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3 years ago Jun 09,2022, 19:17:27 PM

Bolivar Update and Cultures of Latin America Available now

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Updates, cultures, and announcements, oh my... Today is a busy day for Humankind. So, let’s rest for a moment and take a closer look at all of this, starting with...


The Bolivar Update 

There are many improvements, big and small, in the Bolivar Update. Too many to describe in detail here, but here’s a quick overview of some key improvements: 

  • "Force Surrender” is not mandatory anymore 
  • Natural Wonders have unique effects 
  • Civics show their unlock conditions 
  • Infrastructures show their expected yield 
  • AI bonuses on higher difficulties scale over time 
  • New Luxury Resource distribution settings 
  • And more


Free Culture: The Mississipians 

Unlocked during a recent community challenge, the Mississippians (sometimes known as the Cahokians) join Humankind as a Builder culture in the Medieval era who are especially adept at exploiting rivers. 

You can also grab the Mississippian Soundtrack and a Wallpaper Pack of their culture art (and all the cultures in the Cultures of Latin America DLC as well!) here on Games2gether.  Click here to download!


Cultures of Latin America DLC

On top of the improvements of the Bolivar Update and the Mississippian Culture, we are releasing the Cultures of Latin America DLC. This culture pack is available right now on Steam, Epic Game Store, and the Microsoft Store, bringing the following content to your game:

  • Six new Cultures: Caralan (Era 1 Builders), Nazca (Era 2 Aesthete), Taino (Era 3 Agrarian), Inca (Era 4 Expansionist), Argentinians (Era 5 Merchants), and Cubans (Era 6 Aesthete) 
  • Two new Cultural Wonders: Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun (Era 2) and Maracana Stadium (Era 6) 
  • Four new Natural Wonders: Desert of Atacama, Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Salar de Uyuni, Salto Angel 


Humankind on Consoles

Yes, that’s right, Humankind is coming to consoles!  Soon you’ll be able to kick back and relax in your living room as you leave your mark on history, courtesy of our colleagues at Aspyr. The game will be available on both Playstation 4/5 and XBox One and Series S/X on November 4th, and it already up for pre-order. 



That’s all for now, but there’s more coming! We’re still working to bring you consistent and flavorful empire names to immerse you in the game world. We’re also continuing to balance cultures, and have been tweaking line of sight rules for battles (as we've heard feedback on both from many of you). And then there’s... No, we can’t spoil that yet, but if we were you, we’d stay tuned! 

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 4:47:59 PM
DNLH wrote:
Salted Beef and Pharmaceuticals are produced by DLC cultures EQ, Argentinians and Cubans respectively, kinda like Soviet Weapons.

I see. But Salted Beef is in Contemporary Era instead of Industrial.

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3 years ago
Jun 12, 2022, 3:12:07 AM

For those who like to quarrel, you can search what the great reset is. No matter which side you are on. Viruses, wars, or famine propaganda are just a part of it

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2022, 9:19:47 AM

Hey everyone,

We understand that some of you are frustrated by the SEGA policy of not selling games in certain regions at the moment. It's perfectly fine for you to express this frustration here, but this discussion has veered away from that into topics focusing on the war itself. This is not the proper place for that discussion. If you absolutely want to discuss this with other G2G members, I would suggest you take it to the off topic section (but as always, keep it civil.)

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2022, 2:28:44 PM
Sublustris wrote:

No way to harm dictatorships' economies without harming their people wealthbeing. It's just the way it is, there are no winners, but at least it limits rise and development of war machine like russia has become.

I am ready to pay double price for Humankind and it's DLC in case if this money will be transferred to help Ukraine. I think this would be a better policy for SEGA than just a stupid attempt to overwhelm our economy. Tactics of sanctions cannot help against dictators. North Korea is the best example. And I'm afraid our dictators are also ready to bathe in gold and blood, surrounded by a crowd of guards, while their people will starve and die.

Sublustris wrote:

Your country is still used as Iskander launch grounds, source of regular air defence alerts, and as potential vector of land and air attack, to restrain our military from moving our forces east and south.

Sorry, I didn't know that. This is awful. Reading news is hard for me nowadays. It only depresses me, upsets me and makes me realize that I cannot do absolutely nothing to stop this terrible things that Lukashenko and Putin are doing.

Sublustris wrote:

And this isn't in any way a concession to Ukraine and its people, it is first and foremost in the very interest of people of Belarus themselves. Your very own anthem starts with "We, Belarusians, are peaceful people".

I completely agree. We, Belarusians, are peaceful people. But how can we help you? Not buying Humankind?

