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2 years ago May 12,2022, 13:01:19 PM

Quality of Life Improvements (Part 2)

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Many of you seemed quite happy about the changes we previewed in the recent posts about Quality of Life and War Support and Surrender. We’re not done with our sneak peeks yet, though, as today we want to tell you about a few more quality of life and other improvements coming in the Bolivar Update.

Laws of the Land

HUMANKIND™ is all about shaping your civilization and its history, and Civics are one of the tools you have to guide your society. We wanted these Civics to unlock naturally as your empire developed, rather than being specific goals you would aim for. However, many players were frustrated by the lack of information, and for good reason, as some Civics became incredibly rare and hard to get. To help with this, the tooltip of locked Civics will show their unlock conditions, making it easier to work towards them. 

It’s a Wonderful World

Most players agree that the natural wonders in Humankind look stunning, but many are disappointed that they all provide the same bonus. Finding a natural wonder became a simple “Oh, another one” for many players... But exploring the world and discovering its wonders should be exciting! To make each wonder feel special, the Bolivar update introduces unique bonuses for each Natural Wonder. We hope this will encourage you to go out into the world to explore and vie for the best spots! 

In the Lap of Luxury 

Strategic and luxury resources are a powerful boon to your economy in HUMANKIND™, and these resources were often clustered regionally to encourage trade or conflict. While some players enjoyed this, many players did not like the monopolies this could create, or the imbalances between the starting positions of different players. In the Bolivar Update, we are adding a Luxury Resource Distribution setting allowing you to choose either spread, natural, or clustered placement. 


AI Through the Ages

Getting the AI of a strategy game just right can be quite tricky, and naturally we saw a lot of feedback about the AI in Humankind. While some opinions differed based on player preference, some topics came up repeatedly: The AI would fall behind the player in the later stages of the game but do well in the early game (sometimes perhaps too well.) To address this, we are changing the bonuses the AI get on higher difficulties to grow as the game progresses. This should help them keep up with the player in later eras, while also making them a bit less likely to overpower you in the early game. 

Arriving at New Shores

Last, but by no means least, we’re happy to announce that we’ll be adding support for two more languages to the game: Italian and Turkish. We’ve seen these two languages requested quite often, and there have even been fan projects to localize the game, so we are happy to provide official support now.


The Bolivar Update will release around mid June, and this was the last of our previews for it. You might still want to keep an eye on our news, though, as there might be a chance to try this update before its official release! 

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 5:17:11 PM
I like these changes a lot, in particular the wonder and civic changes are great! With those I think my games will feel more special each time
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2 years ago
May 17, 2022, 3:20:36 PM

a better life on ship!

we have little animals、people、carriages、vehicles、trains move all over the land of humankind world.

we have little birds、aircrafts fly all over the sky of humankind world.

we have little sea animals all over the sea of humankind world.

why can't we have littel ships sail all over the sea of humankind world? 

i think it will be perfect for humankind world.

pls make it done.

thx very much!

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2 years ago
May 15, 2022, 3:13:44 PM

I wonder if the "conditions for civics" could/should be an option for those players who like the uncertainty.

There is a cool mod for Civ VI which gives the option to hide the triggers for eurekas (scientific breakthroughs). It also introduced alternative conditions for those eurekas which would be randomly picked at game start. So for instance, in one game you get a boost to sailing by building a lighthouse, in another game you get the boost from building your first ship. For those players who like unpredicability, it could be nice to keep not knowing what triggers civics and have multiple possible candidate. Right now, the temptation is large to just look up the conditions externally and have a definitive answer, so there is not much bonus in hiding the information from players. I appreciate though that this would be more time-consuming to implement.

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2 years ago
May 14, 2022, 5:51:35 AM
Waykot wrote:

Very welcome QoL changes and fixes, I'm really excited for mid-june !

Laws of the Land, It's a Wonderful World, and In the Lap of Luxury are the ones I'm mostly waiting for.

I have to admit nonetheless, I'm torn on Laws of the Land : as much as I like the addition of the unlock prerequisites, so that we'll now be able to unlock all of them if we so choose, I also agree and feel that it somewhat breaks the natural evolution of our empire, and, to some extend, the immersion in the journey we're making. But again, nothing here with this addition forces us to unlock all of them or the ones we don't need to.

Thanks again for these great additions, and welcome to El Libertador !

Well the thing about this is I have unlocked any of the government type civics. I had no idea show to unlock them and hoped eventually one day I would. But it's been over 100 hours and I finally looked them up. Turns out because I never make commons quarters and always focused on garrisons for my stability increase instead I would have never know they existed. It's good to show it because some people will never see them or unlock them without the tooltip. 

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2 years ago
May 13, 2022, 5:35:30 AM
tristanxlm wrote:

good job   thx very much

that will make life much more better:

can we hide region boundary line?pls make an option to turn on them. that can make our humankind pic more beautiful. thx

please hide territory boundary lines when we toggle ui off. this will make our humankind pic much more beautiful. thx very much.

Bruh they already acknowledged your posts earlier in other threads, no need to repeat the same question anymore.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 13, 2022, 3:42:02 AM

will it improve 9p pangea Luxury/resources that mainly focused for ai?

