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3 years ago Apr 08,2022, 14:04:35 PM

Of Holi Sites and Heroes: Rewards for the Holi Event

2 673 Views

The Holi Event is about to end. Many players were glad to see an in-game event based on a Hindu festival, while others were happy to return to individual challenges instead of community-based ones. But if we are honest, we have to admit that this second Humankind event was not without problems. Three challenges in particular were discussed at great length: Shrewd General, Smite the Wicked, and Houses of the Holi.

  • Shrewd General: Forcing another empire to surrender while they have a vassal is quite achievable for most of our players, but unfortunately the AI did not pick expansionist cultures as consistently as we expected based on our own experience. 
  • Smite the Wicked: While getting a single Hero Badge is quite doable if you have a traitorous AI in your game, raising it to level three is much more difficult, and many players struggled with this challenge. Furthermore, some players have pointed out that the Mughals do not belong in an event themed on a Hindu festival, as they followed Islam. This was overlooked during our historical check of these challenges, and we apologize for this inappropriate choice of culture. 
  • Houses of the Holi: Controlling 10 Holy Sites was a reasonable challenge to most players, but we noticed several discussions about this challenge, and it appears some Holy Sites were not properly counted towards completing this objective.  


As a bug affected one of the challenges and two more were more difficult than intended, we will give the full set of rewards, including the persona, to any player who has completed at least three of the six challenges by Monday, so you still have some time to finish more of the challenges if you want to. The rewards will be unlocked early next week after the event ends, and you may still see the event at this time, but challenges completed after Monday will not count towards unlocking the rewards. 


Going forward, we’ll be working more closely with our VIPs to make sure that future challenges are set at an appropriate difficulty. 


Thank you for your understanding, 

The Amplitude Team 

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3 years ago
Apr 11, 2022, 3:41:18 AM
SpikedWallMan wrote:

You made a compromise, so I made a compromise.  I took about an hour and finished 3 challenges to get the rewards.  Given that there are 3 of them that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time, I am not as frustrated with the setup of this event as I was previously.  It was still a grind though.  If all single-player events were more reasonably structured like this restructured one is now (where I can expect to finish it in an hour or two), then I would probably waste a little time on them.  But I will reiterate my comment from a previous post that I still do not support the limited-time aspect of this.  Just make challenges that are available all the time.  It's really silly not to, and it's ridiculous to expect everyone to drop everything that they're doing to participate in a game's event.  (For example, you could have just dropped a Holi Celebration Update that added the new permanent challenges and lets us appreciate the festival whenever we want.)

So thank you for addressing the issues with this event.  Good luck in figuring out how to improve future ones.

I feel like it would at least make things a bit better if they could confirm that these events will cycle again when their respective holiday/festival/event is back, animal crossing style.

I understand the urge to use FOMO to pull people back into the game (gotta be assertive on in a market that is so completely dominated by civ for reasons much more to do with brand recognition than anything else); but as someone who is very completionist but also exists in actual reality where actual responsibilities exist and take up my time, this sort of stuff doesnt make me feel like i gotta get back into humankind, it just feels kinda alienating that while i had actual shit going on i just completely missed content. This doesnt make me want to play the game more, it makes me want to play it less.

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3 years ago
Apr 13, 2022, 3:40:26 AM
LordOfTheEagles wrote:

I did 3 of the challenges. When are they going to be unlocked?

It looks like they are unlocked now.

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3 years ago
Apr 12, 2022, 11:26:14 AM
el-Fakir wrote:

'Everybody Get Together', on the other hand, was too much grinding, to be honest.

el-Fakir wrote:
Incidentally, I wish Affinity Actions could be used more frequently or at least in all cities simultaneously in the same turn or maybe one-by-one in respective turns. Waiting 10 turns for 1 single use in only 1 city is too scarce, in my humble opinion

Everybody Get Together:

You can turn off the Turn Limit.

You don't have to pick an Agrarian Culture every time, just transcend the culture you have.

If you set the Game Speed to very fast the ability has a cooldown of 2, so every second round you can use it.

Also set the game difficulty to very easy and only play against one enemy empire.

With this four tricks you can complete this challenge within 15 minutes. Just build one city and use the ability all the time. Easy.

