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2 years ago Nov 09,2022, 15:00:43 PM

Together We Rule and Metternich Release

25 466 Views

We are super excited about this, and here we are, the date has arrived and now it is the time to release the first expansion on Humankind, Together We Rule.
In the past weeks we have been covering the most important aspects that will change on the game in a series of blogs. 

First of all we wanted to thank you, the community, from your help with this expansion and the update. Some of you may be aware of this (and if not here is a bit of context), but a couple of weeks ago we decided to have a closed beta with some of you that have been active on the forums to try all the new things, such as the Leverage system, cultures, agents etc. This has been super helpful to the team in order to introduce some improvements on the UI, balance cultures and more. As we were close to release we didn´t have the time to implement all of the suggestions but do not worry as we will be doing some updates & bugfixes in the following weeks.

For those of you that is the first time that you heard about this expansion, this is what Together We Rule will add to the game

  • Embassies: Form stronger ties with other empires and access cooperative treaties, like mutual access to Emblematic Units.
  • Agents: A new class of units that can serve as diplomats or hidden agents that will perform certain actions as siphoning districts or tracking armies.
  • The Congress of Humankind: Vote on globally enacted laws and resolve conflicts through diplomatic pressure.
  • New Cultures: Sumerians, Hans, Bulgarians, Swiss, Scots and Singaporeans
  • And more

Apart from all of those changes we wanted to remind you that today we release a free update to the base game, Metternich Update, that will add new elements and rework others. Here you have the quick summary:

  • Stealth Rework: Based on depleting a “reserve” of stealth rather than a binary yes/no check and introduction of Ambushes.
  • Changes to Independent Peoples: Stronger competition for patronage and more detailed treaties.
  • 3rd Party Reinforcement: Lend control of your armies to an ally for a battle.

Before finishing we wanted to mention a couple of things:

  • There are issues with certain Mac configurations, and therefore you might encounter some issues on the Multiplayer. The team is working on solving that.
  • The modding tools have not been updated yet, but we will update them soon, including localization modding tools. Until then, please remember that old mods may not work properly with the new version of the game.
  • In the following weeks we will be delivering a series of updates and bugfixes for the game and the modding tools

That's all for today folks!

Enjoy the expansion and the Update ^-^

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2 years ago
Nov 21, 2022, 7:04:21 AM

Мне не понятна политика Амплитьюд. Я ждал этого обновления, но в отличии от предыдущих, это не полностью установилось на мой ПК, в стиме пишет ошибку "не поддерживается в вашем регионе". в итоге получаем новый патч с изменениями но без изменений, нет ни нового района, нет новых наций, новых чудес света, нет шпионажа а значит и механики новые не работают. Изменился только интерфейс. Очень жаль Амплитьюд что вы пошли по такому пути, и к сожалению видимо будете терять игроков и свое комьюнити находящееся в России. Я много лет играл в ваши игры, и Humankind купил по предзаказу так как был уверен в вас, но к сожалению вы меня подвели.

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2 years ago
Nov 16, 2022, 4:57:44 AM

The new update broke the game again. My yesterday save don't load.

Rollback gave me not previous but pre-previous version without TWR DLC, and that version is not working too.

UPD: And after few ours all is ok. )

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 14, 2022, 2:09:41 PM

LALO1986 wrote:
HAIKOFF escribió:
MiaNonna escribió:

Tengo algunos problemas para jugar esto en juegos épicos.

Compré el dlc pero el juego parece no notarlo...
alguna sugerencia ^^''?

Mismo problema conmigo...

Buen día, yo compre también la ultima expansion y no me lo descarga nunca , ya envie ticket a todos lados , a EPIC a SEGA, pregunte en el foro y nadie da una respuesta, no puedo jugar con la ultima expansión. 

Estamos investigando acerca de esto ya que parece haber problemas para algunos usuarios de la Epic Games Store.

Sentimos las molestias.

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2 years ago
Nov 13, 2022, 11:09:20 PM

Seems like they fixed the issue. New games with diplomacy starting and playing well, saves loading ok too. Thanks!

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2 years ago
Nov 13, 2022, 8:34:51 PM
jbilly1998 wrote:

I can't play it :( I paid for it but after that am unable to tell I even have it. Unsure how to verify it's downloaded, it says I don't own the content on the game screen.

Same with me. I reinstalled the game several times, checked everything, technical support of EPIC GAMES cannot fix anything and even stopped responding to my complaints. The developers are also silent!

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2 years ago
Nov 13, 2022, 2:01:22 PM

I can't play it :( I paid for it but after that am unable to tell I even have it. Unsure how to verify it's downloaded, it says I don't own the content on the game screen.

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 6:39:45 PM
HAIKOFF wrote:
LALO1986 wrote:
HAIKOFF escribió:
MiaNonna escribió:

Tengo algunos problemas para jugar esto en juegos épicos.

