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2 years ago Jul 13,2022, 15:30:48 PM

Scenario Challenge 01: Summer Heat

4 508 Views

When we launched the Humankind events with the Dia de los Muertos event last year, we wanted to encourage players to pursue different goals than usual and get creative with their strategies, while also rewarding successful players with some neat but not essential in-game rewards. However, many of you felt that we missed the mark on this, voicing your concerns about various aspects of the events, from the specific challenges to the FOMO of their timed nature. 


Clearly, we had to rethink our approach to challenging our players, but we needed time to weigh out options. In the meantime, we relied on the existing system to continue providing challenges, while also experimenting with other formats like the Amplified and Lunar New Year Community Challenges and the Push Humankind Too Far Challenge. 


In the end, we decided to keep things simple: Scenarios instead of challenges. 

Many players had suggested scenarios as an alternative to the time-limited goals of the events, and it is an idea we like and had considered before. Unfortunately, hand-crafting scenarios like the first OpenDev takes a lot of work from our designers, and it will take time to create them. So, while you can look forward to some big scenarios, we also want to pass the time between them by providing smaller, more straightforward scenarios, like the first scenario we are releasing today to try the new format. Whether big or small, these scenarios will be provided as a save by us, you will be able to replay them any time you want with no time pressure.


However, playing the scenario early will still have some small benefits. As an added competitive element, we will maintain a Hall of Fame, but entry into this leaderboard will be limited to a certain time after the scenario is first published, and the top scoring players may receive a Games2Gether badge as a reward. Beyond those bragging rights, though, there will not be any other rewards for these scenarios, as we do not want anybody to miss out. 


Scenario Challenge 01: Summer Heat 

Since we want to focus on trying the new format with this first challenge, we have kept the scenario fairly simple, pitting you against 9 Empire-level AI on a standard-sized map on fast speed, with only 150 Turn Limit as the end condition to keep scores comparable. But water is scarce in this world, with a desert spanning across the center of the map, and barely any rivers, lakes, and oceans. How great an empire can you build in these conditions?

Note that this scenario was created to be compatible with the Ibn Battuta Update, which unfortunately means it is not backwards compatible with the Bolivar update. To play this scenario, you will have to use the beta branch or wait for the release of Ibn Battuta.

Download the Scenario Save here: ScenarioChallenge01-SummerHeat.ctr

How to use it? 

  1. Download the Save File
  2.  Copy the file into the "Save Files" > C:\Users\"username"\Documents\Humankind\Save Files
  3.  Make sure you are on the Battuta Beta (otherwise will crash)
    1. If not, Right Click on the Game on Steam > Properties
    2. Betas > Select "ibnnattuta_beta"
  4. Open the game > Play > Load > Select the "CommunityChallenge01-SummerHeat"
  5. Enjoy and submit your result on the contest section ^-^

For the time being, we are using the contest section on Games2Gether to collect submissions to the leaderboard. If you want to compete against other players for the Hall of Fame, please create a new contest entry, and include a screenshot of your final score as well as the save game on the turn you won. For the sake of fairness and verifying your scores, mods will not be allowed for leaderboard entries. If you played the scenario a second time and got a better score, feel free to update your submission, but please do not create a new entry. We will close submission to the leaderboard in two weeks (July 27th). 

However, the new scenario format does not mean our old events and rewards are lost to time. We may reactivate these events to give all players the chance to unlock their rewards at their own pace in the future. This will require some preparation, though, so we cannot yet tell you when that may happen.

We hope you will enjoy this little challenge, and the bigger scenarios we have in mind for the future.

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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 1:37:28 AM
Dale_K wrote:

No it's not. Game companies in the northern hemisphere have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG history of talking in terms related to the northern hemisphere. Summer sales. Spring releases. "Warm up with these Christmas deals".

If it's not called out, nothing will change. So I call it out. I also called out when Amplitude said the last DLC was coming in "Spring". It's unintentional deceit. And seriously, how hard is it to say "Q2 release"? Or "Mid year sale"? Or any other number of inclusive terms.

But northern hemisphere people get assaulted by constant "Christmas In July Sale!!!!" advertising for about a month.  So I guess it all evens out?  :)

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 15, 2022, 1:14:12 PM

If the online players does not continue, it means that those who yelled before are only a minority. Relatively speaking, I prefer activities with avatars, which is equivalent to half of Digital Deluxe Upgrade

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2 years ago
Jul 15, 2022, 2:38:35 PM
g2gplus wrote:

If the online players does not continue, it means that those who yelled before are only a minority. Relatively speaking, I prefer activities with avatars, which is equivalent to half of Digital Deluxe Upgrade

Yeah, but the FOMO events didn't boost the online player count.  I'll agree that more avatars are a nice idea though.  It looks like they're experimenting with this format right now, but maybe they'll add unlockable avatars after they formalize this scenario paradigm a little more.

