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2 years ago Sep 20,2022, 15:00:38 PM

Scenario Challenge 03: Against the Odds

2 741 Views

The 100 Years War challenge ended just last week, and it’s already time for the next one. With this challenge we are moving away from the historical inspiration of the previous challenge, to instead face you off against some hopefully truly challenging opposition. 

Don’t worry though if you preferred the history-themed bend and handcrafted map of the 100 Years War scenario: Though submissions to the leaderboard are closed, the 100 Years War scenario will remain accessible through the Play section of the main menu while we work on an improved scenario interface. In the meantime, new scenarios will not be integrated in the menu, and will instead be shared as a save, as we did with the first scenario. You’ll find the save as well as instructions on how to use it below and in the contests section. 


The Against the Odds Scenario Challenge 

Everybody loves a good underdog story, right? We hope you do, as you will be playing that role in this scenario. As in any game of Humankind, you find yourself as the head of a small neolithic tribe, but your neighbors have already advanced into the Ancient era, and rumors abound of even more advanced peoples across the sea. Can you catch up to them in fame and power and bring the world under your rule? 


How to play the scenario: 

  1. Download the save  Against The Odds Scenario.ctr
  2. Place the save in "/Documents/Humankind/Save Files"
  3. Load the save labeled "Against the Odds Scenario" in game 
  4. (Optional) If you want to submit a score to the leaderboard, check this post in the contest section


Scenario Conditions 

  • Victory Condition: Most Fame at game end 
  • End Condition: Last Human Standing (Eliminate or Vassalize all other Empires)  
  • Game Conditions: Humankind difficulty, Normal game speed 
  • Game version: V1.0.15.2767-S10, no mods 
  • Leaderboard Submission Deadline: October 18th November 9th (Deadline extended)
  • Leaderboard Ranking: Fastest Victory, tiebreaker by Fame 


Please note: While leaderboard entries will be ranked by how quickly they achieve victory (faster is better), they need to be independent at the end of the game and leading in Fame to be eligible for the leaderboard. For details on how to submit your scores, see the related thread. 


Have fun fighting your way to the top! 

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2 years ago
Oct 16, 2022, 10:03:14 AM

Oef, this is hard!

Not at all how I like to play my games, hopelessly behind and AI getting flat bonusses. But for the experience, I decided to push through.
Playing this and accepting getting vassalized and get free, only to beg to be blacks vassal which was weirdly at 0 war score gained me quite a few insights in the game mechanics I would overlook normally.

Shared the continent with Green 50/50, which proved to be not enough later. I did take a city, but Orange massively entered my shorelines so had to get out of that somehow.
Turn 352 has me at 13.5k Fame versus 16.6k Fame for Black. Was stealing land from Green but opportunistic Red got into the action with major armies of tanks and anti air at turn 370. No access to aluminium is not helping.

Now trying again, but wishing for Violent Pursuits event is getting me nowhere :'(

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2 years ago
Oct 15, 2022, 12:18:33 AM

Thank You!

Just want to send a huge "thank you" to the devs (@The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, and whomever else), for taking the time to create this difficult scenario.  While some of the earlier challenges have been time-consuming, I didn't find them strategically difficult.  But this Scenario Challenge 3 is different.  This scenario puts you in a pickle worthy of the word challenge.  And it's brilliant.

I've played it twice.  First go, I was eliminated on Turn 33.

Second go is still in progress.  I've been vassalized, and as of turn 75 I'm trying to make a comeback.

Love it!  So good!

From the first week of playing Humankind, it was these types of situational challenge scenarios that I've been longing for as a player:  Scenarios that felt strategically difficult, where losing was a very likely outcome.  True challenges.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! 

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2 years ago
Oct 14, 2022, 11:56:50 PM
blackbutterfly wrote:
Now I can't get this song out of my head. It's been days.