The big blue hole shown in the preview seems to be much better than one area of Zhou. i like keeping the bonus of influence + money

maybe the rewards can be automatically changed according to the selected culture. For example, expansionism + 1 move, military + 1 attack, FMIS + 5

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 13, 2022, 1:37:01 AM

good job   thx very much

that will make life much more better:

can we hide region boundary line?pls make an option to turn on them. that can make our humankind pic more beautiful. thx

please hide territory boundary lines when we toggle ui off. this will make our humankind pic much more beautiful. thx very much.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 8:27:25 PM

I actually like the way that Natural Wonders work as now. It evens the odds for all competitors in the fragile early game environment and prevents lucky snowballing. What do you think about keeping the "innate" bonus of influence + money for the first 2 eras, and THEN unlocking the second part of the bonus which can be much more game defining?

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 7:49:41 PM

Very welcome QoL changes and fixes, I'm really excited for mid-june !

Laws of the Land, It's a Wonderful World, and In the Lap of Luxury are the ones I'm mostly waiting for.

I have to admit nonetheless, I'm torn on Laws of the Land : as much as I like the addition of the unlock prerequisites, so that we'll now be able to unlock all of them if we so choose, I also agree and feel that it somewhat breaks the natural evolution of our empire, and, to some extend, the immersion in the journey we're making. But again, nothing here with this addition forces us to unlock all of them or the ones we don't need to.

Thanks again for these great additions, and welcome to El Libertador !

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 1:13:42 PM

TLDR of new devdiary:

The folowing mods get integrated in to base game

"More resource options" https://gc2021.com/showthread.php?tid=38

Progressive difficulty


Natural Wonder Overhaul for Humankind


Some not 100% identical, but nice to see that the developers are geting inspired by what the community created

Will we soon also get Support for multible players to pick the same culture ?


Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 4:37:47 PM

I'm very happy with the introduction of progressive difficulty, AI having a disproportionate advantage in what should be the most balanced stage of the game (early game) was a big issue on the vanilla game.

Extra bonuses however are a bandaid and won't replace a more competent AI player on the late game that was outclassed by a competent player.

I'd argue for a more 'director' like sort of help in any case than insane bonuses to avoid situations where the AI with just some crappy made cities can outproduce very well player made cities. 

Such as capping the bonuses so it's not something insane like 100% to everything that feels too cheaty, but giving events that give ocassional extra aid to the AI player (extra pop, units maybe tech if behind) so from the perspective of the player it looks more palatable and more natural, with the ultimate goal to keep the illusion of a more competent AI player without feeling cheated on.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 3:39:08 PM
komodowaran wrote:

Some not 100% identical, but nice to see that the developers are geting inspired by what the community created

While we were definitely aware of these mods, I am not sure we can cite them as direct inspiration. The requests for these features have been around for a long time, some of them since before the game released, and many of them have been on the to-do list since then, or even had an early draft, but we only finished the implementation now.

That said, we appreciate what the modders are doing. Even with similar ideas, they usually put their own spin on things and offer our players a different experience.

AXEL-M74 wrote:
So sneaky, hiding upcoming decorations in the screenshots, unless they're from the Day of the Dead and I just don't have them, lol.

The Chevrons are actually an old decoration, based on the Amplitude logo. They were given away as a reward for one of the OpenDevs, but I don't remember which one.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 2:32:57 PM
SpacesuitSpiff wrote:

That first change is gonna make a lot of people catch on to how broken the civic costs are. You need to put in static costs for each of them, because the cost scaling so hard with number of civics basically means you skip as many as possible and that goes directly against the theme.

I actually like that you need to think whether to pick something and let the civic decision sit there for a while. For a very long time Civics were buyable the moment they unlocked and everyone had large stockpiles of influence with nothing to do with it once majority of territories got claimed.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 2:32:20 PM

So sneaky, hiding upcoming decorations in the screenshots, unless they're from the Day of the Dead and I just don't have them, lol.

I'm laughing a bit because I asked a while back on stream about the resource clustering and the response was "Can't say yet.", and now to see it so close is such a nice thing.

Although, another preview would be nice, to keep the hype train going.

Keep up the good work anyway, I'm really looking forward towards this update.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 1:54:54 PM

Thank you so much for the Civics change.  That will help greatly.  My only suggestion is to always display the Civic details in the tooltip so a player can decide ahead of time if they want to work towards unlocking that Civic in the first place.  I mean, the Civic info is already available on the wiki so why make us take extra steps to look everything up on the wiki when you could just add it to the tooltip?

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 1:48:17 PM

These look awesome. Especially the luxury spread and clustering which I had been mentioning alot before. May i make one suggestion - can you re-look at the type of terrains that the luxury resources go on? It seems all the science yield ones are in tundra, all the gold ones are in desert, etc. It's not really natural. Can you make them spawn on more different types of terrain? And relook at the balance between which ones are arctic vs tropical climates? There should be a mix of luxury good bonuses (FIMS) for each terrain type - based on real world conditions.

(For example, oil usually only spawns in tundra and arctic ocean, but it should also be in desert, and sometimes jungle).

All in all, i think this is the best update yet.

And they're just QoL fixes! That means the base game was already great, but with these minor and major touches, it will be so much more fun to play.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 1:29:49 PM

That first change is gonna make a lot of people catch on to how broken the civic costs are. You need to put in static costs for each of them, because the cost scaling so hard with number of civics basically means you skip as many as possible and that goes directly against the theme.

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