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3 years ago Mar 22,2022, 15:04:36 PM

New Notification Settings in the Vitruvian Update

1 459 Views

Cities, population, armies, research, trade... There’s a lot to manage in a game like Humankind. If you’re anything like us, you have probably missed some important game event at one point or another. Maybe you didn’t notice your neighbor cancelling all your treaties and were not prepared for war, or maybe some independent people slipped past your borders and ransacked that crucial iron mine before you could stop them. Noticing such crucial events can be difficult when many other messages about exploration or your economy demand your attention.


With the Vitruvian update, you will have more control about which information to focus on: You will be able to change which messages in the notification ribbon automatically pop up to get your attention, and which ones will only appear in the list.  

You can do this directly on the message while playing, or you can change it at any time from the UI settings menu. You can also turn all of them on or off at the same time from this menu. 



With these settings, you can make sure you never miss any events you care about, no matter how much happens in a single turn.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more sneak-peeks at the Vitruvian Update, and join us this Thursday at 17:00 CET on twitch.tv/Amplitudestudios for a chat with one of our UI designers. 

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3 years ago
Mar 23, 2022, 12:04:47 PM

I love this update so much. There is way too much noise right now in the notifications for them to be useful. 

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3 years ago
Mar 23, 2022, 1:18:24 PM

Goodbye starving city notification, we won't miss you.

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