Sublustris wrote:

And that itself already equals сomplicity in a war of aggression, according to international laws, like it or not.

OK. You're right. We are at war. But most of Belarusians do not fight. And I believe that the most of us will not fight against the Ukrainians, even if every Belarusian would be handed with a machine gun. We, Belarusians, are peaceful people.

Sublustris wrote:

Oh my, how can Ukraine help? Come in and throw out your dictator for you?

Ukraine cannot help to throw Lukashenko. This is a problem of belarusians. We are still trying to throw out Lukashenko. But this is a super difficult task. He is 10 times stronger than Yanukovych, he has much more power. During these 28 years of reign he has built one the most protected fortress in Europe. And belarusian national method of expelling dictators - partisan warfare - is much slower and probably less effective than revolution. But a bloody revolution in our country is just simply impossible. We, Belarusians, are peaceful people. And this is not only our advantage, but also a disadvantage.

We do not accept even a drop of Belarusian blood. Even for better future. We hate violence so much, that we even ready to endure lawlessness of dictators. And Belarusians are not ready to shed blood neither for Ukrainians, nor for Russians, although both of you are some kind of our brother nations. Belarusians prefer to hide in swamps and forests instead. But that's belarusian's national method of surviving. It's in our genetics. Our country is a crossroad of Europe. I bet, during our bloody history, belarusians and our ancestors were dead in wars, repressions and revolutions more than any other nation of Europe. Those who tried to protest just dead and didn't pass the genetic material to the descendants.

P.S. Sorry for this emotional offtopic in this thread. But I hate being punishing for things, that I cannot control. I'd wish of SEGA to make me fighting more in Humankind battles than in forum battles, or, even worse, real battles (God forbid). I really like this game. I'd wish of wars to become only in Humankind, not in real life. But SEGA actually makes me to become a pirate. And I don't like rum and parrots.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2022, 11:23:28 AM
Shukfir wrote:
However, our country is not even at war with Ukraine.

Your country is still used as Iskander launch grounds, source of regular air defence alerts, and as potential vector of land and air attack, to restrain our military from moving our forces east and south.

Shukfir wrote:
Yeah, our dictator Lukashenko gave the territory to Russian troops at the beginning of the war.

And that itself already equals сomplicity in a war of aggression, according to international laws, like it or not. 

Shukfir wrote:
But I never voted for Lukashenko. Most of people I know voted against Lukashenko in the last election (and I think most of Belarusians too). Most of Belarusians hate this war.

And this isn't in any way a concession to Ukraine and its people, it is first and foremost in the very interest of people of Belarus themselves. Your very own anthem starts with "We, Belarusians, are peaceful people".

Shukfir wrote:
But they can't do anything. Because all protests are brutally suppressed. Even hanging white and red pants on the balcony in our country is a crime. Because that's the colours of the protest flag.

Oh my, how can Ukraine help? Come in and throw out your dictator for you?

Shukfir wrote:
I don't understand why I can't buy Humankind or any of it's DLC in Belarus.

No way to harm dictatorships' economies without harming their people wealthbeing. It's just the way it is, there are no winners, but at least it limits rise and development of war machine like russia has become.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2022, 8:40:31 PM

I live in Belarus, but I also can't buy the DLC. However, our country is not even at war with Ukraine. Yeah, our dictator Lukashenko gave the territory to Russian troops at the beginning of the war. But I never voted for Lukashenko. Most of people I know voted against Lukashenko in the last election (and I think most of Belarusians too). Most of Belarusians hate this war. But they can't do anything. Because all protests are brutally suppressed. Even hanging white and red pants on the balcony in our country is a crime. Because that's the colours of the protest flag.

I don't understand why I can't buy Humankind or any of it's DLC in Belarus. Seriously. Instead of spending money on Humankind, I have to spend money on goods that will keep the money in my country. And this money will probably finance the government of Belarus, which I hate, and even can finance the war with Ukraine.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2022, 7:15:24 AM

They gave away 1000 keys, so they were out of stock in several hours.

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2022, 10:19:47 AM

Its sad to be punished if you are on holidays...

I just checked my news, to see you had only one chance to grab a free key..

i dont know, if i buy this dlc, because i realized there was a free key...

thanks for nothing

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3 years ago
Jun 13, 2022, 7:28:55 PM
Khaar wrote:
Celeir wrote:

Maybe Ukraine could be one of cultures to add in future, btw. Let's guess which emblematic district and bonuses could it have (emblematic unit is obvious one)

I like this idea, but not sure how. I don't want it to go in the wrong direction. 

Ukraine could have been added. Proceeds sent towards an accredited program (example Red Cross) trying to help the citizens whose lives are being torn about by the aggressive russian warmachine.