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2 years ago
Jul 15, 2022, 7:02:08 PM
Daarkarrow wrote:
MaskReady wrote:

Don't take this the wrong way, just giving constructive criticism. But please provide some instructions when you put out a scenario with a save file. I'm sure there are people on here who will know exactly how to use it, where to save it load it etc. But not me, I'm also sure there are people out there like me who will be a bit confused as to how to play this scenario.

Again, not everyone might have this problem, but some do including me. 

Please provide better guidance if possible.


P.S: I have read other people's comments for guidance, followed it but not showing up on load files. SO what to do next? any suggestions///

You are right, let me add a line or 2 on the post to clarify it.

Pastoru wrote:

Good idea to aim at scenario-ing your events. A great way to implement it, now, would be to have a menu with scenarios in-game and rewards for those who manage to reach pre-determined achievements. I suppose this first scenario is more of a test to see if we like the idea though!

Agree that include a direct access in-game could be easier for the long term, but we wanted to see if you like the idea.

The problem I see is that we are "tide" in a way with the current patch/beta, so we could encounter incompatibility problem in the long term.

Thank you for clarifying. It is now working. Very encouraging Devs are listening. Gaming world needs more people like you ;)

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2 years ago
Jul 17, 2022, 9:17:27 AM

"Summer" heat? So no love for your southern hemisphere players stuck in Winter?

Why cut off half the world?

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2 years ago
Jul 18, 2022, 9:52:18 AM
Dale_K wrote:

"Summer" heat? So no love for your southern hemisphere players stuck in Winter?

Why cut off half the world?

Honestly, that was on my mind when making the challenge (dear JumboPixel brings that up a lot as well ^^ ). Originally I was actually aiming for an "Ice Age never ended" event, but I didn't manage to get an interesting map and it would have required more time to alter the map than we had at the moment (what with the Battuta Beta), so pivoted to this as it gave us a big desert across the center of the map. We'll aim to be less seasonal and regional with future scenarios.

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2 years ago
Jul 18, 2022, 11:00:57 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Dale_K wrote:

"Summer" heat? So no love for your southern hemisphere players stuck in Winter?

Why cut off half the world?

Honestly, that was on my mind when making the challenge (dear JumboPixel brings that up a lot as well ^^ ). Originally I was actually aiming for an "Ice Age never ended" event, but I didn't manage to get an interesting map and it would have required more time to alter the map than we had at the moment (what with the Battuta Beta), so pivoted to this as it gave us a big desert across the center of the map. We'll aim to be less seasonal and regional with future scenarios.

What about a Tattoine ice age? You could have the "summer heat" across the tropics, with "winter glacial" stretching in from the poles.

FYI, in Melbourne it's currently 2C. That's about 5 degrees cooler than the winter average. We've had a very cold winter already this year. Burnt through 3 tonne of wood keeping the house warm already, and only halfway through winter. Normal usage is about 4 tonne a winter.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 18, 2022, 11:31:34 PM
Dale_K wrote:

"Summer" heat? So no love for your southern hemisphere players stuck in Winter?

Why cut off half the world?

That is a totally uncalled for and baseless accusation. Just because Amplitude has a event based off the season thats going on where their hq is based at right now is not a reason to believe their cutting off or have beef with half the world.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 12:05:35 AM
DragonGaming wrote:
Dale_K wrote:

"Summer" heat? So no love for your southern hemisphere players stuck in Winter?

Why cut off half the world?

That is a totally uncalled for and baseless accusation. Just because Amplitude has a event based off the season thats going on where their hq is based at right now is not a reason to believe their cutting off or have beef with half the world.

No it's not. Game companies in the northern hemisphere have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG history of talking in terms related to the northern hemisphere. Summer sales. Spring releases. "Warm up with these Christmas deals".

If it's not called out, nothing will change. So I call it out. I also called out when Amplitude said the last DLC was coming in "Spring". It's unintentional deceit. And seriously, how hard is it to say "Q2 release"? Or "Mid year sale"? Or any other number of inclusive terms.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 12:53:43 AM

I play Humankind via a streaming platform (specifically, GeForce Now), which doesn't support manually downloading a save file to disk. As far as I can tell this means I can't play this Scenario, which is a bummer. Would love to see this given its own submenu in the UI or something similar so I can participate. =)

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2 years ago
Jul 15, 2022, 9:45:09 AM
paragonic1 wrote:

I believe i put it in the right place in my local files. The main problem is... I've scoured the entire front end menu, there's no button for loading scenarios. I'm on the beta branch.

