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3 years ago Aug 17,2022, 14:04:00 PM

Scenario Challenge 02: 100 Years War

2 842 Views

As part of our One Year Anniversary for Humankind, we are continuing our new format for in-game challenges. Thank you to everybody who participated in last month’s challenge for your interest and feedback. We are happy with the positive reception of the new format, but we knew the devil’s in the details and there would be many improvements to make, so your ongoing feedback will be invaluable. For this month we are using a map handcrafted by one of our designers and trying different scoring conditions, and we look forward to hearing about your strategies and what you think of the scenario.



The 100 Years War Scenario Challenge 

In this scenario, you start in the medieval era as the Franks, in control of Paris on a huge map of France. The English have already made landfall, and it is up to you to push them back. But act swiftly, for only the quickest to defeat the English by taking all their land or vassalizing them shall enter the Hall of Fame! The scenario itself will be available permanently, but if you want to be added to the leaderboard you need to submit your score by September 14th. 


How to Enter the Leaderboard 

  1. Start the scenario from the Play section of the Main menu
  2. Win the scenario as quickly as you can 
  3. Create a new submission in the 100 Years War section of the Contests page, including 
    • A screenshot of your victory screen 
    • A save of your victory turn (found in \Documents\Humankind\Save Files) 
  4. If you play a second time, please update your existing submission (Do not create a new one) 

All entries will be added to the leaderboard, ranked by how quickly they won the scenario (faster victories ranking higher). In case of a tie for the victory turn, the player with higher Fame score will be ranked higher. If that is still not enough, the player who destroyed more units will be ranked higher. 

While everybody will be entered into the Leaderboard displayed in the contest section after the challenge ends, only the top players will be worthy of entering the “Hall of Fame” and receiving a special Games2Gether badge to commemorate their success. Please note that the badges may not be ready by the end of the challenge, and you may receive them at a later date. 


If you're not interested in entering the Hall of Fame, perhaps you would rather lead your civilization through all of history on this map. We have made a four player version available on our mod.io page.


Have fun leading the Franks to victory! 

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 2:08:51 PM

Great to be able to play a scenario at last but the required save makes it impossible for me to participate in the challenge.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 2:37:02 PM
Cure_off wrote:

Great to be able to play a scenario at last but the required save makes it impossible for me to participate in the challenge.

Are you on GeForce now? I think we can be a bit flexible with the save as long as you provide enough documentation through screenshots for us to see all of the information that may be necessary for the ranking (turn, fame, destroyed units).

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 3:41:06 PM

Indeed, I can only play it on GFN.
Great to hear about flexibility (as I already missed on the first scenario).

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 10:05:14 PM

Stress about (having little chance of) getting a special Games2Gether badge?

Oh you cruel cruel DEV's - can you just not make them like candy and give one to all.... After all, its your anniversary :)

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2022, 12:33:55 AM

This is ... just a custom map? I remember the scenarios from Open Dev and was expecting something more. Even this summary https://www.britannica.com/video/226349/what-is-the-hundred-years-war reveals a complicated back and forth between two established monarchies.

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2 years ago
Dec 26, 2022, 7:36:37 AM

It's not difficult to play, you just need to pay attention and steer clear of the courses with a variety of obstacles. Play with your friends madalin stunt cars and give them a challenge.

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