Compré el dlc pero el juego parece no notarlo...
alguna sugerencia ^^''?

Mismo problema conmigo...

Buen día, yo compre también la ultima expansion y no me lo descarga nunca , ya envie ticket a todos lados , a EPIC a SEGA, pregunte en el foro y nadie da una respuesta, no puedo jugar con la ultima expansión. 

Уже четвертый день пишу в EPIC, отправляю скриншоты, где видно, что я не могу активировать приобретенное DLC. Они задают одни и те же вопросы, и уверяют, что работают над проблемой, хотя по факту ничего не меняется. А техподдержка SEGA вообще не удосужилась даже ответить!

У меня в Эпике не получилось никак купить этот аддон. Пошёл в Стим, там добыл стандартную версию, проверил, всё работает ок. Как gift получил аддон, и этот "подарок" сломал всю игру. Ни сейв загрузить, ни новую игру начать, что с включённым, что с выключенным аддоном. ((

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 3:50:35 PM
bdell wrote:

I can't launch a game with Together We Rule.  That wouldn't be so bad, cuz I could just disable that content, but I also can't launch ANY game now and there doesn't seem to be an option to disable/exclude the Metternich update!  How can I go back?

Same! Can't start new game or load any saved. This expansion pack cancel the game entirely. ((

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 11:11:09 AM
bdell wrote:

I can't launch a game with Together We Rule.  That wouldn't be so bad, cuz I could just disable that content, but I also can't launch ANY game now and there doesn't seem to be an option to disable/exclude the Metternich update!  How can I go back?

For me, the game would not launch until I reapplied my mod.

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 10:25:34 AM
LALO1986 wrote:
HAIKOFF escribió:
MiaNonna escribió:

Tengo algunos problemas para jugar esto en juegos épicos.

Compré el dlc pero el juego parece no notarlo...
alguna sugerencia ^^''?

Mismo problema conmigo...

Buen día, yo compre también la ultima expansion y no me lo descarga nunca , ya envie ticket a todos lados , a EPIC a SEGA, pregunte en el foro y nadie da una respuesta, no puedo jugar con la ultima expansión. 

Уже четвертый день пишу в EPIC, отправляю скриншоты, где видно, что я не могу активировать приобретенное DLC. Они задают одни и те же вопросы, и уверяют, что работают над проблемой, хотя по факту ничего не меняется. А техподдержка SEGA вообще не удосужилась даже ответить!

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 9:20:41 AM

I can't launch a game with Together We Rule.  That wouldn't be so bad, cuz I could just disable that content, but I also can't launch ANY game now and there doesn't seem to be an option to disable/exclude the Metternich update!  How can I go back?

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 12:53:35 AM
HAIKOFF escribió:
MiaNonna escribió:

Tengo algunos problemas para jugar esto en juegos épicos. 

Compré el dlc pero el juego parece no notarlo... 
alguna sugerencia ^^''?

Mismo problema conmigo...

Buen día, yo compre también la ultima expansion y no me lo descarga nunca , ya envie ticket a todos lados , a EPIC a SEGA, pregunte en el foro y nadie da una respuesta, no puedo jugar con la ultima expansión. 

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 12:47:09 AM

buen día, compre el ultimo DLC de diplomacia pero nunca me lo descarga ya mande ticket a epic que me derivo con SEGA y SEGA nunca contesto , lo compre en EPIC. 

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2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 8:25:37 PM
MiaNonna wrote:

I am having some troubles playin this on epic games.

I bought the dlc but the game seems to not notice it...
any suggestions ^^''?

Same problem with me...

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 12:30:48 PM

I have just installed this update. Thank you so much. Super excited to finally check it out.

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2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 9:05:04 AM

Hello everyone. The game was officially bought in EGS. Please help to get this pack in Russia. Can't find any way to play it. (

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 4:21:19 PM

I am having some troubles playin this on epic games.

I bought the dlc but the game seems to not notice it...
any suggestions ^^''?

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 10:55:49 AM
Elphealer wrote:

I never heard about it : what is the p^policy for multi player ? Do we need to all have the DLC or only the  host ?

If the host have the DLC the rest of the player will have access as well during the multiplayer game

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 8:38:59 AM

I never heard about it : what is the p^policy for multi player ? Do we need to all have the DLC or only the  host ?

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 12:12:38 AM

We played this game multiplayer regularly, even as recently as yesterday.  Now, every time my friend tries to log into multiplayer, he gets kicked during the loading screen.  It's incredibly frustrating.  We were really hoping to experience the update together. 

FYI he doesn't have a Mac.  Any recommendations on what he should do?

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2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 4:14:17 PM

Great news! DLC features sounds like a huge improvement for the diplomacy sistem, that was working but a little bit simple in comparsion with diplomacy in Endless series. And 3rd party reinforcements is exactly the thing that I wanted for my no-war walkthroughs.

Is there any guides for new stealth mechanics? I'm not sure that I understood even old once actually.

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