Smite the Wicked:

The trick to get a Level 3 Hero Badge is to Declare War and immediately Surrender! Then, open the Diplomacy Screen, go to the Treaties tab and propose a Non-aggression Pact. The AI will most likely refuse the proposal, causing a Grievance. Go to the Crisis tab and demand the Grievance. Next turn withdraw your Demands and propose a Non-aggression Pact again. Repeat this until you can declare a justified war (80 War Support) and surrender again.

Do all this three times and Level 3 Hero Badge is unlocked.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 12, 2022, 9:53:28 AM

Yes, these were some quite challenging achievements. I finally managed to complete all last night but it was far from easy. Unlike what many others had reported Smite the Wicked was the easiest and the first one achieved for me. 'Everybody Get Together', on the other hand, was too much grinding, to be honest. Well at least it yielded one the most copious Humankind games I've ever completed.

Incidentally, I wish Affinity Actions could be used more frequently or at least in all cities simultaneously in the same turn or maybe one-by-one in respective turns. Waiting 10 turns for 1 single use in only 1 city is too scarce, in my humble opinion and reward for Agrarian Affinity Action, for instance, is neither that much useful for player nor detrimental for enemy AI. It's just too circumstantial to be a powerful tool. I don't play Agrarian Cultures but if I did, I wouldn't see a point using its Affinity Action ever unless I was desperately need a few population for levy en masse.

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3 years ago
Apr 11, 2022, 7:40:35 PM
davidmapp99 wrote:
SpikedWallMan wrote:

You made a compromise, so I made a compromise.  I took about an hour and finished 3 challenges to get the rewards.  Given that there are 3 of them that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time, I am not as frustrated with the setup of this event as I was previously.  It was still a grind though.  If all single-player events were more reasonably structured like this restructured one is now (where I can expect to finish it in an hour or two), then I would probably waste a little time on them.  But I will reiterate my comment from a previous post that I still do not support the limited-time aspect of this.  Just make challenges that are available all the time.  It's really silly not to, and it's ridiculous to expect everyone to drop everything that they're doing to participate in a game's event.  (For example, you could have just dropped a Holi Celebration Update that added the new permanent challenges and lets us appreciate the festival whenever we want.)

So thank you for addressing the issues with this event.  Good luck in figuring out how to improve future ones.

I feel like it would at least make things a bit better if they could confirm that these events will cycle again when their respective holiday/festival/event is back, animal crossing style.

I understand the urge to use FOMO to pull people back into the game (gotta be assertive on in a market that is so completely dominated by civ for reasons much more to do with brand recognition than anything else); but as someone who is very completionist but also exists in actual reality where actual responsibilities exist and take up my time, this sort of stuff doesnt make me feel like i gotta get back into humankind, it just feels kinda alienating that while i had actual shit going on i just completely missed content. This doesnt make me want to play the game more, it makes me want to play it less.

I really feel this, because while I knew that the event was going on and normally get strong FOMO, that thess challenges were really difficult and quite a lot left to chance, I didn't even bother this time around. After the community event just felt so futile, I don't care for doing these time limited challenges in a broadly singleplayer strategy game. I understand player retention has to be high on the list of priorities, because it won't matter how good a game is if nobody plays it. That being said, I really think the game is screaming out for more substantive content like expansions, not short events which serve to only pull people back to a game they already see as not worthwhile, because that's only going to drive them away faster. 

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3 years ago
Apr 11, 2022, 12:46:15 PM

I have to agree that this event had some bad traits, by making it very hard to achieve plus a limited timeframe. I'd say that if events are timed, the goals should be pretty easy. Or you could make the events permanent and harder to get, so you can tackle them whenever you feel like it.

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3 years ago
Apr 11, 2022, 10:40:43 AM
NADster wrote:

Thank you for this post!

I did not really try this event because the two Traitor/Expansionist were a big NO for me to even spend time on them, too much luck/grind based. But after reading this, I did the other 4 in 2 games this sunday (1 for 30 agrarian, 10 holy sites and 30k fame - the second to fill the fame up).

Really looking forward to the next event with then all six being fun-challenges. ;)

I only did the first half, which didn't seem too tricky, getting 10 holy sites (including wonders that act like HS), 44k fame and one other it was the first one I did without even trying whatever it was :) but yeah the later half seemed pretty much impossible, especially on about 4 hours a day. 

