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2 years ago Oct 19,2022, 15:00:07 PM

Scenario Challenge 04: Space Race

1 376 Views

As we all wait for the release of Together We Rule early next month, why not while away some time with another scenario? One a little less... daunting than the last one. We’re going for something short and sweet this time, a quick game on a small map. If you put your mind to it, you can probably finish it in a single sitting! 

Speaking of the last scenario, Against the Odds, we’ve decided to extend the leaderboard submission window until the release of Together We Rule on November 9th, so more people will have a chance to submit their results. Submissions for the new scenario will also close on November 9th, to avoid mixing scores achieved with two different sets of features, though the save should remain compatible for casual play. 

Find all the info and the save below. 

The Space Race Scenario Challenge

This world isn’t big enough for two... No, seriously, have you looked at the map? It’s a tiny map at only 40% land mass. It’s pretty cramped here. So let’s get off this rock! I hear Mars is nice this time of year... Just be careful you don’t ruin the world first. 



How to play the scenario:

  1. Download the save Space Race Scenario.ctr
  2. Place the save in "/Documents/Humankind/Save Files" 
  3. Load the save labeled "Scenario-SpaceRace" in game  
  4. (Optional) If you want to submit a score to the leaderboard, check this post in the contest section 


 Scenario Conditions

  • Victory Condition: Most Fame at game end  
  • End Condition: Mars Conquered   
  • Game Conditions: Nation difficulty, Blitz game speed  
  • Game version: V1.0.15.2767-S10, no mods  
  • Leaderboard Submission Deadline: November 9th  
  • Leaderboard Ranking: Fastest Victory, tiebreaker by Fame 


Please note: While leaderboard entries will be ranked by how quickly they achieve victory (faster is better), they still need to be considered the winner of their game, i.e. have more Fame than the AI opponent. Though we suspect on Nation difficulty, this will not be a problem for most players interested in the leaderboards. 

Have fun escaping the confines of this tiny map and going to space! 

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2 years ago
Oct 20, 2022, 3:58:16 AM

This is a cool concept, looking forward to seeing how it plays!

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2 years ago
Oct 24, 2022, 1:58:53 PM
Judgemental_Soldier wrote:

I feel like these challenges need more of a reward.

There are some Badges for the "Hall of Fame"
Example for the ones from Summer Heat

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