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3 years ago Jun 09,2022, 19:17:27 PM

Bolivar Update and Cultures of Latin America Available now

17 987 Views

Updates, cultures, and announcements, oh my... Today is a busy day for Humankind. So, let’s rest for a moment and take a closer look at all of this, starting with...


The Bolivar Update 

There are many improvements, big and small, in the Bolivar Update. Too many to describe in detail here, but here’s a quick overview of some key improvements: 

  • "Force Surrender” is not mandatory anymore 
  • Natural Wonders have unique effects 
  • Civics show their unlock conditions 
  • Infrastructures show their expected yield 
  • AI bonuses on higher difficulties scale over time 
  • New Luxury Resource distribution settings 
  • And more


Free Culture: The Mississipians 

Unlocked during a recent community challenge, the Mississippians (sometimes known as the Cahokians) join Humankind as a Builder culture in the Medieval era who are especially adept at exploiting rivers. 

You can also grab the Mississippian Soundtrack and a Wallpaper Pack of their culture art (and all the cultures in the Cultures of Latin America DLC as well!) here on Games2gether.  Click here to download!


Cultures of Latin America DLC

On top of the improvements of the Bolivar Update and the Mississippian Culture, we are releasing the Cultures of Latin America DLC. This culture pack is available right now on Steam, Epic Game Store, and the Microsoft Store, bringing the following content to your game:

  • Six new Cultures: Caralan (Era 1 Builders), Nazca (Era 2 Aesthete), Taino (Era 3 Agrarian), Inca (Era 4 Expansionist), Argentinians (Era 5 Merchants), and Cubans (Era 6 Aesthete) 
  • Two new Cultural Wonders: Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun (Era 2) and Maracana Stadium (Era 6) 
  • Four new Natural Wonders: Desert of Atacama, Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Salar de Uyuni, Salto Angel 


Humankind on Consoles

Yes, that’s right, Humankind is coming to consoles!  Soon you’ll be able to kick back and relax in your living room as you leave your mark on history, courtesy of our colleagues at Aspyr. The game will be available on both Playstation 4/5 and XBox One and Series S/X on November 4th, and it already up for pre-order. 



That’s all for now, but there’s more coming! We’re still working to bring you consistent and flavorful empire names to immerse you in the game world. We’re also continuing to balance cultures, and have been tweaking line of sight rules for battles (as we've heard feedback on both from many of you). And then there’s... No, we can’t spoil that yet, but if we were you, we’d stay tuned! 

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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 8:36:29 PM
neprostoman wrote:
Ruhrgebietheld wrote:
neprostoman wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

Sorry, air defence alerts due to your country shooting missiles at mine right now overthrows any and all codes and terms.

I sincerely wish you and your relatives to live through this horror. But there are other platforms where you can discuss this stuff. This one is meant for discussing games, not politics or wars.

It's fair for them to bring it up in response to other users whining that the game was blocked in Russia, and for some dismissive comments that reeked of Russian nationalism after that. You're right that this isn't the best place to have a hyperpolitical discussion, but you're wrong as to who you're directing the blame towards in this thread for it going down that route at all. You've been more of a problem in this thread than Sublustris has in that regard. 

I guess I hold some part of the blame, even though my intentions were to keep this discussion from becoming pointing fingers, yet I was not directing it towards Sublustris, as you say. The inital spark was before and by another user, and if you translate my response then you can see that I was advicing against provocative whining. And I once again advice against going further down that route and think your interruption brought nothing positive to the discussion. 

Standing up for the person in the right is very much positive. I had already translated what you initially said, which was good. But once Sublustris responded to another user, you started personally lecturing them and getting dismissive. You need to stop lecturing others, take your own advice and end the route you've been pursuing in this thread. You keep being dismissive towards anyone who stands up to you doing that in this thread. If you understand, there's no reason for either of us to talk about this any further.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 8:29:48 PM
Ruhrgebietheld wrote:
neprostoman wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

Sorry, air defence alerts due to your country shooting missiles at mine right now overthrows any and all codes and terms.

I sincerely wish you and your relatives to live through this horror. But there are other platforms where you can discuss this stuff. This one is meant for discussing games, not politics or wars.

It's fair for them to bring it up in response to other users whining that the game was blocked in Russia, and for some dismissive comments that reeked of Russian nationalism after that. You're right that this isn't the best place to have a hyperpolitical discussion, but you're wrong as to who you're directing the blame towards in this thread for it going down that route at all. You've been more of a problem in this thread than Sublustris has in that regard. 

I guess I hold some part of the blame, even though my intentions were to keep this discussion from becoming pointing fingers, yet I was not directing it towards Sublustris, as you say. The inital spark was before and by another user, and if you translate my response then you can see that I was advicing against provocative whining. And I once again advice against going further down that route and think your interruption brought nothing positive to the discussion. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 8:01:10 PM
neprostoman wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

Sorry, air defence alerts due to your country shooting missiles at mine right now overthrows any and all codes and terms.

I sincerely wish you and your relatives to live through this horror. But there are other platforms where you can discuss this stuff. This one is meant for discussing games, not politics or wars.

It's fair for them to bring it up in response to other users whining that the game was blocked in Russia, and for some dismissive comments that reeked of Russian nationalism after that. You're right that this isn't the best place to have a hyperpolitical discussion, but you're wrong as to who you're directing the blame towards in this thread for it going down that route at all. You've been more of a problem in this thread than Sublustris has in that regard. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2022, 7:44:04 PM
Sublustris wrote:

Sorry, air defence alerts due to your country shooting missiles at mine right now overthrows any and all codes and terms.

I sincerely wish you and your relatives to live through this horror. But there are other platforms where you can discuss this stuff. This one is meant for discussing games, not politics or wars.

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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 9:07:08 PM

It's great to finally see Incas on the game, btw what keys are you talking about?

Found the keys at https://www.games2gether.com/

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 11:25:42 PM

New DLC? And... As a gift?! That's great Amplitude, thank you so much!

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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 10:37:38 PM

I know it's a little late to ask this, but where can I subscribe to the Amplitude Studios newsletter and unlock the Great Zimbabwe?! Thanks

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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 9:55:12 PM
Will you add controller support to the PC version of the game as well? Need it for my Steam Deck or alternatively port it to the Nintendo Switch? This game needs to be on the go!
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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 9:25:54 PM
SpacesuitSpiff wrote:

How are you guys getting DLC keys?


Above "News", Below Track/Share/Design/Play boxes

You should see "Free Key Giveaway" - click  "Request Now"

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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 11:36:44 PM

Why do I have to learn for the free Steam keys AFTER I've bought the DLC :'( Wish there was a way to at least receive it and give it to a friend, but when I click on it, it just says the content has been added to my Steam account (which it already is) and I can't find the key itself. Well, it's good for those who get them!

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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 9:05:51 PM

Aspyr can be seen in the trailer for the console versions. They have ported the big competitor well to pretty much every platform.

What about the DLCs for the console version? Will it start at the current level or will everything be delayed? What about multiplayer? Crossplay?

Hopefully the ports will indirectly help the M1 Mac version.

In any case, I'm curious if there will be videos at some point on how the controls are implemented. In my eyes, a lot depends on that.

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3 years ago
Jun 9, 2022, 8:41:35 PM

Thanks for the new update and the continuous development of new content for this great game.
You deserve more sales and light for your work!
Thank you for the free DLC key too :)

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