There is no "Scenario" section. I include a section on the blog to make it more clear, but basically you just need to place the save file + Load the game (CommunityChallenge01-SummerHeat)

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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 3:12:36 AM
SpikedWallMan wrote:
Dale_K wrote:

No it's not. Game companies in the northern hemisphere have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG history of talking in terms related to the northern hemisphere. Summer sales. Spring releases. "Warm up with these Christmas deals".

If it's not called out, nothing will change. So I call it out. I also called out when Amplitude said the last DLC was coming in "Spring". It's unintentional deceit. And seriously, how hard is it to say "Q2 release"? Or "Mid year sale"? Or any other number of inclusive terms.

But northern hemisphere people get assaulted by constant "Christmas In July Sale!!!!" advertising for about a month.  So I guess it all evens out?  :)

Just no. Because the most stupidest one of them all, is thanksgiving and black Friday sales in Australia. Seriously, WTF???

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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 3:20:07 AM
Dale_K wrote:
SpikedWallMan wrote:
Dale_K wrote:

No it's not. Game companies in the northern hemisphere have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG history of talking in terms related to the northern hemisphere. Summer sales. Spring releases. "Warm up with these Christmas deals".

If it's not called out, nothing will change. So I call it out. I also called out when Amplitude said the last DLC was coming in "Spring". It's unintentional deceit. And seriously, how hard is it to say "Q2 release"? Or "Mid year sale"? Or any other number of inclusive terms.

But northern hemisphere people get assaulted by constant "Christmas In July Sale!!!!" advertising for about a month.  So I guess it all evens out?  :)

Just no. Because the most stupidest one of them all, is thanksgiving and black Friday sales in Australia. Seriously, WTF???

and why are those 2 stupid?

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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 8:02:29 AM
DragonGaming wrote:
Dale_K wrote:

"Summer" heat? So no love for your southern hemisphere players stuck in Winter?

Why cut off half the world?

That is a totally uncalled for and baseless accusation. Just because Amplitude has a event based off the season thats going on where their hq is based at right now is not a reason to believe their cutting off or have beef with half the world.

It is a justified point, and he wasn't rude about it, so there's nothing wrong with how he brought it up.

Dale_K wrote:

What about a Tattoine ice age? You could have the "summer heat" across the tropics, with "winter glacial" stretching in from the poles.

FYI, in Melbourne it's currently 2C. That's about 5 degrees cooler than the winter average. We've had a very cold winter already this year. Burnt through 3 tonne of wood keeping the house warm already, and only halfway through winter. Normal usage is about 4 tonne a winter.

I wanted to tweak the map further, to basically remove any territories that weren't desert or arctic. Unfortunately, I was having some problems with the map editing tool of the dev build used to create the scenario, and as we were also preparing the beta at the same time, I didn't have enough time to invest to get this one quite where I would have like it to be. But we still wanted to go ahead with it so we can get feedback on the format from our players.

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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 11:24:04 AM
DragonGaming wrote:
Dale_K wrote:
SpikedWallMan wrote:
Dale_K wrote:

No it's not. Game companies in the northern hemisphere have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG history of talking in terms related to the northern hemisphere. Summer sales. Spring releases. "Warm up with these Christmas deals".

If it's not called out, nothing will change. So I call it out. I also called out when Amplitude said the last DLC was coming in "Spring". It's unintentional deceit. And seriously, how hard is it to say "Q2 release"? Or "Mid year sale"? Or any other number of inclusive terms.

But northern hemisphere people get assaulted by constant "Christmas In July Sale!!!!" advertising for about a month.  So I guess it all evens out?  :)

Just no. Because the most stupidest one of them all, is thanksgiving and black Friday sales in Australia. Seriously, WTF???

and why are those 2 stupid?

Can't tell if you're trolling or serious. But please explain how a North American 17th century pilgrim Autumn harvest celebration is important to Australia.

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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 6:10:50 PM
Dale_K wrote:
DragonGaming wrote:
Dale_K wrote:
SpikedWallMan wrote:
Dale_K wrote:

No it's not. Game companies in the northern hemisphere have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG history of talking in terms related to the northern hemisphere. Summer sales. Spring releases. "Warm up with these Christmas deals".

