mod.io account. Furthermore, if you only want to play with mods (rather than uploading mods yourself), you can also download them manually from mod.io the same way it worked for maps before we added the integration, no account necessary. This integration simply makes the process more convenient by letting the game handle the download and installation process.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 9:14:35 PM
DragonGaming wrote:

Found this on The Steam version of this thread. If this is true, than Mod.io can not be trusted with your information.

This is bollocks. Mod.io is owned by the same company that owns and operates ModDB, IndieDB, and they used to own and operate Desura (an old digital distribution platform like Steam). The team may be small, but their reputation and history is solid for almost 20 years.

Do 2 minutes of research before copy pasting crap. Oh, and in case you feel inclined to copy paste this rumor as well, no, they are NOT partnered with Epic. Well, no more association than they have with Steam, GOG, Gamepass, and consoles.

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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 10:53:31 PM
Dale_K wrote:
DragonGaming wrote:

Found this on The Steam version of this thread. If this is true, than Mod.io can not be trusted with your information.

This is bollocks. Mod.io is owned by the same company that owns and operates ModDB, IndieDB, and they used to own and operate Desura (an old digital distribution platform like Steam). The team may be small, but their reputation and history is solid for almost 20 years.

Do 2 minutes of research before copy pasting crap. Oh, and in case you feel inclined to copy paste this rumor as well, no, they are NOT partnered with Epic. Well, no more association than they have with Steam, GOG, Gamepass, and consoles.

I have looked more into it more since my previous text and I'll admit, the safety part was assumed, but after researching more,  mod.io still looks like a downgrade compared to ModDB and Steam workshop.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 10, 2021, 12:34:00 AM
DragonGaming wrote:
Dale_K wrote:
DragonGaming wrote:

Found this on The Steam version of this thread. If this is true, than Mod.io can not be trusted with your information.

This is bollocks. Mod.io is owned by the same company that owns and operates ModDB, IndieDB, and they used to own and operate Desura (an old digital distribution platform like Steam). The team may be small, but their reputation and history is solid for almost 20 years.

Do 2 minutes of research before copy pasting crap. Oh, and in case you feel inclined to copy paste this rumor as well, no, they are NOT partnered with Epic. Well, no more association than they have with Steam, GOG, Gamepass, and consoles.

I have looked more into it more since my previous text and I'll admit, the safety part was assumed, but after researching more,  mod.io still looks like a downgrade compared to ModDB and Steam workshop.

Mod.IO has the same functionality that Workshop does. Plus it has the benefit of supporting non-Steam versions of the game. The only thing Mod.IO doesn't have, is the vanity ability to showcase your mods on your Steam profile.

But in saying that, Mod.IO has an easy way to support Workshop, so that Steam users of whatever game can use Workshop for mod management. In this way a game can use Mod.IO to support mod management for ALL versions of a game, but also fill the vanity needs of Steam modders.

Edit: it should be noted that Mod.IO is not intended to replace Workshop. The Mod.IO website UI is secondary to its real purpose, which is an API to provide direct mod management in game. This is something Workshop can't really do. Workshop's intent is to use the Steam interface for mod management, not in game.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 10, 2021, 6:07:02 PM

Are you still planning to release the day one mod? I’m not too miffed that it wasn’t day one but I’d be sad not to get it at all. 

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3 years ago
Nov 13, 2021, 11:46:37 AM

So, does that mean if I have the game on GamePass I can't create mods? Is there a way to get the mod tools without having the game on Steam?

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3 years ago
Dec 2, 2021, 1:12:53 PM

I wonder if in futur we can have a playset to enable multiple mods in the same time without check their manualy ? ( currently using more of 10 mods is a pain when you want load a save with mod )

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