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2 years ago Jan 20,2023, 09:04:41 AM

Humankind Day - Terra Incognita Scenario

6 061 Views

It’s the last day of Amplified, so it’s about time we turn our attention to Humankind. We’ve got a new update and scenario for our anniversary, and a little present for those who joined our community after Humankind launched. 

The Shackleton Update

Earlier this week, we released the Shakleton update, which includes quality of life improvements, AI improvements, and even some new diplomatic features. You’ll now be able to gift money, influence, and even cities to other players through the diplomacy screen (though it will not directly improve your relations with AI unless it resolves some other grievance), and if you have Together We Rule, you can sign the new Cultural Entente agreement that will stop all “Oppressing my people” grievances while giving extra food and industry. We’ve also taught them not to have so many Prowlers running around, and you’re no longer forced to immediately create a city when you reach the ancient era, either. 

Of course, there are many other small improvements and fixes as well, and if you want to know more, you can find them in the patchnotes. 

New Scenario: Terra Incognita 

For our anniversary scenario, we wanted to create an experience focused on exploration and (scientific) discovery. Antartica was a great candidate for this, as the existence of a “Terra Australis Incognita” had already been suggested thousands of years ago, yet it was only discovered a few hundred years ago, and is an important location for scientific research to this day. It also allowed us to add themes of pollution and preservation, which are quite important to us (as you may be able to tell from our choice of charity for Amplified). 

In this scenario, you will start in the Early Modern era and compete with five other empires to discover Antarctica and gain access to its valuable resources. In fact, all late game resources are located in Antarctica, so you should expect some fierce competition. The game will end if any empire researches the end game technologies or gains all contemporary era stars... or perhaps pollution will end your expedition early if you are not careful. We’ve also added some special rules to this scenario to make exploring and exploiting Antarctica more challenging while encouraging research and cooperation. 

We can’t wait to hear the stories of your expeditions, and how much Fame you will achieve! 


Free Preorder Bonus: Get the Boudicca Persona 

We know that many players joined our community after Humankind was released, and some of these players have asked for a way to get the Boudicca avatar and associated player emblems, so for a limited time during Amplified (and only while supplies last), you can grab this bonus content for free in the Amplifiers rewards section. 



We hope you’ll have fun with the new scenario, and join us for our celebration stream today, 

- The AmpliTeam 

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2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 11:03:21 AM

I hope this artwork for Terra Incognito will be awarded in wallpaper format as part of scenario achievements or community prizes. It's beautiful as usual!

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2 years ago
Jan 21, 2023, 7:13:02 PM

please keep putting time and updates into this amazing game. I am worried because of the mixed review status on steam you guys will eventually give up on this project

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2 years ago
Jan 21, 2023, 8:07:44 PM

The Shakleton update sounds great.

Is it possible to save created personas yet, such that I can pick and choose what persona I want to play with? Or even just create new ones without fear of losing old designs?

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 21, 2023, 8:33:57 PM
PaladinLeeroy wrote:

Is the "while supplies last" supposed to be funny? It's digital content lol

Get your Bouddica NFTs now!

(I imagine it's for a limited time/number of downloads).

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2 years ago
Jan 23, 2023, 10:42:35 AM
Picrasso wrote:
PaladinLeeroy wrote:

Is the "while supplies last" supposed to be funny? It's digital content lol

Get your Bouddica NFTs now!

(I imagine it's for a limited time/number of downloads).

There's a simple technical reason for this warning: It's because the rewards on Amplifiers draw from a long list of Steam keys we feed into it. So obviously that list can run out, and while we can restock it, it has an unfortunate tendency to run out on the weekend when nobody is working, so there can be significant delays in restocking. (Of course, there are also sometimes intentionally limited giveaways.)

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2 years ago
Jan 27, 2023, 2:14:25 AM

Is the Boudicca avatar still available? My friend told me about the update and I'm excited to play but I don't see her avatar listed on the rewards page when I saw the steam community news thing today

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2 years ago
Jan 31, 2023, 3:50:12 PM
ComradeMarx wrote:

Is the Boudicca avatar still available? My friend told me about the update and I'm excited to play but I don't see her avatar listed on the rewards page when I saw the steam community news thing today

The pre-order content was only available during our anniversary celebration, so I'm afraid you were just a little too late for it.

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2 years ago
Feb 4, 2023, 6:45:40 AM
el-Fakir wrote:

I hope this artwork for Terra Incognito will be awarded in wallpaper format as part of scenario achievements or community prizes. It's beautiful as usual!

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