If it's not called out, nothing will change. So I call it out. I also called out when Amplitude said the last DLC was coming in "Spring". It's unintentional deceit. And seriously, how hard is it to say "Q2 release"? Or "Mid year sale"? Or any other number of inclusive terms.

But northern hemisphere people get assaulted by constant "Christmas In July Sale!!!!" advertising for about a month.  So I guess it all evens out?  :)

Just no. Because the most stupidest one of them all, is thanksgiving and black Friday sales in Australia. Seriously, WTF???

and why are those 2 stupid?

Can't tell if you're trolling or serious. But please explain how a North American 17th century pilgrim Autumn harvest celebration is important to Australia.

Considering the fact that STEAM is based in the US there is no doubt they are going to use event and celebrations from where they live,  besides, most players dont even care about what the event is about on steam, they mostly just want those juicy discount prices,  are you saying only North America should enjoy the Thanskgiving sale and black friday sales, but everyone else has to buy games and dlc's at full price?

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 10:33:26 PM
Dale_K wrote:

Just no. Because the most stupidest one of them all, is thanksgiving and black Friday sales in Australia. Seriously, WTF???


Can't tell if you're trolling or serious. But please explain how a North American 17th century pilgrim Autumn harvest celebration is important to Australia.

We're drifting off topic, but I'll give you a somewhat cynical take real quick.

The sort answer is that it doesn't matter if it's important to you or not.  The reality is that corporations will look for any opportunity to coax people into spending money, and holidays are a great way to do this.  So that is why you will see sales for Lunar New Year in locales that don't celebrate it, Golden Week sales outside of Japan, St. Patrick's Day celebrated outside of Ireland, etc.  (To specifically address your examples: most places seem to opt for a Fall/Harvest sale anymore unless they are based in the USA, and I feel like Black Friday has transcended its USA origins because I'm seeing more global companies leaning towards "Black Friday Month" sales.)

In short, it's all about corporations trying to get people to spend, spend, spend.  They couldn't care less about what the holiday is or what you and/or anyone else thinks about the celebration of it.  Unless a promo put on by a company based in a locale which actually celebrates [insert holiday], then they're only after your wallet.  (But with that said, they're probably still after your wallet even if it IS a regional holiday.)

So I wouldn't read too far into what companies decide to call their promos.  They either are just celebrating the culture/locale that they live in (which is the case for this promo) or are simply putting on a phony act to make it look like they care about a holiday in hopes that they will be able to take your money.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 11:06:58 PM
SpikedWallMan wrote:
Dale_K wrote:

Just no. Because the most stupidest one of them all, is thanksgiving and black Friday sales in Australia. Seriously, WTF???


Can't tell if you're trolling or serious. But please explain how a North American 17th century pilgrim Autumn harvest celebration is important to Australia.

We're drifting off topic, but I'll give you a somewhat cynical take real quick.

The sort answer is that it doesn't matter if it's important to you or not.  The reality is that corporations will look for any opportunity to coax people into spending money, and holidays are a great way to do this.  So that is why you will see sales for Lunar New Year in locales that don't celebrate it, Golden Week sales outside of Japan, St. Patrick's Day celebrated outside of Ireland, etc.  (To specifically address your examples: most places seem to opt for a Fall/Harvest sale anymore unless they are based in the USA, and I feel like Black Friday has transcended its USA origins because I'm seeing more global companies leaning towards "Black Friday Month" sales.)

In short, it's all about corporations trying to get people to spend, spend, spend.  They couldn't care less about what the holiday is or what you and/or anyone else thinks about the celebration of it.  Unless a promo put on by a company based in a locale which actually celebrates [insert holiday], then they're only after your wallet.  (But with that said, they're probably still after your wallet even if it IS a regional holiday.)

So I wouldn't read too far into what companies decide to call their promos.  They either are just celebrating the culture/locale that they live in (which is the case for this promo) or are simply putting on a phony act to make it look like they care about a holiday in hopes that they will be able to take your money.

Duh. I know all that. That's market based economics. And not really what my point was about anyways.

It's things like "we're releasing a dlc in Spring!" What, October? It's not hard to say "we're releasing a dlc in Q2!"

Or making a scenario based on "summer heat" when we're going through the coldest winter in 60 years here. I get that Amplitude is just playing off current events up north, but in all honesty, what the north is going through is what we call normal summer. But calling your scenario "summer heat" based on it's summer up north, and they are experiencing heat waves, isn't really inclusive for the other 50% of the world who are below the equator. The game is marketed to a global economy, not just the north.

That is my point. That type of talk isolates us based on location. It excludes us. And quite frankly, it's time companies in a global economy changed.

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