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a year ago May 04,2023, 15:03:14 PM

Scenario Challenge 09: A Legend Forged in Battle

1 142 Views

Last month was about getting rich (perhaps too much for some of you), so we were thinking that it was time to go back to war.

A Legend Forged in Battle

Achilles. Hector. Beowulf. Siegfried. The Knights of the Round Table. Myths and Legends are filled with tales of legendary warriors. It is time to forge your own. Can you lead one of your warriors through the ages to fame and glory, so they become known as a great champion and the slayer of many foes of your people? Face your neighbors on the field of battle and create the greatest warrior known to HUMANKIND™ by amassing the highest kill count on a single unit. 

As a reminder, these challenges are prepared by the community team for the community, while the team is working on future things.

How to play the scenario:

  1. Download the save LegendaryWarriorScenario.ctr
  2. Place the save in “/Documents/Humankind/Save Files” (Windows PC) or “/library/application support/humankind/Save Files” (MacOS) 
  3. Claim the Para Bellum DLC on Steam, EGS, or Microsoft Store (It’s free until May 10th!)
    Open the game > Content > Content Management > Add-ons 
  4. Make sure only the Para Bellum DLC is enabled 
  5. Load the save labeled “LegendaryWarriorScenario” in game  
  6. (optional) If you want to submit a score to the leaderboard, check this post

Scenario Conditions

  • Victory Condition: Top 3 Fame at game end  
  • End Condition: Turn Limit 
  • Game Conditions: Nation difficulty, Fast game speed, Parabellum DLC  
  • Leaderboard Submission Deadline: June 1st 
  • Leaderboard Ranking: Highest kill count on a single unit, tiebreaker by Fame 

Have fun on your path to victory!

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a year ago
May 4, 2023, 3:17:24 PM

The fact that you put Achilles, Hector, Beowulf and Siegfried's names together make me rise some questions.
Does it mean that in the future you might add some of them to the game as some new community challenge Personas? I don't know whether it would really be so (and I doubt about it), but I would really like to play a Da Vinci-like series of challenges, but Iliad-themed and then obtain an Achilles and Hector Personas. Oh, that surely would be a really big dream.
I'm also happy about the new Scenario though, I can't wait for the next new big announcement. 

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a year ago
May 4, 2023, 3:21:32 PM
A1y0sh4 wrote:

The fact that you put Achilles, Hector, Beowulf and Siegfried's names together make me rise some questions.
Does it mean that in the future you might add some of them to the game as some new community challenge Personas? I don't know whether it would really be so (and I doubt about it), but I would really like to play a Da Vinci-like series of challenges, but Iliad-themed and then obtain an Achilles and Hector Personas. Oh, that surely would be a really big dream.
I'm also happy about the new Scenario though, I can't wait for the next new big announcement. 

I'm afraid not. This is just some fluff I wrote for the scenario, not reflective of future plans. Achilles, Hector, and the Arthurian knights are there as examples a lot of players might know, Beowulf as one they have encountered in game (I considered throwing in Gilgamesh as well, since while he was a ruler he was also a proficient warrior), and Siegfried just because.

Glad to see somebody else recognizing these names, at least. :)

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a year ago
May 4, 2023, 5:01:51 PM

Thank you for your explanation, I appreciate your creativity efforts though :)

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a year ago
May 5, 2023, 2:57:04 AM

I also appreciate reading this list of historical warriors and will gladly second the wish for one or more of them to become future Persona Challenges. I loved working on those with the community last year with Da Vinci being a highlight for me personally. Hope we can do something like that again soon. Thanks for the updates/scenarios thus far this year. I look forward to reading what's next.   

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a year ago
May 5, 2023, 5:50:58 AM

I do want to bring up one thing. Church of lady zion and the great zimbabwe are optional things you can turn off, but they're listed under updates rather than add-ons. Should we disable them as well?

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a year ago
May 5, 2023, 5:54:40 AM
Also going to mentioned, that the news article says victory condition is most fame, where the scenario page says you need to be in top 3 for fame

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a year ago
May 5, 2023, 7:36:53 AM
Nightmare_Dusk wrote:

I do want to bring up one thing. Church of lady zion and the great zimbabwe are optional things you can turn off, but they're listed under updates rather than add-ons. Should we disable them as well?

Yes, that's correct. The game should give you a warning if your content doesn't match.

Nightmare_Dusk wrote:
Also going to mentioned, that the news article says victory condition is most fame, where the scenario page says you need to be in top 3 for fame

Indeed, it should be top 3 (since focusing on the kill count of one unit might interfere with your fame gathering). Thanks for pointing it out.

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