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3 years ago
Apr 11, 2022, 10:34:40 AM

I preferred the community challenge, one game takes a week+ of my free time- and I mean ALL of my free time. I love this game but I aint married to it you know? Please bring back a community challenge here and there for us adults to enjoy!

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3 years ago
Apr 11, 2022, 6:45:14 AM

Thank you for this post!

I did not really try this event because the two Traitor/Expansionist were a big NO for me to even spend time on them, too much luck/grind based. But after reading this, I did the other 4 in 2 games this sunday (1 for 30 agrarian, 10 holy sites and 30k fame - the second to fill the fame up).

Really looking forward to the next event with then all six being fun-challenges. ;)

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3 years ago
Apr 8, 2022, 5:01:11 PM

I have done all the challenged except getting 3 hero badges. I have downloaded a full set of traitorous personas and filled many games with them on a pangea map, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get past tier 2. Mostly because I couldn't amass enough war support to declare a justified war... I am getting so frustrated with it... 

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3 years ago
Apr 10, 2022, 12:14:50 PM

Thanks, you guys are awesome!

Edit: Hope you give us another chance at the luner one! 

Edit: Found out you could do it with modded civs and that was a good time!

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 9, 2022, 12:25:42 PM

Yes, thank you for making this compromise.  While I finished all 6, they were rather time-consuming (particularly, the 30 Agrarian ability one). 

Looking forward to the next challenge!

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3 years ago
Apr 8, 2022, 7:48:34 PM

I may be more inclined to try and grind it quickly over weekend now that my main issue challenges are waved away, but I still think that those events need a rework. I like both the idea that the challenges should be accessible whenever and that the persona should be log-in reward and then the challenges should focus on said persona, though the latter might be a bit too much work - as I get it, those are supposed to be quickly whipped together to engage the community.

It's a real shame about Houses of the Holi, to be honest, because that's more along the lines of what I'd like to see from those challenges, nothing too extreme but still warranting a certain playstyle that may not be what player is used to.

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3 years ago
Apr 8, 2022, 7:34:50 PM

Oooh, that's good news! Thank you for the compromise. The two war-related challenges are the only two I haven't completed yet, and I always struggle with warfare stuff in any game were you can win without wars. :) Nevertheless I am looking forward to the next event!

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3 years ago
Apr 8, 2022, 6:48:25 PM

You made a compromise, so I made a compromise.  I took about an hour and finished 3 challenges to get the rewards.  Given that there are 3 of them that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time, I am not as frustrated with the setup of this event as I was previously.  It was still a grind though.  If all single-player events were more reasonably structured like this restructured one is now (where I can expect to finish it in an hour or two), then I would probably waste a little time on them.  But I will reiterate my comment from a previous post that I still do not support the limited-time aspect of this.  Just make challenges that are available all the time.  It's really silly not to, and it's ridiculous to expect everyone to drop everything that they're doing to participate in a game's event.  (For example, you could have just dropped a Holi Celebration Update that added the new permanent challenges and lets us appreciate the festival whenever we want.)

So thank you for addressing the issues with this event.  Good luck in figuring out how to improve future ones.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 8, 2022, 5:29:02 PM
Rens1987 wrote:

I have done all the challenged except getting 3 hero badges. I have downloaded a full set of traitorous personas and filled many games with them on a pangea map, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get past tier 2. Mostly because I couldn't amass enough war support to declare a justified war... I am getting so frustrated with it... 

The trick to get a Level 3 Hero Badge is to Declare War and immediately Surrender! Then, open the Diplomacy Screen, go to the Treaties tab and propose a Non-aggression Pact. The AI will most likely refuse the proposal, causing a Grievance. Go to the Crisis tab and demand the Grievance. Next turn withdraw your Demands and propose a Non-aggression Pact again. Repeat this until you can declare a justified war (80 War Support) and surrender again.

Do all this three times and Level 3 Hero Badge is unlocked.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 8, 2022, 5:20:04 PM

This is good news :D I was struggling with thoses challenges, but I have managed three of them. I wonder what this will implies for the next events.

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