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3 years ago Aug 17,2022, 14:04:07 PM

One Year Anniversary

8 348 Views

It’s been a year since the release of Humankind, and it’s been a busy one! We’ve had several major updates, various events, two DLCs expanding the selection of cultures, and the announcement of the console edition. This week we want to celebrate the birthday of Humankind with you, and we have brought gifts and games:


First off, the in-game events and their rewards are back! Couldn’t finish the Dia de los Muertos challenges and unlock La Catrina? Missed out on the cool player icons from the da Vinci event? No problem. Just jump back in and grab what you missed. Except this time, there’s no time limit! You can finish these challenges and unlock their rewards at your own pace. The Lunar New Year challenge has also been re-opened for a second chance to unlock the persona.


If you’re not into this kind of challenge, we got a new Challenge Scenario for you instead! Carefully crafted by our game designers, the 100 Years War scenario pits you as the Franks against the English on a map of France. How quickly can you defeat them? You can download the 100 Years War scenario conveniently from the play section on the main menu of the game this time! If you do feel competitive and want a shot at entering the Hall of Fame, check the scenario blog for information on how to compete for fame and fortune bragging rights. You can also grab a four player version of the map on mod.io to play on it with any cultures you like. 


We’ve also added some new avatar customization options for everybody: Hats, at long last! Well, at least some of them could reasonably be called hats... Among the selection of hairstyles, you will find six new headdresses ranging from ancient pharaonic to modern styles to adorn your ruler. Heavy is the head that wears the tricorne. You might also notice a few other, temporary changes to the game. 


Finally, we’re joining the celebration ourselves with a stream! Tune in to twitch.tv/Amplitudestudios for our anniversary stream with interviews and gameplay. We’d love to see you hanging out with us in chat! 


- The Amplitude Team

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2022, 1:05:35 PM

Glad to see the challenges back, I got two of them within the time limit, but felt sad to have missed the third. Also glad that my friends can get the emblems and such, as I know someone that really wanted that awesome Tiger one!

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2022, 5:41:21 PM

Great news! Happy one-year anniversary! Thank you for removing the time limit from events!

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2022, 7:46:36 AM
Judgemental_Soldier wrote:

Happy anniversary!
Though I think this update accidentally brought back the game-freezing infinite "End Turn" bug.

Whaaaat?! Could you create a bug report with a save + diagnostic files, so the team can take a look at it? Thx in advance

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2022, 10:31:51 AM
ResMar wrote:
MisterMarcoo wrote:

I just ate the cost of switching to PC (well, GeForce Now) TBH, once it became obvious that they weren't seriously supporting Stadla long term. I can't blame them, Stadia is going nowhere at the moment. But that's a discussion for a different thread...

I can blame them. It's nonsense I paid the same as pc players and AGAIN the one year anniversary content is NOT on Stadia. It's a joke.

Why do I not get the same support as pc players? That's not on Google, it's on Amplitude for not doing an f for the platform.

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2022, 5:19:40 AM

Happy anniversary! 

There are still some aspects of the game to improve, but what you have done so far is wonderful, you are strong guys!

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2022, 12:17:55 AM
MisterMarcoo wrote:

I just ate the cost of switching to PC (well, GeForce Now) TBH, once it became obvious that they weren't seriously supporting Stadla long term. I can't blame them, Stadia is going nowhere at the moment. But that's a discussion for a different thread...

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 9:04:32 PM

Happy anniversary team, you guys deserve some celebrations!

Cake and unicorns for everyone!

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 2:11:14 PM

All great things!
I hope the stream will give some informations about what's to come.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 7:32:56 PM

I love the idea of the 100 years scenario. Can't wait to play it and see how it goes. Thanks devs!

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 6:54:32 PM
dieeasysteve wrote:

Can we expect this on stadia or are you still only supporting timed events on PC?

I hope Stadia will be there, but since Amplitude is doing everything they can to ignore that version....... It's really really sad. I don't even feel like starting the game because of this. Which dlc did we get? Which cultures? I paid the same but got waaaay less then pc players

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 5:17:05 PM
Pastoru wrote:

Thank you for listening to us by removing the time limit to these events, and also taking step towards the integration of the scenarios in the game (though this downloading requirement for the scenario and the map is kind of etchy, I hope you'll get to make them content really inside the game in the future).

There is no need of downloading the scenario, is directly integrated. so not sure if I misunderstood you on this.
For the map, as a separate thing, we decided to upload as a Map directly on Modio, so it should be easy to get in-game.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 5:02:16 PM

Thank you for listening to us by removing the time limit to these events, and also taking step towards the integration of the scenarios in the game (though this downloading requirement for the scenario and the map is kind of etchy, I hope you'll get to make them content really inside the game in the future).

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