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3 years ago
Jun 12, 2022, 6:05:59 PM
Where do you see the free key?
Sublustris wrote:

LoL, you guys can't fix it on PC, Mac and Stadia, now you want it broken on consoles too.

But thanks for free key!

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3 years ago
Jun 10, 2022, 4:32:18 PM

Update says there are tooltips for civics, but I still don't see them when I hover my mouse over them.

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 10:22:50 PM
Celeir wrote:

Maybe Ukraine could be one of cultures to add in future, btw. Let's guess which emblematic district and bonuses could it have (emblematic unit is obvious one)

I like this idea, but not sure how. I don't want it to go in the wrong direction.

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 9:03:40 PM
Celeir wrote:

Maybe Ukraine could be one of cultures to add in future, btw. Let's guess which emblematic district and bonuses could it have (emblematic unit is obvious one)

It's tough for me to decide which direction it should go. Bonuses could either be something to do with its long cultural history and heritage, or refer to its partnerships with many countries around the world when it got attacked. A defensive warfare focused design could work, although I don't know if that's necessarily the most exciting direction to take for a Contemporary culture. The only thing that immediately comes to mind for an emblematic district for them is the maidan, but there could be more fitting ones. 

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 8:54:48 PM
neprostoman wrote:
Ruhrgebietheld wrote:
neprostoman wrote:
Ruhrgebietheld wrote:
neprostoman wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

Sorry, air defence alerts due to your country shooting missiles at mine right now overthrows any and all codes and terms.

I sincerely wish you and your relatives to live through this horror. But there are other platforms where you can discuss this stuff. This one is meant for discussing games, not politics or wars.

It's fair for them to bring it up in response to other users whining that the game was blocked in Russia, and for some dismissive comments that reeked of Russian nationalism after that. You're right that this isn't the best place to have a hyperpolitical discussion, but you're wrong as to who you're directing the blame towards in this thread for it going down that route at all. You've been more of a problem in this thread than Sublustris has in that regard. 

I guess I hold some part of the blame, even though my intentions were to keep this discussion from becoming pointing fingers, yet I was not directing it towards Sublustris, as you say. The inital spark was before and by another user, and if you translate my response then you can see that I was advicing against provocative whining. And I once again advice against going further down that route and think your interruption brought nothing positive to the discussion. 

Standing up for the person in the right is very much positive. You need to stop lecturing others, take your own advice and end the route you've been pursuing in this thread. 

It is kind of you to stand up for Sublustris, but what exactly are you standing up for? There are rules here and his post about killing people was at least a very bold assumption and at most a provocative slander. Think about it, or don't. Either way I am going to follow your advice and not participate in this anymore. 

He didn't break the rules with what he initially said, and it was neither a bold assumption nor a provocative slander. It was an appropriate, clever response to an inappropriate comment by another Russian user. If you had recognized that, the thread never would have devolved. Now that's all settled, hopefully we can keep the thread from going that direction again, although if Sublustris wants to respond to what was said towards them, that's their right.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 8:52:53 PM

Maybe Ukraine could be one of cultures to add in future, btw. Let's guess which emblematic district and bonuses could it have (emblematic unit is obvious one)

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 8:50:51 PM
Ruhrgebietheld wrote:
neprostoman wrote:
Ruhrgebietheld wrote:
neprostoman wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

Sorry, air defence alerts due to your country shooting missiles at mine right now overthrows any and all codes and terms.

I sincerely wish you and your relatives to live through this horror. But there are other platforms where you can discuss this stuff. This one is meant for discussing games, not politics or wars.

It's fair for them to bring it up in response to other users whining that the game was blocked in Russia, and for some dismissive comments that reeked of Russian nationalism after that. You're right that this isn't the best place to have a hyperpolitical discussion, but you're wrong as to who you're directing the blame towards in this thread for it going down that route at all. You've been more of a problem in this thread than Sublustris has in that regard. 

I guess I hold some part of the blame, even though my intentions were to keep this discussion from becoming pointing fingers, yet I was not directing it towards Sublustris, as you say. The inital spark was before and by another user, and if you translate my response then you can see that I was advicing against provocative whining. And I once again advice against going further down that route and think your interruption brought nothing positive to the discussion. 

Standing up for the person in the right is very much positive. You need to stop lecturing others, take your own advice and end the route you've been pursuing in this thread. 

It is kind of you to stand up for Sublustris, but what exactly are you standing up for? There are rules here and his post about killing people was at least a very bold assumption and at most a provocative slander. Think about it, or don't. Either way I am going to follow your advice and not participate in this anymore. 

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