Great song reference, but for me it's gotta be the original by Phil Collins: 


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2 years ago
Oct 13, 2022, 3:56:23 PM

I honestly liked the inclusion of a historical scenario in the game. It would be really neat for more to be permanently added to the new game selection over time. 

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2 years ago
Oct 3, 2022, 1:38:06 AM

Is there any chance of getting a multiplayer version of this scenario? Given the difficulty it seems like the perfect type of scenario where having the option for co-op would be pretty neat and open up new strategies to try out.

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2 years ago
Sep 25, 2022, 2:33:39 PM
Harier wrote:

Can we get a altitude lens? It takes a lot of necessary effort to determine what is and is not traversable. I’ll spend like 5 mins trying to figure if a location is good for battle and still get it wrong. Very frustrating


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2 years ago
Sep 25, 2022, 3:01:56 AM

Can we get a altitude lens? It takes a lot of necessary effort to determine what is and is not traversable. I’ll spend like 5 mins trying to figure if a location is good for battle and still get it wrong. Very frustrating

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2 years ago
Sep 20, 2022, 4:12:21 PM

This world is big enough for one true Emperor to spend his life conquering but too small for two to co-exist.

"There can be only one!" [Read with voice of 56 yrs old S(shh)ean Connery]

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 21, 2022, 2:26:10 PM
A1y0sh4 wrote:

Why do players have to download the scenario and load it in the game for playing it? It would be much more practical having the option to play all scenarios when you click "play" (in a similar way how the 100 years scenario did but, instead of giving each scenario a place in the "play" section, giving a scenario section in the "play" section dedicated where you could load the scenario that you would like to play, including the old ones). (I'll post a picture representing more clearly the idea that I'm trying to share)

Well, we are in agreement on that. But the scenario menu we had for the 100 Years War definitely had some flaws, like the strange way you could select a difficulty. So while our programmers are working on a better scenario UI, we're leaving the old menu up so people can still access the 100 Years War scenario, and will use our (admittedly somewhat jury-rigged) save sharing solution.

But yes, we would like to offer a full menu where you can select any scenario eventually. That'll just take time.

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2 years ago
Sep 21, 2022, 2:18:07 PM

Why do players have to download the scenario and load it in the game for playing it? It would be much more practical having the option to play all scenarios when you click "play" (in a similar way how the 100 years scenario did but, instead of giving each scenario a place in the "play" section, giving a scenario section in the "play" section dedicated where you could load the scenario that you would like to play, including the old ones).

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 21, 2022, 12:36:34 PM
Cure_off wrote:
I'm curious about the difficulty choice, as I'm under the impression that only few players tend to play at this level. It might exclude many players.

It is a concern that was on our mind, but we wanted to try creating a really challenging scenario after the much more open situations in the first two scenarios. We will see how this goes and then decide how to move forward with future scenarios.

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2 years ago
Sep 20, 2022, 9:26:14 PM

Happy to read you are working on a Scenario interface.

I must say, I was excited by the prospect of a 100 Years War scenario, but it was quite underwhelming^^ It was only a true-start location map of France with the English starting at several places, and random minor people. I hope this scenario will be updated one day with a filled map and developed cities, it could also be a way to test a plague system (Civilization loved to test new systems through scenarios!). 

An inspiration for more luxurious scenarios, apart from the glorious Civ III Conquests expansion, are true start Old World maps. With the exact names for each city and geographical feature, the fact that in certain maps (East and West for example), minor people are at their right location, it really feels like you are living through the ancient era. With some work on its scenario engine, Humankind could do that, and creating ambitious scenarios (like Civ III's!) could fill the void created in some players by the most ahistorical features of the game.

Anyway, first, good work on the expansion!

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 20, 2022, 6:26:29 PM

I'd have loved to try it, but I won't be able to, as I play through a third party. I fear I might not be the only one.
I'm curious about the difficulty choice, as I'm under the impression that only few players tend to play at this level. It might exclude many players.

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